chapter 6

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                                          Hi guys ..I am back with chapter 6.  I am so very nervous about this one..So kindly let me know you take .. And Thanks guy for being so supportive. Your comments and votes make me so happy .You are my inspiration to keep writing...

26 July 2016:A Glimpse into Sanskar Past.


                         Swara Gadodia is her name and after almost a week.She is slowly getting used to her new name. How can she not when except little Asha eveyone is addressing her as   Swara .She expected Sanskar to go back to his icy cold behavior after her birthday but surprisingly he was still warm ,cordial and loving. But he refuses to spend anytime alone  with her..Gone are the long night chats in the garden, cooking together well she will cook and he will try to help and end up not being much of an help, washing the dishes together, watching a late night movie together after Asha fell asleep and so on.. There used to be so many thing they do together ,and Swara noticed just how much she misses it when he stopped doing them now.

                        But still she was kept busy..With her sister around Swara has always been kept occupied..Time is a miracle indeed, Ragini was no longer distant or stranger to her. The sisters have finally gotten around to be so close together that Swara feels like she might miss her once she goes back to her home today. Lakshya her husband was supposed to return tonight and Her mother in law i.e Sanskar mom has asked her come back home before that. So this is the last day she get to spend with her sister for awhile..Yet Swara was lost in the thought on how to lessen Sanskar pain. She knew Sanskar was hurt by his wife death and she thought asking about it would increase his pain, so never asked him about his wife even when she was so curious about her.But now she knew he has to open up before this pain swallows him up, the guilt he carries around about her death, the reason he thinks he cant love anyone, she needs to know.Not because she hopes he will open his heart for her but because she wants him to stop feeling this pain and guilt. And she has finally found the perfect way to make him open up. 

               Sanskar Maheshwari was up even before the alarm went off due to a knock on his door. Well he was not able to sleep well this whole week anyway..Staying away from Swara was harder than he thought it would be ,but he needs to do that before he starts hoping for a future together with her. She was making it hard on him, first was her innocent confession that threw him out of the loop by its suddeness that he ended up kissing her, then her asking for his heart on her birthday.. She was able to shake him up with her request and from that point on wards he was hoping he can have a future with her.. Yet he can also be stubborn like swara ,so his heart and mind are playing with him and for now his mind is winning and it will keep winning if he stayed away from her. He cant avoid her as she practically lives with him and he doenst want to hurt her by his behavior like last time..So the only solution he came up with was try to not spend time with her alone. Yet there was the knock on his door accompanied by her sweet innocent voice..

Swara:"Sanskar get up..It late"

                   A very sleepy and tired Sanskar opened the door and there she was full ready in her track suit the one he brought for her a year ago. Once Swara face was out in the newspaper..Sanskar couldnt protect her by making the killer assume she is dead..So he decided to train her in physical fitness if she happens to face her killer when he was not around. He dragged her when he went for jogging in the morning, he even forced her to exercise with him on the gym in his house for an hour everyday. He even thought her basis defense moves to protect her.  This was their regular routine till the day he kissed her after the confession ,After that he tried to pretend to be busy so their routine was forgotten till now .. And in an role reversal from where he usually drags a sleepy Swara..This time she was the one waiting for him ..

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