Blind Date // Harrison Burton

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My foot shook underneath the table that I sat at as I pretended to wait for my date. I was fooling myself thinking he was just running late, but there was no denying the fact that I was officially stood up.

I knew better than to agree to a blind date that my mother set me up with. He probably walked in here, saw me sitting here and did an about face. This is why I never go out with anyone but I couldn't say no to my mother.

However, now I wish I did because the waitresses keep snickering as they walk by and make smart comments about waiting for my date.

"I'm sorry, but if your date isn't coming, we really need the table." I looked up at the girl who had a fake smile on her face as she pointed towards the door where a line of people were gathered. "Unless you want to order something? We do have some nice meals to go so you can enjoy them with your date later." Tears pricked my eyes as she said that with glee, like she was thrilled that I was left alone and sitting at a table for two right in the middle of the restaurant for about an hour now.

"No, I'll just go..." She smirked at me as she waited for me to gather my things. However, a loud commotion at the door had both of us looking and a guy around my age stumbled in with rosy red cheeks and a brilliant smile.

My heart did a funny flip when he glanced my way and started to walk towards us.

"Sorry I'm late, Bristol, right?" He looked at me expectedly and I just shook my head unsure of what to say. "I'm Harrison, your date." He blushed, which I didn't understand why as he took off his jacket.

"No, it's too late, I have to give up the table." I said sadly and the waitress just stood there beaming. However, when Harrison looked at her, her features changed drastically.

"I would like your finest wine and two of the dinner specials, thank you." He smiled and then sat down across from me, ignoring the blatantly stare of the waitress until she huffed and walked off.

"I'm sorry, but I thought I was meeting up with Riley?"

"You were."

"What happened?" Harrison sighed as he looked at me, annoyance written all over his face.

"I was hanging out at the bar down the street, enjoying the basketball game with some of my buddies when Riley came in, stating how he was supposed to be on a date but ditched her. He kept going on and on and the more he talked, the angier I got." He looked down to his fist when I noticed some blood on it. He smiled at me when I put two and two together. "I'll spare the details but the moment he showed me a picture of you sitting alone at this table was when I gave him a bloody nose."

I knew it.

I knew he came in here, saw me and then disappeared.

"You really didn't have to..." I felt hot tears prick my eyes and before I knew it, they were streaming down my cheeks. Harrison reached across the small table, wiping away my tears.
"Baby girl, don't cry. That's why I'm here. Riley is an idiot for leaving such a beautiful girl sitting alone at a table. It shows you the type of guy he really is. He didn't care and I do. I didn't even hesitate to come here."

I swallowed back a sob and smiled at Harrison.

"I can't believe you did that though." Harrison smiled brightly at me and I realized his front tooth was broken, which made him look even more adorable.

"It's a fake tooth, but I let Riley think he got a good punch in even though he barely slapped my face." Harrison pulled out the other half his tooth and showed me, which made me laugh and smile for the first time tonight.

Our food came and so did the delicious wine. Talking to Harrison was so easy and freeing. I knew by the end of the night I felt something for him. He was so sweet and charming and that smile just absolutely killed me.

"I don't want this night to end." I whispered as we walked outside, the cold air wrapping around us tightly. Harrison turned to me, looked at my lips and then up to my eyes.

"Maybe it doesn't have to." I held my breath when he leaned in, cupping my cheek with his soft fingers and then leaned in.

I moaned softly when his lips touched mine and I knew right there and then, this man was going to be it for me.


A/N:  This was so bad, sorry lol but Harrison and his chipped tooth is just too cute not to write about. 

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