9 - Water Fight

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Kendall and Henry had been kicked off the show on Elimination Night. As the weeks go by, it gets harder and harder to see the couples go.

This week we have 'Sex-On-Legs' as the theme. Most of the dances are Salsa, Cha Cha, Tango, and a few others; Harry and I just so happen to have Salsa.

I'm looking forward to this week's dance. I already have the song and the entire dance decided on. Hopefully Harry won't be too picky with how he wants to learn this week, but you never know with him.

 When Harry showed up on Wednesday he practically begged me to go practice at his house instead of at the studio. I don't know why he preferred practicing there; I think it gives him a better sense of security more than at the studio.

I've never actually been with a Star who preferred to dance at their own place. Most of them actually got upset if we ever had to practice anywhere else besides the studio.

Harry informed me at the end of the day on Wednesday that he would need to go into the recording studio for a few hours tomorrow. His album isn't being released until the end of the year, but he said he would rather get it finished early so he can focus more on the harder dances in the upcoming weeks.

"I want to commit my entire self to the dancing, not just part of it." He had told me. I shrugged it off, just taking it that he really wants to win, or at least make it to the bottom few.

If I'm being completely honest, I've never actually been with a person on the show who's wanted to win as much as Harry seems to want to. I think I've actually only made it to the bottom five once; albeit, I haven't been on the show as long as many of the other dancers. The very first season was actually one of my least dedicated times when I was on the show, considering I was just trying to finish up my college classes without having to be homeless.

When I first left home, my parents - or more like my brother - would send me checks for food and a home. Since I was only 16 and still considered a juvenile, my parents were still my legal guardians. After I turned 18, I had told them that I graduated from high school and was planning on going to small college, and also I would be getting a job so they didn't have to send me much. I also had quite a bit of money saved up from my night job in Ireland and a small job I had here for a few months.


Lily and I had grown close as the two year community college classes came to an end. She managed to stay as one of my friends throughout the entire two years, which was surprising enough as it is.

"You know what's going to suck?" She asks me as we walk towards her car in the parking lot.

"What's going to suck?"

"When school ends, we won't be able to see each other anymore."

I sigh, remembered how she told me she will be moving to Oregon to continue her dancing career. I tried to convince her to audition for Dancing With The Stars with me, but she refused. Too big off a crowd to please, she had said.

When I tried out for the show, they had immediately put me on the show to be paired with a famous person. I've been told my stage presence and ability to dance with other people well is one of my strong suits, and I'm guessing the producers noticed that too.

"It was a fun two years." I say. She nods, pulling me into a hug before getting into her car.

"You might want to get to the studio; your Star is waiting for you." She reminds me. I smile and wave her off.

My Star and I were eliminated off the show the next night.


"Nicolette!" Louis yells. I laugh loudly and thrust the water bottle towards him to the water flies into his face.

Dancing With The Stars *Narry AU FanFic *Transgender!NiallWhere stories live. Discover now