[32. Elijah's Intentions]

Start from the beginning

Lucy rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Oh, my God, Ric!"


Lucy adjusted her blazer as she walked into the Grill, looking around for the table that Bonnie and Caroline got for them. Luckily, she spotted them quickly and grinned when she saw that they had already ordered her a cheeseburger and fries.

Truth be told, she was starving after her session with Alaric and she didn't want to eat the nasty finger sandwiches that one of the Fell women made for the Historical Society tea party that she was supposed to be at in half an hour. She loved the Historical Society, it was her mom's baby, but she didn't like tea unless it was ice-cold and loaded with sugar and just the thought of cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off made her feel nauseous.

Not enough to sway her from eating her cheeseburger, though...

"Hey!" Lucy greeted her friends with a bright smile, sitting down in the seat next to Bonnie. "Thanks for ordering for me."

"No problem," Bonnie hesitantly smiled at Lucy as she pushed the plate of food toward her. "So, Caroline and I were talking and..."

Bonnie paused and gave Caroline a nervous look. Caroline nodded, encouraging Bonnie to continue. Lucy, even though she was busy devouring her food, caught the exchange.

Her friends were up to something and since Elena had gone to their lake house with Stefan, now was probably the best time for Bonnie and Caroline to do whatever they were planning. Lucy didn't know exactly what the plan was, though, and that worried her.

"Tell me what your plan is," she demanded, shocking Bonnie and Caroline.


"You have some big witchy plan, right?" Lucy raised her eyebrows as she looked between them. When they nodded in unison, she said, "So, tell me."

"Okay, so we still don't know the extent of what Elijah's up to," Bonnie stated.

"Elijah's going to use Elena and I to lure Klaus out of hiding so he can kill him," Lucy reminded them. "I told you that already."

"Yeah, but has he said anything about why he's going to kill Klaus?" Caroline asked.

"Well, no—"

"And has he said anything about how he's actually going to kill Klaus?"

Lucy pursed her lips, disliking the fact that she didn't know the answers to those questions. She was a nosy person and she didn't even think to ask Elijah about his motive and means for killing Klaus. She was so distracted about Stefan being stuck in the tomb and her memories of her previous life with Elijah that she threw all common sense out the window.

She had to get her priorities straight.

"Fine," she sighed. "We don't know everything that Elijah's up to."

"Exactly," Bonnie and Caroline exchanged a satisfied look before Bonnie continued, "So, I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows."

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows. "But—"

"And since Luka probably won't tell Bonnie anything," Caroline said, practically reading Lucy's mind. "she's not going to ask."

Lucy raised her eyebrows at Bonnie, impressed. "Bonnie!"

The three of them fell into silly giggles, eventually stopping when Caroline's eyes darted behind Lucy and her smile fell into a frown.

"What?" Bonnie asked Caroline as she and Lucy turned around to see what ruined Caroline's mood.

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