Chapter 25: The first kiss

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"Sophia," I greeted, and she rushed forward and knelt before me.

"Mother," she said, looking up.

"How alike your cousin you look... that's it! I shall get Strangetrix Le Belle to kidnap Hermione Elddir, and you will take her place. When the time is right, you will lead Harry Potter to me, and I, Lady Voldemorg, will kill Harry Potter!" Then I let out a loud, evil laugh fit for my father. Then I bowed and everyone applauded.

"Lady Voldemorg!" Alica Spinnet hooted.

"How was that?" I asked Harry and Ron.

"Brilliant Mya! Let me try!" Harry gave a small chuckle, but it wasn't that evil.

"Don't worry Harry, we'll make a villain out of you yet." I patted his shoulder comfortingly. "Now I need to write a letter."
"Who to?" Ron questioned.

"Sophia." I said without thinking.

"You mean like the Sophia in the play?" Ron looked worried.
"Namesake." I replied and walked up the stairs. I took out my quill and put it to parchment.


I have an idea. At the end of the year meet me in the forest, with a body that could be Hermione's slumped in a cage. What's more, you need to treat me like Sophia when we meet, in order for me to pull this off. When you get an owl saying something like 'It's time. Meet me in the forest with her.' or something like that, do. We're going to pretend that Belletrix kidnapped Hermione Elddir during the Easter holiday, and that Sophia Lily Riddle took her place to spy on Harry Potter. Also, d'you mind pretending to try and kill him? He won't die- you know, he's the lad who lived, not died so he won't get killed, but just to make it seem genuine. Thanks.


P.S.: Any letter to you from me will be like said plan, for example: 'Dad, Potter seems to be getting more and more cautious of his scar. I think he may be sensing you are back! What should I do? Sophia' or something like that.

Then I walked downstairs, through the portrait hole and towards the Owlery. As soon as I walked in, Arabella swooped down onto my shoulder and hooted happily.

"Hiya, Arie. I need you to do a job for me, okay?" She nodded, and I put the letter to her leg.

"It's for my father- and it's very important." she nodded a second time, stretched her wings in a kind of yawn and flew off.

"Phia?" I spun around to see Draco stood in the doorway.

"Yes?" I replied.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Playing poker what'd you think I'm doing?" I snapped.

"Can I play?" he chuckled, walking over.

"Do you have anything to gamble?" I fluttered my eyelashes.

"How about a detention from McGonagal for not doing that essay?" he joked.

"Tempting offer," I laughed. He smiled.

"Sophia, about earlier..." He began. I looked at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well... I shouldn't have done it and I'm..."

"Don't you dare say you're sorry." I cut in threateningly. "If you do, I'm leaving." I stood up.

"Phia don't!" he protested.

"Give me one good reason." I flashed.

"Fine." he smirked and crushed his lips to mine. It was a desperate but passionate kiss, and I succumbed to the passion that eminated from it.

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