Chapter 3

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

"Fall in." The Scottish man shouts, getting everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Merlin. You are about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world. One of you, and only one of you, will become the next Lancelot. Can anybody tell me what this is?" He holds up a wrapped plastic bag, the other recruits put up their hands and Merlin points to one of them. "Yes?" Merlin asks. "Body bag, sir." The recruit answers. Well, damn. "Correct. Charlie, isn't it?" The recruit nods. "Yes, sir." "Good. In a moment, you will each collect a body bag. You will write your name on that bag. You will write the details of your next of kin on that bag. This represents your acknowledgment of the risks that you're about to face as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality. Which, incidentally, if you break, will result in you and your next of kin being in that bag. Is that understood?"

Well, this shit just got real. I'm okay with that though. In Eggsy words from earlier, what have I got to lose. Everyone, besides Eggsy, nods. "Excellent. Fall out." Merlin hands me a bandage, pointing at his head, then leaves. I take a seat on a bed next to the one Eggsy sits on. I feel a little outnumbered here. I sigh before moving towards Eggsy. "You good, bruv?" Eggsy has the most confused look on his face. Can't say I blame him though. "More or less. Do you want a hand with that?" He gestures towards the bandage I hold. I nod. Once again we find ourselves close to each other. Lovely. "There, luv, good as new." I almost blush at the word luv. Almost. "Thanks." "Roxanne. But call me Roxy." A voice suddenly says. We face one of the other female recruits, shaking her hand. "I'm Eggsy." She looks confused. "Eggy?" She ask. I chuckle. "No, Eggsy." He corrects. "(Y/n)." I introduce.

"Eggy? (Y/n)? And where did they dig you two up?" A new voice, Charlie if I remember correctly, interrupts. I scoff a little. Rich snobs. "You know we're not allowed to discuss who proposed us." Roxy says to him, clearly a follow all the rules kind of gal. I wonder how many agents there are. Was Harry supposed to recruit two people? Or did it just happen? Could someone else not recruit someone when they were supposed to? "No need to bite his head off. Charlie's only making conversation, right, Charlie? I'm Digby." I shake his hand, Eggsy following. "This is Rufus." We continue the greeting. "So, Eggy, (Y/n) are you Oxford or Cambridge?" I roll my eyes. It's clear where we're from. "Neither." Eggsy bites. "Saint Andrews?" Charlie asks. "Durham?" Digby continues the taunt. "No, wait, I think we may have met. Did you serve me at the McDonald's in Winchester service station?" Rufus asks Eggsy. "No, but if I had, I'd have given you an extra helping of secret sauce." Eggsy replies. "It's definitely Saint Andrews." Charlie snickers. I hear them talk as they walk away. "They won't last long. Especially her. Needed Eggy to cover her wound for her." I growl, and flip them off while they turn away. "Pricks." I mumble.

"Just ignore them." Roxy reassures. "Or I could beat them." I growl quietly. But they still hear. Roxy shakes her head in amusement, while Eggsy smirks. "You need a pen?" Another girls asks, referring to the body bag tags. "Amelia, isn't it? Amelia, Eggsy and (Y/n)." Roxy introduces. "Make that (Y/n) and Eggsy because he's the sidekick." I say, shaking her hand. "Sidekick? I don't think so, luv." Amelia seems confused. "Old friends?" She asks. "Nah, I've known him for, like, four hours." I say, getting chuckle. "Don't take any notice of those guys." Amelia adds. "That's what I told him." Roxy says. Amelia hands me and Eggsy a pen, then walks off. "It's just scare tactics. Classic Army technique. No one's gonna die." Roxy reassures. I hope she's right, but I'm not so sure. Eggsy looks over to the self proclaimed ass-hats. "Shame." He says. I fill out the tag on the body bag. 'Name: (Y/n) (L/n) Next of Kin: None.' All of my family is gone.

Eggsy takes notice. "No one?" He asks. "Private details." I say, moving the bag away. "I thought you said you had a step mum?" "I do." "So about her?" "You do remember that I said that, referring to the gash on my head, right? I stopped questioning your bruises, so stop questioning mine." I snap, coming off harsher then I meant to. He stops asking questions, to my relief. "I didn't mean to snap, Eggsy, honest." I say. He nods. "Believe me, I get it." I may not know much about this kid, but I do know this. We're the same.


I wake up to cold water. Not thrown in my face, but filling the room. "Fuck!" I shout. "Alright, no one panic. Listen to me. Stay calm. Fuck." Charlie tries, but fails, to not panic. I advert my eyes from Eggsy's bare chest, making him look fucking hot, and help everyone else look around for help. "Loo snorkels, loo snorkels!" Charlie goes on about. "What?" I ask, confused, but am ignored for obvious reasons. "Shower heads!" Roxy shouts. "Shower heads?!" Eggsy asks. "She's right. Go! Fucking go!" Charlie shouts. Everyone swims towards the shower heads. "Hey, hang about, what's wrong with the fucking door?" Eggsy says. I take a final breath before the room is completely filled. Eggsy swims over to the door, me following him, and we try to open it but fail. I nudge him, noticing the mirror. A two way mirror. I've noticed a lot in interrogation rooms. He realizes what I mean, and we swim over to it. My lungs burn, but I ignore it as we punch the mirror. Finally, it breaks, and we fall into another room. I take a greedy breath to fill my lungs with oxygen.

"Congratulations on completing your first task. Charlie, Roxy, well done. For those of you who are still confused, if you can get a breathing tube around a U-bend of a toilet, you have an unlimited air supply. Simple physics, worth remembering. Eggsy, (Y/n), well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror." I simply nod at the loo snorkel information, making a mental note about it while hacking my lungs out. "Probably seen enough of them." Before I can make a remark, Merlin speaks. "Yeah, you can all wipe those smirks off your faces. Because as far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has failed. You all forgot the most important thing. Teamwork." Merlin points back into the wet room. And he points to the dead body of Amelia. So much for scare tactics.

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