Care Center // Austin Cindric

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It was late in the infield Medical Center, the Xfinity race over hours ago and I was the one stuck on the late shift. Usually, it was busy with drunk fans coming in because they drank so much they were getting sick or they'd hurt themselves in some stupid way.

The amount of stitches I do on a race weekend is way more than I do when I'm at the hospital working.

I twirled in my chair as a storm passed by. I glanced at the clock and cringed. It was only 8 PM and my shift ended at midnight. I sighed, picked up the book I was reading when the door swung open to reveal that last person I ever thought I'd see.

My heart did a funny flip when my eyes landed on Austin Cindric, he was still in his firesuit that was now stained various colors from the sports drink they celebrated with after he won the race. I hated that I had to watch on TV when victory lane was only a few steps outside. He was the one driver that I secretly rooted for every weekend and it was rare that he would even visit the medical center.

The few times that he has, he was either dehydrated from a race or was required to take a quick concussion test after a wreck.

This time, however, he had an embarrassed smile on his face and when he held up his hand to wave, I saw blood dripping down.

"Austin!" I jumped up and ran to him, holding his hand up and examining the cut. "What happened?" Austin laughed and he held up his other hand that had held two glasses and the neck of a broken bottle of champagne.

"I was hoping to come here and sweep you off your feet and celebrate my win with you. But then I was quickly reminded that I'm clumsy and now there's a broken bottle of champagne outside the door that should be cleaned up." I looked up at Austin to see if he was playing but the blush rising to his cheeks told me he wasn't.

"Let's take off your firesuit so I can clean your cut." I bit my lip as I looked up at Austin. He shot me a quick smile as he laughed and looked away.

My heart was pounding out of my chest at what he just admitted. He wanted to celebrate his win with me?!

"This is so embarrassing." Austin took off the top half of his firesuit and I had to avert my gaze. His muscles bulge at the slightest movement and I could not let my mind go down that route right now. However, my eyes betrayed me and I watched from behind as his muscles flexed, his back strong and his shoulders broad. I could see everything through his thin white shirt and when he turned around, it took all I had not to stare at the spot of skin sticking out around his waist.

"Gracie?" I blinked as Austin held his arm out to me, waiting for me to fix him up.

"Sorry," I whispered, rushing over to him, grabbing his hand to examine what exactly he did. "Cut isn't too bad, but you do have some glass still in the cut, but we should be able to flush it out. Although, it will hurt like a bitch."

"I can take it." Austin made a weird face that I could only describe as 'manly' but then he broke it and gave me a brilliant smile that stole the breath out of my lungs.

"You're so cute." I smiled as those words rushed out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Austin gave me a look that I didn't quite understand but that all changed when I poured hydrogen peroxide onto his cut and he hissed.

"I'm sorry, but we have to clean the cut." Austin groaned as his skin turned hot pink, the cut bubbling white. I knew it hurt, but this clumsy, hot as fuck man, managed to make the cut deep. "Almost done," I reassured and looked up into his eyes. They were hooded, the pain was there but now he hid it, and my heart did a funny leap as he looked down to my lips and then licked his own.

My heart raced as he did that and stared at me as I continued to clean up the cut and bandage him.

"There," I said, letting out a long breath and making sure the bandage wasn't going anywhere. I went to take a step backward but Austin grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

I looked up into his eyes as I stood between his legs as he sat on the bed. He pushed my hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek.

No words were needed to say what was on his mind. He looked down at my lips and I parted mine wordlessly. I held my breath as he moved in, a small smile played on his lips, and then suddenly, I felt nothing but softness as my butterflies fluttered in my chest.

I couldn't help but sigh as Austin moved his lips against mine, so tender, so sweet like he wants to cherish this moment just as much as I do. I grasped onto the front of his shirt as he continued to kiss me, his tongue darting out to prod my mouth open.

An embarrassing moan escaped my throat when I tasted him. Sweetness underlying with nothing but man as the taste of his celebration faded away.

I don't know how long I stood there kissing Austin, but I didn't want this to end. I didn't want the feeling of being wanted to stop nor this magically moment of the driver I've been crushing on to break the kiss.

However, Austin did, only to smile at me and lean back in for more, but finally pulled away with a rose tint to his cheeks.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," he admitted, taking my hand in one of his and rubbing his thumb against my palm.

"And you have no idea how long I've been wanting you to do that."

"I faked coming in a lot of times just to see you, you know."

"What?" I laughed in shock and saw how bashful he was being.

"I know, I would complain that my stomach hurt or I didn't feel right just to sneak away to see you. I'm surprised you didn't catch on."

"Austin." I chided, but instead of yelling at him, I just leaned into him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You don't have to have an excuse to see me."

"I realize that now." I laughed when he sighed, placing his forehead against mine. "Be mine."

My heart stilled as he whispered those words and I nodded my head yes. I wanted nothing more than to be with this man, standing by his side to celebrate the ups and be strong for him when he experiences the downs.

"My Gracie girl," he whispered, smiling brightly and kissing me once again, and stole my heart in the process. 

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