Chapter 1

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I lace up my converse, throw a red flannel over whatever band T-shirt I'm wearing, and tuck the medal into my jean pants. I leave my room, and am met in the face with my step mum. Three years after my mum's death, my father met Karen, who's a bitch, and they married after a year. Then my father died from a heart attack after they were married for four years. After his death, she got worse. She used to verbally abuse me when he was alive, and was nice when he was around, but then she started physically hitting me. I'd leave, but I've got nowhere to go. No friends, no family. The closest thing I got is a 'gang' that I get drunk with then graffiti some stores. Not people I particularly trust with my issues.

"Oi, you little shit! You drank my wine, didn't you?" I roll my eyes. I'm not much of a wine drinker. "You probably got drunk , and drank more then you thought." I say in a snarky tone. She back hands me. "Don't talk that way to me! I can send my own thugs after you!" "You mean all the men that pay you to have sex with you?" I retort. She turns red with rage, then lunges at me. Luckily for me, I've taken multiple forms of martial arts, did a small time of military training, and have done a lot of parkour to escape her groupies. I land a solid roundhouse kick, the bolt onto the fire escape of our apartment. I dash up the stairs to the roof, making sure she doesn't follow me. I pause on the roof for a moment before deciding to go for a drink.

I do a little roof hopping until I'm close to the pub, climbing down the fire escape of the new building. I walk from the alleyway and into the pub, greeted by the smell of alcohol. I'm instantly relaxed. I take a seat at the bar, flagging a bartender for some whiskey. I knock my drink back, ordering another. "Rough night?" The bartender asks. He's a attractive man, tall, built, dark hair, bright eyes. "That's one way to put it, bruv." I reply, taking time on this next drink. "I'm John." He holds out a hand to shake. He's cute,but not in the mood for flirting. "Didn't ask." He laughs. "Feisty." He states. "And where do you get off? How 'bout you go on with your business, and I'll go on with mine." He smirks, but leaves. I down my drink, then head to the door just as some of the 'gang' members walk in. "Oi, (Y/n), were gonna get a brew, then knock 'em up on Winchester. You in?" I'm asked by Crusher.

Crusher is quite the girl. Spunky, mysterious, angry, but knows a hell of a time. An edgy, emo, chick that loves trouble. Her boyfriend, Skull, slings an arm around her. Think of what a young biker would look like, and that's him. "Come and join us. We got a ton a paint." He persists. Then Peppy, walks up next to them. Peppy is nothing like is name. A bland person unless he's pissed, in which case you better hope you aren't the one he's mad at. Believe me, I've pissed him off a lot. If anyone of us looked like street trash, it was Peppy. He was like the leader, and a small bit older then the rest of us being over thirty. He actually was pretty well off, but decided to spend his cash on paint, booze, and bail. He gives me a nod. "Sure, I'll bite." I decide. I grab one last drink with them, then we walk down a few blocks.

Winchester is not a secluded street, so we carefully roam through alleyways. Another thing though, this is the fancy, snobbish, part of town. Ten times more dangerous, but twenty times more fun. I smack Crusher on the shoulder, pointing at some fancy wine store. I happen to know that Karen buys wine from this place. "I think we should hit that store." She smirks at me. "Let's do it." I take a can of red paint, shaking it as we cross the street. We spend 20 minutes painting the shop when we hear police sirens. "Shit!" Skull curses. "Eh, you guys get going, I'll take the fall." "Damn right." Peppy mutters. I sigh as they scatter without a second thought, like i said, we're aren't friends. Just acquittances. But I'll take the fall because I don't want the feds on our asses. If they think it's just me, let me out, them boom, back to routine.


"Who were you with?" Some cops asks me. "I told you, I want with anyone." I hold my ground. I'm good at holding my tongue. "Listen kid, I got a lot of angry people who want you to go down. So it can either be you go down hard, or you all go down lightly. So are you going to go to the slammer for some punks?" I growl slightly. Of course they'll do that for those rich snobs. Vandalism is not a heavy crime. I should be able to be bailed out. "I think I'd like to use my right to a phone call." I decide, remembering the medal. Peppy isn't going to bail me because he's probably pissed at my choice of store, and Karen sure as hell isn't gonna bail me out. And I'm not staying. Time to cash in a favor.

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