"Cozy Little Christmas"

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A/N: I can't believe Christmas is only a few days away! Ahh! Of course, I had so much fun writing my last story, and I couldn't give you guys just one holiday imagine! 🎄So, the idea for this one comes from Angelica_Cali_1990 (Thanks so much for requesting!). And the song is from Katy Perry. I hope it fills you all with the spirit of the season!!! ❤️❄️
Rating: Everyone


"Everybody's in a hurry, in a flurry, shopping 'til they're droppin' in the snow. Kids are cryin', dogs are barkin', catching up with folks we barely know."

"Have you seen Sophie's pacifier?" you yell to Mac, who's grabbing some luggage from the other room. "You know she won't go to sleep without it. And I can't spend a four-hour flight with a screaming baby."

Mac comes into the living room carrying bags and places them by the door. "No, but we'll find it."

"We better find it soon because we were supposed to leave fifteen minutes ago. We're going to be late," you warn, a bit flustered.

You search everywhere, high and low, but to no avail. Finally, after some serious searching from the nursery to the kitchen, Mac comes back, pacifier in hand. "Found it!"

"Thank goodness! Okay, do we have the suitcases? And all the carry-ons?"


"The baby bag?" you question.

"Got it."

"Did you pack the extra diapers like I asked? We can't leave without them."

"I've got them. I promise."

"Okay. Good." You're running through the seemingly never-ending list of items in your head, frantically pacing through the living room.

"Y/N," Mac offers a hand to you soothingly.


"Take a breath. You've checked everything three times. We've got everything we could possibly need."

"Okay. Yeah, I know. But, this is Sophie's first Christmas, and it's our first Christmas with my family. I want everything to go perfectly."

"I know, and it will," he assures. "Trust me. Now, you ready?"

"Yeah. Ready. Oh wait! What about the presents?" you suddenly remember.

"They're in the suitcase, right where you put them."

"Right. Okay. I'm ready." Mac raises his eyebrows, unbelieving. "I promise this time." You go over to pick up your six-month-old daughter who is waiting patiently in her carrier. "Alright baby girl, are you ready for your very first plane ride?"

You and Mac pack everything into the car, and soon you're ready to head to the airport.

But, as you drive, you frown at the fact that the LA weather isn't its usual sunshine. It's an unprecedentedly cool and gloomy Christmas Eve morning.

Soon, you notice the fog begin to roll in.

"Sure it's madness, but it's magic as soon as you hang up the mistletoe. 'Cause you're the reason for the season. No, we don't need to keep up with the Jones."

***Later, at the airport***

"Cancelled?! What do you mean cancelled?" you shockingly reply after Mac breaks the news.

"I mean that every flight has been cancelled. I'm sorry, babe," he tells you comfortingly.

"No. This can't happen. Something has to be flying out. Let me take care of this," you announce, determined.

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