Once she hangs up, you look to her, holding your breath.

"They got him. AJ's safe," she assures you.

Finally, you can breath again, and the tears start flowing. Clutching your face in your hands, Bozer embraces you, giving you a comforting hug. "Thank God."


It feels like forever until the door to the War Room opens and Mac walks in, carrying AJ, who holds onto him with his arms around Mac's neck.

When he sees you, he jumps down, and you open your arms. "Mommy!"

He runs into them, and you squeeze him so tightly. You kiss the top of his head and then his cheek. Brushing some stray strands of hair out of the way, you look him in the eyes. "My sweet boy. You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" You check him all over.

"I'm okay, Mommy."

"I would break the laws of gravity, kill for you in the first degree, shut the world out when you need to breathe. Nothing I wouldn't do."

You look to Mac, who stares at the two of you in awe, joy filling his heart. "He's okay," Mac assures. "But, we'll have the Phoenix doctors do a thorough check just to make sure."

You can't seem to stop the tears from flowing down your face. But, AJ places a small hand on your cheek. "It's okay, Mommy. I wasn't that scared."

"You are such a brave little man. But, you know, it's okay if you were scared. Everyone is scared sometimes."

"I wanted to be brave like Daddy," he tells you proudly.

You look to Mac. His face is uncertain. He crouches down next to you and tells AJ, "Hey, bud. You know, I'm not always so brave. I get scared too. My job can be scary. I get scared when I think about you or Mommy being unsafe. Because my real job - the most important one - is to protect you and your mommy." He turns his gaze back to you, solemnly, "And I didn't do that job very well."

You take Mac's hand and squeeze. You mouth to him, "Thank you."


"We could be anything tonight. Just tell me everything you like. Can't you see? We could be something if we tried. Just tell me how to make you mine."

Later, you decide to take AJ back to Mac's. It's the most familiar place to him. After putting him to bed, you go to the kitchen and sit on a stool at the kitchen island. Rubbing your hands over your face, you finally feel able to truly breathe and focus your mind for the first time in the past 24 hours.

Mac comes in. "I'm sorry," he tells you yet again, but this time it feels different, more genuine.

"I know," you acknowledge.

You stare at one another for a second. "I guess I should go. I can come back and pick him up tomorrow afternoon. He was supposed to spend today with you anyway," you tell Mac.

"Y/N, just stay."

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"I know you don't want to leave him. And he deserves to have both his parents with him after what he went through. And frankly I don't want you to go either." He sits down across from you, pondering, "You know what I've been thinking about?"


"About a month ago, my team was on a mission. We were in a tight spot, and it wasn't looking good. For a second, I imagined myself dying. I was truly afraid we were never making it out of there. As my entire life should have been flashing before my eyes, the only thing I could see was you and AJ. The only thing I regretted in that moment was letting you go - for not being the husband and father that you both deserve. What I said earlier about not losing you, I meant it. The thought of losing one or both of you - if that ever happened, I don't know what I would do. You told me to think about what it would be like to be you, and today I think I finally understand that. For years, you've sat back and watched me leave, not knowing what was going to happen, if I'd make it back in one piece. And I'm sorry."

"Mac, I knew what I was signing up for when I married you," you admit, realizing that maybe you've been a little unfair to him in the past few months. "But, then AJ came along and now that he's getting older, he's starting to understand more. And it scares me. The thought of having to raise him alone or having to explain all of this to him - the life that we have to live - It's just so overwhelming."

"What have I gotta do you make you stay?"

"I know," he admits. "And you deserve better. That's why I've decided to retire from the Phoenix."


"My family needs me. And I can't let you go. I refuse to let you go. When I was a kid, my dad joined DXS, and he buried himself into his work. He lost me, and our relationship took years to make amends, and even then it was filled with so many ups and downs. I don't want that for me and AJ. And I don't want that for you and me. I want you to stay. I want us to be a family."

"Mac, it's selfish to make you give up on your career."

"No, it's not. I do what I do to help people. And there are a lot of ways for me to do that, most of which don't involve trying to get myself killed. I want to be a role model for our son. I want to have a job that I can be honest with him about. I want to be here for all the big moments and all the little moments. I want to be us again. So, Y/N, I'm begging you. I will get down on my hands and knees and beg you to stay if I have to."

You don't speak for a second, thinking about everything.

That's when Mac stands up before kneeling in front of you, taking your hands in his. A stray tear runs down your cheek.

You stand from the stool, beckoning him to stand with you.

You pause with your lips just inches from his, closing your eyes and longing for that familiar feel of his lips on yours, of feeling close to him again.

"Are you sure?" you ask him. You want him to make this decision because he wants to, not because he thinks it's what you want him to do.

"I will do anything for you and AJ, for our family. That's what matters."

Finally, your lips meet his, running your hands up his back and through the back of his hair - Feeling the heat build between you like two lost souls finally reconnecting.

***1 year later***

"AJ," you yell back the hall. "Come eat your breakfast. You're going to be late."

"Coming, Mommy!"

AJ runs out to kitchen while you pack his lunch. He quickly starts devouring his bowl of cereal.

"Hey, slow down," you tell him.

"Sorry, I'm just excited."

Mac walks out, and you take in the full sight of him from head to toe. He's dressed in nice dress pants with his shirt tucked in neatly and his hair combed back perfectly.

"Hi," he greets, kissing you on the cheek.

"Hi, professor. Have I told you how sexy this look is on you?" you whisper in his ear.

"Maybe once or twice," he suggests with a cheeky grin. He turns his attention to AJ. "Hey, bud. You ready for career day?"

"I'm so excited!"

"You know," you chime in. "I'm a little hurt that you don't think my job is cool enough to have me come to career day."

"What can I say? He wants to be like his dad," Mac admits proudly.

"Yeah. I guess I'll let it slide."

They both grab their things. You pick up AJ's backpack and put it on him, zippering up his jacket. You give him a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun at school. Be good. I love you."

"Love you too, Mommy."

He runs out to Mac's car. You move over to Mac, draping your arms over his shoulders. You give him a big kiss. "You too."

"Be good? Always," he teases.

"I meant, have a good day. I Love you."

"I Love you too. See you later," he winks.

As he walks out to meet AJ in the car, you smile. Watching your whole world drive away, you don't have to worry because you know that your family is going to be just fine.

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