
My grandma was making her famous chicken fajita soup. It smelled heavenly, almost godly. She smiled as she stirred the pot. The kitchen was my Grandmas favorite place in the house. She was in her element here, all her stressing and worries leave a soon as she starting a-cooking. It was her escape.

"Do you think I should dye my hair Red again?" My nana, had beautiful hair, soft to the touch. The black and little lines of sliver from her roots slowing turning red you go down.

I shake my head no. "I actually love your salt and pepper hair. Maybe try some braids?" I suggest.

She laughs. "Oh please, I could never pull those off at my age." She adds garlic pepper into the pot shaking her head at the idea.

"Is it almost done Grandma?"  I ask looking over the pot, red chili fajita soup.

She side eyes me and chuckled, "No Tania. You been asking me that for 20 minutes."

Sighing dramatically, "I'm starving..." I whine. She smiled at me and Pointed at the fridge. "There's some fresh guacamole in there, top shelf. Chips on top of the fridge."

My mood instantly boosted as I darted for the chips and guacamole. I dug right in. The best guacamole in all the world. I looked up as I hear someone walking towards the kitchen. It was Maxwell my aunts husband. He brought in some groceries. "Here ya go Maria."  He set them on top of the counter.

"Thank you Max." She hugs him.

"Hey Nia, your aunts wants you,  she's at the car."

I nod and head to the door. I see my aunt at her car unloading her trunk.

"Hey! Tania please you help me grab these."

I jogged to the car and saw the pots and pans. They looked sleek and expensive.

"You bought her a new kitchen set." I say excited.

She nodded and smiled. "Mama been wanting these for months so I finally was able to get a good deal on it."

"How much?" I ask. She side eyed me and mumbled something. "Huh?" I ask not hearing anything she mumbled. "Three hundred forty three dollars." She said  lightly and clearly this time.

I almost choked on the little bit of chip I was still chewing on. "What the hell, where did you get that money?"

"Hey watch your mouth and Nia I work a job."

"You barely make 10 bucks a hour at that job,"

"Let me guess Maxwell bought it, telling you not to worry and he's got your back."

My aunt blushed. "My husband loves me and my family, is that a crime?"

I shake my head, "Its just your starting to become dependent, 6 months ago you guys were headed for divorce and we were gonna move back in with Nana."

"Well things are good now, really good actually. He wants to renew our vows for our 5 year anniversary." My aunt seem to be officially back in cloud nine with her husband, which isn't a bad thing it's just they seem to be two different people and they always butt heads, how could that work in a lifetime partnership.

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