4 - First Dances

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"There's no way we can beat that." Harry frets, after hearing the score of Jack and Karina - the pair who have gone just before us. We're currently standing backstage as a commercial break is announced. "Nope. I'm not even going to attempt."

"Geez, you're making 3 eights, and a seven sound like its easy. I'm sure Karina had to work her butt off to get Jack to that level. Also, their dance was much easier than an Argentine Tango. In fact, I don't understand why we even have an Argentine Tango in the first week; they usually save it for at least after Week 3. The first three dances are generally the Jive, Cha Cha, and Foxtrot in the first week."

"Oh great, they give the clumsiest one the hardest one in the first week. It's rigged, I'm telling you." Harry keeps complaining for another minute until we hear the crowd start screaming again. Harry seems to start shaking even more as he grips my tricep tightly.

"C'mon," I pull him out from behind to curtain and onto the stage once our recap of training this week rolls on camera and to the audience. There's some highlights of both of us getting frustrated - mainly me - and little moments of Harry being his cheeky self. I roll my eyes as Harry takes a picture of the studio in the middle of the routine, as I did the same when it really happened. The audience finds humour in it, though, and it switches to later in the week to when Harry is worrying about the lift.

I glance over to the side of the stage and see Louis glaring at one of the screens, but everyone else smiles and coos. I didn't know what was so adorable at the time.

The voice over calls out, "Dancing the Argentine Tango, Harry Styles and his partner Nicolette Horan,"

Harry and I share a glance across the stage. Harry sends me a smile across the stage as the music begins.

The dance ends seemingly instantaneously, with Harry kissing my cheek on the way over to the judges table.

"I told you you'd do great," I smile.

"It was because of you whispering in my ear the whole time. Thank you," He whispers back.

"Sorry to burst you out of your own little world, but the judges would like to speak to you." Tom places his hand on my shoulder. I flush while Harry laughs. "We'll start with Carrie Ann."

Carrie Ann smiles at us before saying, "First off, you two are great together. The chemistry is almost deafeningly cute. I could see you two dating if you could. Secondly," The audience seems to scream even louder after she says that. I guess the rest of the world ships us also. "you're dancing was wonderful. Really. I'm not just saying it because I think so, I'm sure the rest of the us would agree." The crowd screams again. "There's just one little thing I want to note on; the lift. Harry, you seemed really nervous that you fumbled a bit on your feet." Harry obviously takes it hard when his arm tightens around my waist. It's a bit painful but I don't have the heart to tell him to let go. "But other than that you seemed to do pretty well, considering it's your first week."

The judging moves on to Len. "I have to agree with Carrie Ann on the chemistry. You two have seemed to hit it off since the first day. But I must bring up your movements. The Argentine Tango is a hard dance, I must admit, so I won't go too hard. The dance is all about fluency. You need to look as if you are a natural at it even though you're not; it's just the way the dance works." Len pulls a face as the crowd begins to boo - as they usually do anyways when any of the judges seem too hard on us.

Julianne is the next to talk. "I want to say something directly to Harry; you're clumsy, no doubt about that." I try to suppress my giggle and look up at the boy. He's smirking down at me and it takes me a moment to realise why. He pinches my side before tickling it right after. I laugh a little before slapping his hand off. "And, as they said, your chemistry is unbelievable! I mean, look at you right now." The audience goes wild again. "I really have no comments to add besides the fact that, Harry, you were excessively nervous. A little tip; just try to flow with the music and accept Nicolette's help when she offers."

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWhere stories live. Discover now