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Oh no...how will Chris react? I pace outside of Sam's hospital room, swinging my hands frantically. Ringing phones, constant chattering, and beeping machines put my nerves on ten. This has never happened to him before...he's never had someone close physically hurt like this. I try to shoo the thought away, but it keeps boomeranging back-a dark thought shadows over me.

I think what I'm about to witness with my son will be how he behaves when he loses me...or his mother. Am I ready for that??

Don't think like that.

I absentmindedly swipe a magazine from a nearby rack; willing oncoming tears to be still as I read celebrity gossip-Trump's impeachment. My mind forces away the accident scene...with little effort. The blood that ran from Sam's leg...him passed out on the black street. A protruding bone, white torn skin, and muscle tissue. Redness...so much of it.

A doctor exits the room. A woman. "He should be up in a bit....you can go inside, as long as your family."

I place the paper down. "Umm, father in law." Which isn't a complete lie. The two are sticking together...and will even more after this-no questions about it.

"That's fine." She gestures to the hospital room, inviting me in. "Let me know if you need anything." I simply nod and walk into the clean, white room-closing the door...muffling the noise beyond. But still, a monitor beeps.

Sam's leg is elevated on a wrap, covered in bandages, as he sleeps. I plant my tush into a chair beside the bed, paddling my boots on the floor; watching an injured man rest. My feet paddle on. I tap my hands on the armrests of the chair to drown out the beeping machine within.

His parents have to be called...I think his cell is at the house. They need to know. I pity them...if I was feeling this much dread and helplessness, what will they feel?

The door opens. An overwhelmed Reba paces in, cupping one of her hands into the other nervously. "Well..." I stand.

"He didn't believe it...right now he's in shock, a doctor is seeing him."

I hang my head low. "It was so out of the blue..."

She shakes her head. "I don't think it was...something is up. I saw that car watching the block a week ago. Same car, no titles or brand...same color."

I almost laugh at her. "Did you?"

"You think I'm crazy?"


"Then why did macho man not get out of the way? That was a show of force. Before you came downstairs, I depicted that Sam knew what was about to happen." Reba drops her voice to a hiss.

"I agree, that was strange that he wasn't scared."

"Exactly." She huffs. "After this is dealt with, both of them need to tell us what's going on. It's time for an intervention."

"Maybe give or take a day or two."

"No!" My wife feuds. "We're the real adults here; we need to demand the truth."

Maybe she's not wrong...who has a standoff with a car?

"What a day..." She exhales and nears to lay her head on my shoulder. "We'll have to stay the night. Cheeto has enough food for tonight and will rip the bag open if we're not back by tomorrow, plus he knows how to work the faucet. No way I'm leaving or sleeping away from either of the boys. Anything can happen."

"The boys?" I chuckle. "So you forgive Sam now?"

"I have no choice but to." A gentle voice answers. "Me acting like I had a say-so was meaningless. I had already accepted him before the cheating, I liked him right off. He loves Chris." Reba inches her head back to stare up at me. "And Chris likes him cus he acts like you."

I squint, debating, and concluding to a disagreement. "I don't see it."

"You're a guy, of course you don't." She jabs with a hint of restlessness. "I'll stay with Sam. You can go to Chris; I feel he'll wake from his daze and talk to you."

"Why do you think that?"

"You're his father...plus guys have more of a sacred code with each other. He needs you more than he needs me right now."

I don't tell her that I'm afraid to see him so cut up...I just bite my tongue. "Alright, I'll go."

Reba eyes the beeping monitor that tracks Sam's vitals. "I hate the noise...I had the nurse turn Chris's off; I couldn't keep counting his breaths. I doubt I'll be able to make the same request for Sam. I'm not his mother."

"Don't count."

"I'll try not to." Her voice breaks from exhaustion...even though she'd gotten sleep. Reba sits up in the chair, clasping her fingers together and raising them to her mouth. Watching Sam's still, wrapped body slowly breathe.

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