Inspiration // Ty Gibbs

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Make it happen - shock everyone.

I stared at the perfect script on a small little notecard I found stashed inside my helmet before the race. I looked around, trying to figure out who put it there but like always, no one was watching me.

These little messages started to pop up about a month ago, all inspirational quotes, encouraging me to never give up or to keep my head raised high.

The first time I got it, I thought maybe my grandma did it, but she just smiled at me when I brought it up and I knew it wasn't her. Or my mom, or my sister. I asked around the shop and no one would fess up or notice anyone in or around my car before races.

After a while, I stopped looking for who it may be because they started to mean so much to me.

Everything will work out in the end. You don't need to know how. You just have to trust that it will.

Don't fear the uncharted path.

Embrace your strengths and all that you are,

No matter your sorrows. Joy awaits you tomorrow.

I believe in you <3

I carried the last one everywhere I went. It's folded up in my wallet and before each race, I put it in a hidden pocket inside of my firesuit. I didn't know who she was but I wish I could at least thank her.

I added the new one to my secret pocket, placing my hand over it as the prayer was said. I've been going through a rough time on track lately and I needed that pick up.  

By the time was race was over, I was completely beat up and discouraged.  I hit the wall one too many times. I got spun out and a flat tire caused us to go down a lap. I was just over today and needed to be alone.

I walked to the hauler with the full intention of locking myself in the office to scream or cry or to do something. I hated today. Nothing went right for me and I felt like the biggest loser in NASCAR history.

I pushed open the door, went straight to the fridge and pulled out some water and grabbed some crackers. Marching back to the office I was surprised to see my PR girl huddling over the desk and scribbling on a piece of paper.

"Leia? What are you doing here?" She jumped, grabbing the paper and crinkling it up.

"Ty! Aren't you supposed to be doing interviews or something? Why is the race over already?" Leia's face was red like she just got caught doing something she shouldn't. My eyes flicked down to the piece of paper in her hand and then back up to her eyes, which were now avoiding me.

"What's that in your hand?"

"Nothing." She shoved it in her pocket and made to move for the door but I blocked her path.

"If it's nothing, then let me see it." She sighed, running her fingers through her hair and shook her head no. "Please?" I offered, trying to see if I could break her with a sweet smile and glistening eyes.

"Ty..." she sighed, "I can't..."

I knew at that moment that Leia was my mystery girl. Warmth flooded my soul as my heart swelled.

"It's you, isn't it?" She looked down at the floor, not saying a word. That was all I needed for confirmation.

I stepped up to her, tilting her chin up so I could look into her eyes. "Leia," I whispered in a sigh, reaching for her hand and taking the piece of paper for her to read it.

Everything will be okay. God has your back & so do I <3

"You weren't supposed to find out," tears sprang to her eyes as her soft voice broke.

"Leia, don't cry."

"It's just, I wanted to do something nice for you without you knowing who it was. I see how much you struggle and after leaving a note, I saw how much they meant to you. Just, you weren't supposed to find out." She wiped her tears away, clearly frustrated with herself.

I took a step back from her, unzipping my firesuit and reaching inside to grab her other little notes and held them out to her.

"I keep my favorite ones with me at all times." I watched her eyes glance over her previous notes and she looked up at me in surprise.

"You're not upset?" I could hear the unspoken words she didn't say, are you upset that it's me?

"Leia," I pulled her close to me so she had to look up into my eyes. I placed my hands on her cheeks, using my thumbs to push away the tears. "Please don't cry, love. Deep down, I prayed the little notes were from you."

"You did?" The corner of her lips turned up in a small smile and I nodded my head.

"You have no idea how much they mean to me." I moved in even closer, our bodies now flushed and my eyes looked down to her lips and back up to her eyes. Leia nodded, looking down at my lips as I licked mine.

"Kiss me, Ty," she asked breathlessly and I crashed my lips to hers. I poured everything into that kiss, the thank yous, the love and adoration I felt with each note she left me. All of it was unsaid as my lips gilded softly against hers.

All too soon, she pulled back and I rested my forehead against hers, both of us catching our breaths.

"What does this mean?" I smiled, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"It means you're mine now. Simple as that."

"Ty," she giggled.

"But instead of notes, I want you by my side before each race encouraging me and by my side when I get out. And when I wake up in the morning and maybe even before I go to bed." I winked at her and held onto her tightly as she just laughed at me.

"You're everything to me," she whispered, holding onto me just as tightly.

"I'm never going to let you go. I needed you before I even realized it." I kissed her forehead, pulling her onto the couch where we cuddled, both of us falling asleep in each others arms.

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