Chapter 15

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                                 Hi guys.. I am back with the new update of BTM.. Thanks for the votes and the comments.. This one is an short update too.. I hope you like it...

Part A:"It all my Fault"

15 hours earlier ...

5th September 2016 : 2 AM 

               Lakshya Maheshwari was heartbroken, The love of his life decided to walk away from him..So he decided to forget his pain the best way he knows...Getting drunk every day and every night. But that night he got too drunk that he almost lost consciousness ..He was the heir to the Maheshwari's..So he was pretty recognizable. One of Sanskar friend noticed how pretty drunk Laksh was and so called Sanskar to inform him of the same.. In an quest to find the killer Sanskar had started to keep in touch with all his Old friends and that how such one friend decided to let him know about his brother..

                An Concerned Sanskar immediately left to get Laksh back.. It was an routine nowadays, ever since Ragini left him, Laksh was finding comfort in drinks. He would look guilty and ashamed everytime Sanskar brings it up but yet he wasnt able to stop doing so.. Still it was 2 Am and Sanskar was worried..When he reached that place, Laksh was already getting out of the bar.. Much to his relief but instead of going towards the car or walking on the side of the road, in his drunken state he  started walking on the busy road ..Sanskar immediately followed him and tried to get him to safety.But a drunken Laksh was too unwilling to move from that place and both the brothers didnt notice the Car coming their way..And Sanskar noticed it little too late, that he pushed his brother of the way and took the hit..Thus ending up in an hospital with several injuries..

                Laksh was shocked and gotten back his senses once he saw his brother take the hit..Still he was not in an state to process anything  or help him but thankfully the driver stopped the car and helped Sanskar in reaching the hospital on time, while Laksh tagged along saying he was his brother..That was the one thing he kept saying for a long time.. He tried to call his father but the call went unanswered..So he called RP..Who came to the hospital asap and took care of all the procedures.. 

                Three hours late Laksh was sober and guilty.. His brother was struggling for life because of his actions.. He felt like dying out of guilt and that why  when he got the call from Ragini, he possibly couldnt let Swara know about Sanskar accident so he didnt answer.. He even switched off the phone so as he can avoid answering that call.. And he stayed in that place not moving from the hospital for the next 15 hours..The doctors told him the surgery went successful and Sanskar was fine.. Yet he wont be able to breathe till he saw him speak..Till now he was unconscious and it did bother him a lot.. His father and Mother also came to see Sanskar but left as soon as the doctors declared him safe..But RP and Sujatha aunty are still with him and Adarsh came to the hosital straight from the Airport.. At times like this Laksh feels Sanskar real family is them..And just now Adarsh told him Swara knows and is on her way to the hospital..How can he face them, what will he say to Ragini that because of her i almost got my brother killed..No it was not her fault..It was not anyone fault except his..

Part B: " I Love You Swara"

5th September 11 PM:

               Swara was nervous and worried..Adarsh came through with the early tickets and Ragini was by her side throughout..Yet Swara feels like she cant breathe till she see him.. She was on her way to the hospital and as soon as she landed she called Adarsh who told her Sanskar has regained consiousness and he was perfectly fine. That calmed her down yet the need to see him safe with her own eyes was something she was not willing to let go..

                She reached the hospital with Ragini and immediately realized her whole family was there and adarsh must have clued them in,so they didnt say anything except the doctors are checking up on Sanskar..And She can see him,once they finish their examination

               A very anxious Swara entered the room looking so worried about sanskar..The moment her eyes spotted him,she felt like her heart might stop. Swara heard from Sujatha that while Sanskar was perfectly fine now, he still got an fractured hand.. And the surgery was successful and she need not worry about anything else..Still seeing him in the hospital bed looking weak and bandaged was not how she wanted to see him..But to see him alive was more than enough for now..

                 Sanskar Maheshwari was sure he was dreaming up swara when his eyes spotted her.. He was sure it because of all the drugs in his system.. But he looked into her eyes and found all sorts of emotions in there from pain ,love ,anger and finally happiness to see him..His mind cant come up with such depth of love in her eyes.. And he finally realized it was not a dream and she was right there before him..

Swara:" Hi... Does it hurt badly?"

Sanskar:" Hi..So you are here...for real indeed"

Swara:" I am sorry, i cant stay there when i heard about it..I needed to see you.. "

Sanskar:" I am glad.."

Swara:" You are not angry..That i broke out of the self imposed prison"

Sanskar:" No i am glad.. You are here.."

Swara:" Why.. "

Sanskar:" Because i needed to see you too.. And i think the pain killer have started working ..So before i fall asleep..Why dont you come near..I have something to say.."

             Swara  who was standing a few inches apart from Sanskar walked up to him and held his hands..Finally feeling the warmth of being with him filling up the gap of void in her heart at being separated from him .. 

Sanskar:"You were angry right..That i didnt say those three words face to face "

Swara:"  I am not angry Sanskar.. I just said something out of anger at not being with you."

Sanskar:" I Love You Swara.. I Love you..You used to be my best friend, the girl i dreamed to end up marrying one day. The girl who broke my heart first..the girl who i missed being around. And when i thought the journey of us ended...You came back into my life and made me feel again, you become my best friend again, you become the person i dreamt to marry again , and this time i broke your heart..Because i felt i dont deserve you..Yet you held on to me ..Though i let you go far away from me because i cant lose you. i still miss being around you..So stay by my side always..From now onwards let not be apart from each other."

                Swara knew Sanskar loved her, he has said it enough times in this last month she never had one doubt about it..But to hear it from him face to face was like living in an dream as it seems to magical to be real. She was at loss of words that she decided to show her affection by slowly bending down and kissing him.. A Language that could possible show how much she loves him .. It was an light kiss not the passionate one they shared the first time, but it was all they needed at that point of time..A kiss that could convey their feelings to the other.. When Swara lips parted from Sanskar's ..He had a huge smile on his face and he slowly closed his eyes and finally stopped fighting to stay awake. And Swara face mirrored that smile, she took a nearby chair and sat beside him and kept looking at their entwined hands as if it was all she needed at that moment... 

P.S - Do let me know your feedbacks and hit the votes if you liked it.. Next update I will try to clear up miss X suspense.. 



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