Confession // Ty Gibbs

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This was inspired by a dream I recently had <3

AU: College best friends

Tears streamed down my face as I knocked on the door. I knew I shouldn't be here – I knew Ty wouldn't want to see me. Not after he told me the guy I was going on a date with tonight was a douche and only wanted one thing from me.

I knocked harder on the door to his dorm, knowing Ty was either gaming with his buddies or passed out from studying nonstop. I knew he was here; Ty never left his dorm.

"Ty, please," I cried, banging and dialing his phone over and over again until suddenly the door swung open. "I had nowhere else to go." I launched myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and cried. "You were right. I was so freaking stupid to think he was different."

Ty stood still for a moment and then he wrapped his arms around my back, pulling me flush to his body. He was so soft, fresh from a shower, and wearing my favorite sweats and hoodie.

"You're not stupid," he whispered, pulling away from me to look into my eyes. "You really thought he was different and you can't fault yourself for that."

"But Ty..." He shook his head, cupping my face with his hands and wiping away the tears that just kept streaming down my face.

"C'mon, let's get you out of that dress. I'll order Chinese and we'll watch a movie, okay?" I nodded, reaching up on my tippy toes to place a kiss on his cheek.

"You're too good to me." I watched with a small smile on my lips as his face turned red, dipping down to his neck. It made me wonder just how far the blush went and as quickly as that thought came, I quickly dismissed it.

Ty was my best friend - has been since grade school when I moved in next door to him. We've been inseparable ever since. We've gone through everything together, our first relationships, first heartaches; fights over silly things that would last for weeks until we forgot why we were even fighting in the first place.

Ty was... Ty.

I sighed, throwing on his hoodie and a pair of leggings I left here who knows when and joined him on the couch. The night went just as expected whenever I came crying to him because a boy wanted to hook up and not date me.

Empty containers filled his coffee table and the movie on Netflix was long forgotten. My head lay on his chest, a position we've been in a million times. Sleep lured me into its depths as I listened to the steady rhythm of Ty's heartbeat. My eyes fluttered closed when I heard his soft voice whispering into the darkness.

"I wish I could tell you how much I love you. I'm such a coward. Every time you come running to me because some loser breaks your heart, I want to beat them up so badly because they just messed up and lost the best person they could possibly have. But then again, no one deserves you. I want to be selfish and make you mine." Ty sighed, placing his hand on my head, and began to play with my hair.

I laid there in shock as Ty held me as tight as he possibly could – almost like if he let go, he would lose me.

He'll never lose me.

That revelation caused my heart to skip a beat. No matter how many boyfriends I've had or even dates I've been on, it was always Ty at the end whom I would come back to. It was always him whom I ran to for comfort when I needed it. He was always there – during my highs and my lows.

It was evident through everything Ty has done for me that he was in love.

"I wish I could kiss you..." New tears pricked my eyes at this confession. I could hear the pain in his voice – the desperation, want, and need. All of it came rushing toward me like a tidal wave and I couldn't pretend anymore. I couldn't lay here in his arms and not give him what he wants

– what I want. The love that I deserve, the love that I know Ty could give me.

"Do you mean everything you just said?" I whispered and immediately felt him tense beneath me.

"You weren't supposed to hear that."

"Ty," I whispered, pushing myself up so I could look at him, "please answer me truthfully." I watched as he swallowed, my eyes following the movement of his Adam's apple and then back up to his baby blues that looked at me like I'm his whole world.

My heart stopped at the moment and I just knew.

I was in love with him, too. Oh man, was I ever in love with this boy in front of me and all it took was a whispered confession to make me see just how blind I've been.

"Ty," I sighed softly, a smile playing on my lips. My heart was pounding loudly in my chest at the next thought that crossed my mind and I knew I had to act on it before I talked myself out of it.

I moved quickly, so quickly Ty gave me a confused look as I pulled him up into a sitting position and crashed my lips to his. He hesitated for a moment - but then he cupped my face, tilting his head just right and - oh.

I sighed as I tasted Ty for the first time - he tasted like the sweetness of his Monster Energy drink and home. A flavor that I wanted to taste for the rest of my life.

"I love you, too." I gasp, pulling away to see his red bitten lips and the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to hear that, say it again."

"I love you." I said, over and over again, showing Ty is all of the ways that I loved him, knowing full well that I've always had. 


A/N: I will not hesitate to block you if you decide to leave a rude comment on this story because of who I'm writing about. The last person who decided to be funny & leave rude comments on ALL of my Ty stories can attest to that =)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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