Camera // Alex Bowman

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I clicked the shutter one last time, happy to capture the last photograph for whichever driver stood in front of me

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I clicked the shutter one last time, happy to capture the last photograph for whichever driver stood in front of me. It's been a long ass day and I was beyond exhausted. Sleep hasn't been my bestfriend lately and with the stress of everything else going on in my life, being locked up in a warehouse, photographing NASCAR drivers was not something I was looking forward to.

Don't get me wrong, I love being behind a camera. This was my dream job and I was very proud of my work. Just, some days I'd just rather be elsewhere and today was one of them.

"Oh, you must be new." I looked up from my camera as I was clicking through the last set of photos into gray eyes that stole my breath away. I've been around some good looking men in my life, but the one in front of me had that cuteness that me a little tongue-tied. "I'm Alex, by the way."
"I see they saved the best for last." I bit the inside of my cheek not believing I just said that. He winked in response and I swear my heartfluttered out of my chest.

Alex and I chatted for a bit. He asked where I was from and was a bit surprised to find out that I actually work with NASCAR because usually they bring in local photographers for media day. Talking with him eased my shoulders and I didn't even realize I was tense. I was also a bit surprised that he would take the time to talk to me when I know he's been doing that all day with different media members. Usually drivers grumble and complain when they're stuck in front of the camera posing and never acknowledge my presence.

"Okay fancy photographer, where do you want me?" I laughed as he stood in the middle of the white backdrop posing like a Superhero. Even though he wore a white firesuit, the lighting cast a glow around him that made him standout.

And then he smiled into the camera and I swear it melted my soul.

It took all I had to be professional, but I couldn't help but smile and laugh whenever he would do a funny face or pose in a goofy position. His PR person yelled at him a few times but he ignored her and just continued doing what he wanted.

I was a bit sad when I took the last shot, this time a more serious look that told me he was here to win and I secretly hoped that he would on Sunday. He's the first driver I've ever thought about that with and I knew it was because there was something special about him.

"Can I look?"
"Yeah, let me upload them to my laptop real quick." I pressed a button on my camera allowing the photos to automatically upload into my editing program.
"Wow, you make me look good." He leaned in to scroll through all of the photos and I could smell his cologne.
"You smell good," the words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.
"And you're really cute." I looked at Alex, shocked he would even say something like that when he just met me. I didn't have time to respond because he was grabbing my camera and he started to take photos of me.

"Hey!" I tried to reach out for it but it was impossible. He was at least 6 feet and I was barely 5. I barely reached his head so when I reached up for my camera, he bent down, wrapping his free arm around my back and pulled me into a kiss.

I gasped, looking up into those gray eyes that stopped me in my tracks for the first time I saw him and then back down to his lips. "I hope that's okay?" He questioned.

"More than," I grabbed the front of his firesuit, pulled him into me and kissed him hungrily. It's been way too long since I've been kissed and the way he was bending me backwards and licking into my mouth had me swooning and completely forgetting where we are.
"Go out with me?" He asked breathlessly as he broke the kiss, but not letting me go. I noted how I fit perfectly in his arms.
"Only if you give me my camera back." He thought about it for a second, stepping away from me for a moment to snap another photo.
"Nah, I think I'd like to keep this."
"Alex!" I began to pout and he just laughed.
"On the other hand..." Alex laid down my camera carefully beside my laptop and turned back to me. "I'd like to keep you." I swooned, biting my lip as he titled my chin up and placed a chaste kiss on my lips.
"I'd like that, too."

Alex and I forgot about the world as we stood there kissing for who knows how long, it wasn't until someone whistled and hollered that I pulled away embarrassed. "Wanna get out of here?" I didn't think twice as I grabbed his hand and told my assistant to pack everything up. Alex just who I needed to turn my crappy day around and I couldn't wait to see how my night will end with him. 


A/N: Super short and super cute. I hope you guys liked this! 

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