7 - In One Ear

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The rest of the week had gone by quickly. On Sunday, Harry and I had practiced the dance about twenty times in a row. He's quite good at it, considering all the twirls and quick steps. Although, if he could do the Argentine Tango, he can do this.

I've chosen to do the dance with an easy song that I know he knows the beats to - Fireflies by Owl City. It's an easy song to remember and I made sure to make the dance go with the song the best I could.

Our airtime was quickly approaching. They're making us go third instead of ninth this time, so we don't have much time in between breaks to practice.

Hal and Lindsay went first with four straight sevens. Roseanne and Keo were next with two sixes and two sevens. Harry's leg has been bouncing for the past five minutes until we're called to go on stage. I've told him to stop four times now, but he only seems to be able to for 30 seconds before it starts back up again.

"I'm nervous," He mutters to me.

"Obviously." He glares at me. "I'm not good at comforting people so that's the best you're gonna get."

His glare turns into a sigh and a lip bite. I glance over to the screen that counts down the time until we're back on air. There's only about 20 seconds left.

"C'mon," I say. He looks up at the screen then over to me. My hand is set out to help him up, which he takes gratefully.


"Just some last minute advice; don't let them see you're anxious. Don't focus on anything but me and your steps. I'll be counting off to you just in case you lose the place. If you can't do that, then pay attention to the music. Sing it in your head and go along to the beat." He nods, looking back at the screen. We have ten seconds.

He tangles his fingers with mine and tugs on my hand. "Are you ready to get eliminated?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. He smiles a little before pulling me onto the stage. Our training over the week's video is playing on a big screen and everyone's eyes are looking over to it. We get in our position with my back to his chest and standing a few feet apart.

I shake out my arms and look up at the video myself. Our current position is on Thursday when Harry and I were dancing and he tripped over heels. Everyone laughs when he complains that I'm taller than him in heels and it's irritating. I laugh a little, too, glancing back at him to see his pout.

The man introduces us and the music starts. I take my one step forward, as I'm supposed to do so, when I'm whipped around by Harry grabbing my wrist. The lights around us flicker to represent lightning bugs as we're thrown into the course of the dance.

The entire dance basically revolves around a date at night gone wrong, or at least that's how I perceive it. I'm trying to get away while my 'date' keeps pulling me back, begging for a second chance. Every time a turn is made, it's made into a twirl. Every time I step back away from him he takes a step forward.

"'Cause everything is never as it seems..." The song ends with Harry pulling my back to his chest with my face turned away and my hands on his chest. The audience erupts into applause, and Harry pulls back. I smile up at him, even though I know exactly what the judges are going to say. I could feel Harry's stiff back and shaky hands every time he touched me.

He smiles back at me, out of breath. He kisses my forehead. I lead him over to the judges table where I can see all their smiles or frowns. Len and Julianne are writing something down on their pages, probably thinking about what they need to say to us.

Tom greets us with a big smile and compliments on our beautiful performance. He pats Harry on the shoulder. "Carrie-Ann, let's start with you."

Carrie-Ann smiles at us and sets her pen down. "I thought it was a beautiful performance. It was interesting to see Harry's facial expressions through it all. Harry, what was going on there?" Harry shrugs, looking down for a second. "I wasn't sure what exactly you're mood was on that dance floor. One second you would look happy, the next sad, the next angry? Either way, I did think the dancing portion was wonderful, I just feel as if you weren't with the mood of the song by the way you weren't showing the supposed emotion." Harry bites his lip. The crowd it complaining as they usually would whenever we're grilled, but they don't understand how this actually helps me see what I need to work on.

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWhere stories live. Discover now