28 - Hollywood

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"Hm, fancy seeing your face." Harry teases me as he walks up to where I stand at the gate.

"It seems like I just can't get away from you for too long. Definitely not my choice." I say, pushing him away. Our distance is kept only for a split second, as he steps back into my personal space and wraps his arms around me.

"I missed you." He kisses my head and I can barely feel it through my quiffed hair.

I hug him back, pressing my face into his shoulder. My actions don't match my words, as I say, "We were only apart for three weeks! How could you have missed me that much in such a short period of time?"

His arms tighten around me. "What can I say; I must be addicted."

I'm the one that has to pull away, and I roll my eyes at his ridiculously over exaggerated version of adoration that he has in his eyes and on his face. "That is the single, most cheesiest line I've ever heard you say."

"I could have sworn you said that to me before, many times."

"You just get cheesier and cheesier. How do you do it?" He scoffs, pretending to my hurt. "It's like you soak up Rom-Com scripts like a fucking sponge."

"You caught me red-handed."

We continue to spew fake insults at each other; all in good fun, though. This is the most eventful thing we've done in the last few months, but there's no point of blowing it out of proportion.

Honestly, ever since Harry and I went to visit his family that first time, our lives have toned down a lot since then. He planned on spending the rest of his break to just spend with his family, and that's exactly what happened, just with me tagging along. Of course, I went back home a few times to see my family, mostly Greg, and Harry would come with me. It was during that time that I spoke to my parents about returning to Los Angeles. They weren't too happy about me wanting to leave so soon after returning, but I have a feeling they finally started to understand how much dancing means to me. And, although they aren't completely okay with me being "half-girl" as they call it, they were happy to at least see the old version of me that they were used to.

It's understandable to me now as to why they reacted the way they did; they just didn't want to lose their son. They didn't want me to change into this person that they couldn't understand. When they saw how I was after I first returned - at that point I still identified as a female - they must have seen extreme similarities between young, "boy" version of me and the person I am now. I didn't change in that regard, and that's my own fault for trying to prove to them that I was a girl by doing stereotypically girlish things.

They allowed me to leave again, and told me that they wouldn't try to chase me down again. I appreciate them.

Harry was by my side through everything. He was constantly giving me support, and he even helped me in convincing my parents to let me go back.

Actually, the only time that Harry and I were ever really apart for an extended period of time, was over the last few weeks. We agreed that we would need a bit of a break from each other before we returned to LA, which led me to staying home in Mullingar, and Harry returning to Cheshire. We've only just seen each other again since we've parted at the beginning of January.

Harry and I are currently walking to his car, hand-in-hand, in the warm, California weather.

"It's strange to be somewhere to warm, after months of cold and rain." I say, immediately regretting my decision to wear long sleeves on the plane. The heat didn't reach me until we finally landed.

"It's even weirder that it's so warm in the winter here."

"Oh yeah, but winter is the only season that I actually like in LA." We both enter the car and I immediately go to plug my phone into the car's console.

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt