Chapter 10

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Oh, shit! Guys, Valentine's using someone else's satellite. He's going to reconnect the chain. It's going to take him no time at all. It's at twenty percent!" Merlin reports to us from the plane. "Fuck." I whisper, running faster. "(Y/n), Eggsy, it seems Valentine's got a present for you. Get a move on!" Merlin adds, but it's too late. Valentine guards start to surround us. They back us to a wall, making a U around us. There's to many of them to take them out with our pistols. It's over. "Merlin, we're fucked." Eggsy rushes. I grab his hand, which he squeezes, for comfort. "As am I." Merlin says. Eggsy looks at me. "They're coming at me from both sides, I'm out of options. Rox, Rox, I need a favor. Call my mum. Tell her to lock herself away from Dean, and the baby... and... tell her I love her." Eggsy says to Roxy. My eyes linger on Eggsy's face, getting one last looks. "(Y/n), I love you." I pull him a little closer as the guards set up to fire. "I love you too."

"Oh, for fuck's sake." I hear Merlin says. But then I think of something. "Merlin, remember those implants you said were of no use to us?" I ask. "Any chance you can turn them on?" Eggsy adds, catching on. Merlin must of gotten into the system because we see the guards have their heads explode like fireworks. Bright colors erupt from where their heads should be. "Fucking hell!" I breathe a laugh. "Oh, my God! That is fucking spectacular!" Merlin exclaims. "Merlin, you're a fucking genius!" Eggsy praises with a smile. I laugh in excitement. "We fucking did it." I exclaim. He pushed me against a door, and pulls me into a passionate kiss. It's wonderful, feeling like the first kiss all over again. He probably would have fulfilled his earlier promise if it weren't for the sudden thumping on the door we were leaning against. "What the fuck is happening out there?" A feminine voice shouts in anger. Eggsy opens the hatch on the door to see a blonde woman that I recognize. "Aren't you that princess who went missing?" I ask. "Can you get me out?" She pleads.

"Yeah, sure. We probably need to get a lot of people out of here." I shrug. Eggsy nods in agreement, also leaning into my ear. "We'll continue this later." He whisper, sending shivers down my spine. But then I'm surprised by Valentine's voice coming over a speaker. "You motherfuckers. Did you really think I was stupid enough to implant one of those things in my own head? What are you, fucking crazy? All those innocent people killed, and for what? You didn't stop shit!" And then it cuts out. "Fuck, he's not dead?" I punch the metal door in frustration, which obviously did nothing but make me bleed. Again. I need to stop doing that. I shake it off as Merlin speaks again. "(Y/n), Eggsy, the signal's started! Get Valentine's hand off that bloody desk now!" I sigh. "Sorry. Gotta save the world." Eggsy says to her. "If you save the world, we can do it." She adds, probably to add motive. "I'm his girlfriend, you arse." Then I close the hatch. Eggsy chuckles at my jealously. "I wasn't gonna take her up on the offer." He promises. I shrug. "We got bigger things to worry about." We sprint back into the party room. It's empty, obviously, but we can see Valentine and the woman. We take our pistols and start shooting at them. We see the ravenette grab Valentine, who consequently takes his hand off the scanner stopping the signal.

"You did it!" Merlin praises as we continue to shoot at them, trying to get the glass to break. "Merlin, quickly, how do I get up there?" Eggsy asks. "Keep shooting, I'll find a route." "Understood." And then suddenly the woman bursts through the glass and starts shooting at Eggsy. My eyes widen at her blade leg replacement. I note that Valentine puts his hand back to activate the signal. "Fuck!" We get into a fist fight with the trained girl, barely dodging her bladed legs. "Fuckin' get on with it!" Merlin scold. "Shut the fuck up, Merlin." Is my reply. "Kick his ass, Gazy!" I hear Valentine shout to her. I growl, getting a solid roundhouse kick to her face. While she is stunned, I knee her face. Unfortunately she quickly recovers, and uses her leg to make a slice on my shoulder. I stumble back, and Eggsy defends. "The world is going to shit!" Merlin pressures. "I know, I know." I growl.

"Are they dead yet?!" Valentine shouts from his spot above. "Not yet!" 'Gazy' responds, dangerously low. "Stop playing with your food! Kill them!" She is about to take a swipe at Eggsy, but I push her off balance. She glare at me from across the room. We run at each other then launch ourselves into the air. She attempts to cut me with her legs, but I click my heels to make the poisonous blade come out. As she misses me, I cut her with the blade in my shoe. As we land we turn to stare at each other. She glares at me, but I smirk at her. Only then does she realize she's been cut, and she start seizing until she falls. Dead. "Gazelle! Gazelle!" Valentine shouts. Eggsy smiles at me, grabbing on of Gazelles legs. He hurls it at him like a javelin, stabbing Valentine through his chest. Valentine removes his hand, the throws up and falls below to our level.

"Well done!" Merlin praises. "Yes! Yes, guys!" Roxy cheers. "Well done, Eggsy, (Y/n). And you, Lancelot." Eggsy and I smile at each other in victory. "Harry would be proud of you two. He was right." Merlin adds. I smile at the memory of Harry. "He always was." I say. Then Eggsy and I walk over to Valentine, barely alive. "What's up, man? Is this the part where you say some really bad pun?" He asks feebly. "Well, it's like you said to Harry. This ain't that kind of movie, bruv." Eggsy says, leaning over Valentine. Valentine smiles. "Perfect." Valentine takes one last breath before dying. In a way, it's almost sad, seeing him die. But for what he did, I think I'll be okay with it.

Suited {Eggsy x Reader} (Kingsman Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن