Alex and Kara Back in Diapers (Part 2)

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"She's so adorable!" Nia squealed, watching as Alex tried to pick up a pistol.
"It's swo heavwie!" Alex complained.
"Fow wou!" Kara stuck her tongue out, picking up the gun.
"Hey! No faiwr!" Alex whined. "J'onn, Kawa's bullying me."
"This is why I'm not having kids. I can't even handle the two of you." J'onn sighed, taking the gun off Kara.

Kara quickly went back to drawing all over herself, her sister and the floor.
"Kara, please st-." J'onn sounded as if he was begging. Before J'onn could finish his sentence, Kara grabbed a red pen and started to draw her symbol on to Alex.
He stopped himself and awed at the adorable sight. Alex then drew it as best she could on Kara. Even though it somehow looked like a trapezium with a badly written 'S' in the middle, Kara love it. She giggled at her sister then attempted to teach Alex how to draw it properly.
"No, Awex, not wike that." Kara shook her head.
"I can't do wit." Alex started to cry.
"Yes wou can." Kara have Alex a hug and once she pulled away, she took Alex's hand. "I'll help wou."
Kara gently moved Alex's hand, drawing on the paper.
"I did wit!" Alex cheered, getting up and running over to J'onn. "Wook J'onn! I did wit! I drew wit!"
"I'm proud of you Alex." Was all J'onn could say while giving Alex a soft smile.
But his smile soon faded when he felt a pen hit him on his head. Both J'onn and Alex looked up to see the Kryptonian toddler drawing on the roof.
"Kawa!" Alex giggled and pointed.
"Kara, get down from there please." J'onn begged.
"Get a brwoom? Hit her down." Alex suggested.
"I'm not using a broom to hit Kara down." J'onn said, looking down at Alex.
"Where's Wena?" Alex asked, looking around the room.
"I'm not sure, she was here a moment ag-"
J'onn was cut off by a smaller version of Lena and Nia, stumbling through the door.
"Wis is all wour fault!" Lena yelled at Nia.
"Wou didn't hafe to eat whem!" Nia yelled back.
Brainy walked into the room, "Weah! She onwy forced me to eat whem!"
J'onn looked around the room. This was his punishment for eating Kara's last potsticker and blaming it on Lex. A billionaire toddler with family problems, a Kryptonian, a toddler obsessed with seeing just how bulletproof her sister was, an overly intelligent toddler and a toddler who is almost exactly the same as what she was as an adult.
"This is it." J'onn said. "I'm in hell."

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