think about it ?

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Night comes to end as sun raised his head, night was full of confessions and was promising to love. Silence was filled in the home but everyone's mind were having different thousands about the future. How will harshal behave ?

Gayatri was asleep after thinking hard about what she has done, Was her demand inappropriate ? or was her ways were wrong ?. Definitely, harshal is going to pay the huge price to get what she wants. She was thinking what will happen if his employee started to have doubt on his words and maybe they will think their boss was stupid who couldn't understand his girlfriend and punished her without thinking about her words. There were thousand possibilities with them she had went through in the single night. She was happy with the thought maybe after this night and day she will get what she wanted in this years but she was sad with the thought that harshal has to pay for it.

Harshal has been her first priority more than anything, she was blaming him for her condition but she couldn't hate him after what he has done to her. Whenever she had think about her respect or harshal, she always had chosen him but what happened last night when she asked him to give her respect back that she had lose because of him. Is her respect is way more important than her love. 

Where she was thinking about the what future will be, On the other side harshal were preparing for the future. He had made his mind that he will give her what she wants. He will made announcement about what he had done and then he will ask for forgiveness. He knew she will forgive him and then she will stay with him forever. Even she would thought about leaving he won't let her go like he did in the past. 

Last time, he only sent his man after her but if this time she will left he will go after her and will bring her back to him. He called his personal assistant and told him to arrange the things like he wants. He needed an speech to tell her how he is sorry for the mistakes. He took an note pad and pen and tried to write words for her. 

He wrote something how he is sorry but thought it's not the way he wants so he tore the page from the note pad and threw it on the floor. He tried again to write something but ended up to throwing that page on the floor. He again tried to write something but before he could write something, he threw the pen on the floor and sighed. He knew how bad he is with this things but still he wanted to give them a try so that he won't forget about the things he wanted to say and she will feel special as he did it for her.

So he smiled for himself and tried to write some words again, but after few trials he knew this thing is not going happen by him. He took a deep breath and only wrote down the words with he wanted to explain tomorrow. It was weird that he was writing a few words not any paragraph for her. 

Gayatri gulped a glass of water and went directly towards the harshal's room, She stood there for some minutes for herself and then swiftly knocked on the door. Harshal was busy with his business as he didn't heard the knocking sound. She opened the door and took the view of his bedroom. His last night's clothes were on the floor. He was on the study table facing her back, crumbled papers were on the floor, his bed was a huge mess, his pillows and duvet on the other side of the bed more than they were on the edge of the bed. She took some steps to reach him but one crumbled paper came under her foot, she took it in her hands and opened it, whole page was scribbled with pen like he was taking out his frustration on the paper.

She tried to read it but it was impossible to read, he was definitely trying to write something in which he failed. She chuckled softly with the thought that owner of samant industries couldn't write few words that he truly wanted to write. As harshal heard the chuckle he turned to her, she looked up to him as they both shared the staring moment between them. Harshal hide the paper under the laptop and asked,

"Do you need anything ?"

"umm..." gayatri stumbled.

"Are you okay shona ?" harshal said as he observed her behaviour, she wanted to say something but was thinking hard about it.

"Actually yesterday I wasn't thinking straight and that's why I told you to do that. Listen, you don't have to... " gayatri was saying something but harshal stopped her and said,

"Whatever I am doing is right. Don't think hard about it. I will manage everything."

"Your employees will put doubt on your words if you did it." Gayatri said.

"They won't, and if they did then I will face that too. But what's important is that you are beside me and that's all matters for me. You will regain your respect." harshal said as gayatri was trying hard to control her tears. 

"Harshal don't do that ?, think about it mainly think about you ?" gayatri said.

"I had thought about it and I will do it without thinking twice." Harshal said as gayatri smashed her lips on him. It was quite unexpected but he handled it. They both kissed each other like their life was depending on it.

"Everything is gonna be okay. I promise you that." Harshal said while breaking the kiss as gayatri nodded her head, he again kissed her.

So, hey guys. Here is the 40 th chapter of our story.

What do you think about this chapter, tell me in the comments.

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love_geetu ^_^

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