But It Is

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"fuck, was that out loud?" i internally panicked. "you didn't hear that- i'm not prepared, wait."

"no, no it's fine." hanta smiled, seeming pretty excited.

"the fuck are you excited for?"

"is it that kirishima eijiro dude?" he blurted out.

"well no fucking shit." i blushed a bit, glaring at the floor.

"woah, never expected that." sero continued. "i guess i can help you out."

"how so?"

"i can get you fitted into the lifestyle." that smiley faced asshole said with a straight face. "you know, since you seem like a sub."

"i seem like a... sub?" sure, i've heard him talk about the kink thing, but not the sub thing specifically.

"a submissive. you submit easily." sero hummed. "denki's a sub, too."

"you're comparing me to someone that you share a single brain cell with?"

"rude." hanta huffed. "that won't stand in the lifestyle. unless that eijiro guy likes a smart ass."

"he likes my ass, so i guess so."


"whatever." I huffed. "so, are you going to do it or what."

"well, i want to meet the dude that gave you a boner." sero hummed, looking at the clock.

"almost gave me a boner." i corrected.

"same thing. he got you horny." hanta shrugged. "anyway, where can i meet this boner popper?"

"sero, there's someone here to see you." sero's boss opened the break room door.

"you can just send them back here, thanks buddy." sero smiled as his boss nodded and closed the door. he seemed to be friends with everyone, but he also easily took charge of the environment around him.

"hey!" kirishima fucking eijiro popped into the room. "i'm kirishima eijiro and i'm here to make sure that he didn't go and get kidnapped."

"oh! perfect timing!" sero clapped his (cheeks) hands together. "we were just talking about you and how you gave katsuki a boner-"

"shut the fuck up!" i tossed a paper cup at sero, which i had found on the table. They both turned their heads to look at me, one's face looking a bit surprised and the other looking stern.

we can both guess that kirishima was the stern looking one.

"katsuki." kirishima looked directly into my soul. "be quiet, right now."


"right now." he said, the dominance that leaked through his voice making me shut up all too obediently. then, he turned back to sero. "man, i'm so sorry about him."

"don't be." sero smirked in my direction. "he's usually like this."

"that can't be enjoyable. you haven't tried to put him in his place yet?"

"tried it, but he kept talking shit so i just gave up." hanta held up a finger. "so you just learn to get used to it."

"well that just won't stand. i'm glad i came around to put a stop to it." eijiro glanced in my direction.

"so you've put your mind to making him your sub?" hanta asked, using the cup i threw at him to get some coffee.

"yeah, i know he's already fallen for me but he refuses to admit it."

"must be tough." sero sighed, sat back down. "i already have my sub and he's katsuki's best friend. other than mina and i."

"i think i saw him at the bar. was it the electric blonde?" kirishima asked. sero nodded.

they just kept talking for a while as i sat in silence. i wondered how he knew i was here of all places. did he ask mom? the fucking stalker.

"well it was nice meeting you, sero." kirishima grabbed my hand and hoisted me up. "sorry to steal him from you, but i need to talk to kat."

"oh no problem! i'm going off of break now anyways." sero waved. i waved goodbye and he glanced towards kiri and winked, waving to play it off.

shitty hair took me to his car and we both got in. we sat in silence while he drove back towards my place.

"you can speak now." kirishima kept his attention on the road.

"gee golly." i cleared my throat. "thanks."

"i can take that right back right now katsuki." he snapped his head to look at me. "there's no need for you to be rude. and it won't stand."

"what're you gonna do?" i crossed my arms in steady defiance. "beat my ass?"

"i can only do what i'm able to right now." the red hair asshole chuckled darkly. "but believe me, if i could, you would be punished ten times over by now."

that struck some fear in me... or was it... arousal?

just kidding.


"so that one got you, huh?" kirishima smiled. "good, let's keep it that way."

"what are you on about." i blushed.

"i want you to become my submissive, obviously." he looked at me. we were getting close to home. "even better yet, i want you to be my boyfriend. so, do you want to?"

"fuckin- ass- dick sucking-" i failed to make a coherent sentence and kind of just nodded?

"good choice, i would've pestered you until you said yes." he ruffled my hair. for once, i wanted to kiss him. was i going to say it out loud?

not at all.

but i was going to uncontrollably stare at his lips.

we pulled up to the apartment building and walked up to my apartment. i opened the door.

"hag i'm home!" i yelled.

"hey little fuckin snot!" mom waved from the bed as the two of us walked in. "did you have fun with sero?"

"not in the fucking least." i grumbled. "fuckin' shitty hair ruined it by fucking stalking me."

"thank you for enjoying my presence,
babe." ei laughed.

"baaaaabe~?" mom wiggled her eyebrows. "what did i miss?"

"i just asked katsuki out in the car." ei wrapped his arms around me. "he said yes so that's fun."

"fuck off." i complained.

"oh! by the way, i got you two something from the store while i was out." ei reached into his pockets and pulled out two phones of the latest model. "kat told me that he didn't have a phone, so i just grabbed two."

"i'm not a fuckin gold digger, ei." i looked at him. "i'll feel guilty."

"why? consider it as a present." he handed one to my mom. "also, nice nickname, suki."

"i can't take this-"

i was interrupted by a kiss, and something being slid into my pocket.

"you're welcome." ei pulled away and left the apartment, leaving me starstruck.

"ooh lala~" mom laughed.

"i'll throw your fucking phone away, mom."

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