"Carl Manfred is good at what he does."

(Y/n) whipped her head to the left. You son of a- "Good Evening Ms. Miller." Elijah tenderly said. "Good Evening Mr. Kamski." She said hostilely. "Now, now. Don't want to make a scene here tonight do you?" His eyes met her gaze. Damn those eyes. "What are you doing here?" She asked strolling away, deeper into the art collections. "I could ask the same." He replied coolly.

"Cut the bullshit Elijah." She hissed. "Why did you make me leave all those years ago?" "Make you leave?" He scoffed. "You left (Y/n). I have forms to prove your signature on them." "Connor said something about resignation papers. The only thing I signed the day before I was forced out was..." Her voice grew quiet and a lump in her throat arose. Elijah waited patiently as (Y/n) began to cry. "Oh my... They were someone else's resignation papers that I signed off for. Amanda must have switched papers on me or copied my signature on to those papers." (Y/n) paced around, distraught.

"Why would Amanda do that? How could she?" He asked defensively. He was trying his best not to raise his voice. "Elijah, you know she's never liked me." (Y/n) said angrily. "You never really gave her a chance," Elijah said frustrated. "Just like you never gave getting married a moment's thought." (Y/n) haughtily, taking out past frustrations on Elijah.

Elijah became very calm all a sudden. "Wait, you wanted to get married?" "Yes! You are a dumbass! I told Amanda about it and she told me that you never wanted to!" (Y/n) huffed. "It broke my heart." Elijah said nothing but stared at her. She told me the same thing about (Y/n). (Y/n) glared at him as they held each other's gazes. "What?" She said curtly. He didn't answer. "What?" She asked, concern filling her voice.

She knew he wouldn't come out of his thoughts without effort. One glance to his lips and she got an idea. "Elijah?" She asked one more time, bringing herself close enough to feel the heat radiating from him. He looks good tonight. The shaved sides of his head but long on top like he's always liked it... and he's kept his face shaved. Not bad... No answer came from him but he was watching her. His eyes captivated her like they always have.

"This is a terrible idea, Ms. Miller." He whispered softly. "I know... I don't care." She asked back. She pecked his lips once. Twice. Three times and he joined in. (Y/n) internally thanked her lucky stars they were alone finally. "You're beautiful, Belle." He said parting. She blushed and turned her head to another direction, only to have it turned back to him. He kissed her softly, she felt like she was melting. "I'm still angry with you." She said after another kiss. "I wouldn't expect anything else from you, Belle." He said with his trademark smirk.

"You also play with fire Ms. Miller." He said turning away, hands in his suit pockets. Damn that suit. "I expect to see you soon." "'Play with fire'? What does that mean Kamski?" She asked breathlessly. He only waved and walked into the maze of artwork. Did that really happen? She put her hand to her own lips, they still tingled from contact. How old am I again?

* * *

When (Y/n) got home it was around 9:30 ish. Exhausted and mentally worn out from small talk, she walked into her room and curled up on top of her bed. She slowly removed her shoes from her feet and the no-show socks she wore. "Ugh... I hate those parties." She groaned. But this time it was... special. Yeah, special. (Y/n) felt like a small child who just got a cookie, she even wore a wide grin on her face. Damn it Kamski. You've always had this effect on me.

A sudden ringing sound from her laptop scared her off the bed. She grabbed the laptop from off her desk and looked at the caller ID. It was Blake. (Y/n)'s smile faltered slightly then faded once she answered it. "Hello?" He called out. "Hi, Blake..." She answered shyly. She settled onto her bed while he enthusiastically asked her about her day. "It was pretty good, I mean, I just got back from a party..." He soberly, "You don't belong in those parties." "W-what?" She stuttered.

"Oh nothing! Don't worry about it!" He smiled back. Utterly confused, (Y/n) kept quiet. "So what did you do at the party?" He continued. "W-well... I met up with a good friend of mine and his android. It's crazy to see people's lives change, including my own." (Y/n) said, beginning to become animated while talking. Blake hung on every word it seemed. "I even saw..." The man I've been in love with since we were in high school. "Who did you see?" He asked, excitedly. "Someone I've loved almost all my life." She replied, almost dreamily. Still a schoolgirl at heart.

"Who?" He asked, smiled fading. "Don't worry about it. I have a sad love life that's not worth telling." She dismissed. "Who did you see?" He asked a little more forcefully. (Y/n) had an uneasy feeling in her stomach. "It doesn't matter." She answered back. "If you say so... I need to go." Blake passively said and ended the call. "What the hell?" (Y/n) asked confused and angrily.

"Did he just really try to emotionally blackmail me?" "Yes, I do believe so." Said a muffed robotic voice. "Fish, come out of the closet." She laughed. Fish opened the doors and closed them once he stepped out. "Good Evening (Y/n). It is currently 9:42 pm. The weather outside is rainy with a slight breeze at 6 miles per hour." The android reported. "What were you doing in the closet?" (Y/n) put her hands on her hips.

"Waiting for you to return home..." "You were looking through my old drawing weren't you?" She cocked her eyebrow. Fish hung his head in shame. "It's fine honey." (Y/n) said approaching him. "Do you want to see some sketches of you?" Fish raised his head and smiled. (Y/n) reopened the closet and got a box down from a shelf. She opened it up and smiled. On top was a picture of Elijah and her together to celebrate his 20th birthday. They were just posing together next to a tree but it was a happy time.

"Elijah Kamski." Fish analyzed. "Yeah. He was my partner. In more ways than just one." She had a sad smile. "That's who you met tonight." Fish inferred. "Sometimes you're too smart." She giggled and he smiled widely.

They went through the box together and she shared little memories of when she drew or things that were happening at the time. Fish cut her off once 10 o'clock rolled around. "You need to sleep. You've got quite the long day ahead tomorrow." He said like a mother would scold a child. "Of course Fish. And I know about your deviancy." (Y/n) stretched. Fish stiffened.

"I won't do anything about it. I just want you to know you're free, I'd appreciate it if you stay but you may go." Fish's LED turned yellow around his blonde hair, the red. "Don't stress about it. Just tell me what you end up deciding." (Y/n) smiled and pulled him into a hug. "You'll always be welcomed here." 

One more chapter! Keep going, it's a double post!

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