Chapter 4

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

All the recruits are lined up in matching plaid jumpsuits in various colors. "As some of you will have learned last night, teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman. We're here to enhance your skills, test you to the limit. Which is why you're gonna pick a puppy." Merlin says. I'm internally excited. I've wanted a puppy since I was four years old, but my dad was allergic and Karen hated dogs. I look to see all of the cages lined up in front of us with different breeds of dogs. "Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it, you will teach it, and by the time it's fully trained, so will you be. Those of you who are still here, that is. Do you understand?" Merlins ask. I nod, along with everyone else. "Choose your puppy." Merlin says. Everyone walks up to the cages, myself included. I see a puppy that immediately grabs my interest. A little black lab puppy. I've done a lot of research on dog breeds. Labs are intelligent, durable, and excellent swimmers. Based on last night, I think that's a plus. I pick up the dark puppy, and he licks my face. "Who's a perfect little boy?" I decide to name the little guy Toby.

I get back in line next to Eggsy, Roxy on his other side. "A poodle?" Eggsy asks Roxy. "What? They're gun dogs. Oldest working breed. Easy to train." Roxy replies. I nod at her in approval, which she notices. "A pug?" She asks. I look at Eggsy's dog. "It's a bulldog, in'it?" He asks. I stifle a laugh while Roxy give him a look. He looks at me. "It'll get bigger though, won't it?" I hold up my fingers, close together. "Shit." I chuckle. "Don't worry. Pugs aren't that bad. Pugs tend to be smart, observant, and quick learners. Plus they will bond with you easily." He looks at me, impressed. I shrug. "I like dogs." I defend.


"J.B., come on! Come on! I'm not coming last cause of you." Eggsy yells at his dog. Toby has been working excellently with me, and I was with the rest of the group. I look back to see Eggsy pointing his rifle at the dog. "J.B., I'll shoot you! Goddamn you, I'll fucking shoot you!" I roll my eyes, and fall back to help him. "Eggsy, you can't scare him. You have to keep moving. He ain't that strong, keep moving and he'll go." I teach him. J.B. whimpers. "Merlin said we're not allowed to hold you." J.B. continues to whimper. Giving in, Eggsy picks up J.B. "Bollocks." I laugh as he starts running with J.B. tucked in his shirt. We quickly catch back up with the others.


I'm woken up from my sleep by cold water. My immediate reaction was that the room was filling again. "Everyone wake up!" I shout before I realize people are laughing. I see Charlie and his friends standing over my bed. "Come on, then!" Eggsy says, getting up from his bed to come to my defense. "The fuck is wrong with you?" I point an accusing finger at them. "What? Can't take a joke?" Charlie asks. I notice Digby looking at my chest, but I ignore that for now. "Let's see how funny it is when you have no teeth left." I step forward, but am yanked back by Eggsy. "You can't get kicked out with me." He decides, his way of telling me to drop it. I glare at the dickhead before lifting a scared, wet, Toby. "Sorry Toby, good boy, it's okay." Eggsy pats Toby's head. I place the pup on the floor to change my sheets. Toby shakes off the water, then walks over to Eggsy's dry bed. "Those pricks." Eggsy mumbles. "You're telling me." Eggsy looks at me, and I notice him blush. "What's that face for?" I ask. "Erm..." I look down, remembering I had been wearing a white T-shirt. Without a bra. I quickly use my arms to cover my exposed breasts. And for once I actually get red from embarrassment. "I-I can change the bedsheet while you change." Eggsy offers. I mumble a thanks before grabbing a fresh shirt. I send the boys a final glare, only getting snickers back and another look from Digby. I flip him off while walking away.


"You have exactly one hour to complete the test, starting now." Merlin tells us. We all rush to finish the paper test. I do however, notice Eggsy send me a small smile of reassurance before looking down at his paper. I'm glad because I know I'm a bit redder then before when I look down.

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