25. Jungkook

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You and Jungkook are high school sweethearts. A year or so after you started dating, you were discovered by a talent scout who was looking for models. At first, you were hesitant, but Jungkook was really excited for you and wanted you to do it. You honestly didn't think you had what it took to be a model, but the scout thought differently. With the encouragement from your family and Jungkook, you decided to give it a shot. When you went for the evaluation, the agent hired you right away. Now, you are a well known model. You've been on a lot of magazine covers, catalogs and commercials. Because of your fame, your agent made you break up with Jungkook. Did she really think you would do that? Yeah, you've said that you were single in interviews, but you and Jungkook are still dating, you've just been very careful keeping it a secret. Because of your schedule, you haven't been able to see Jungkook as often as you used to, so you sneak away at night to see him. You haven't been caught yet. In fact, you and Jungkook were on one of your secret late night dates now. "I really miss seeing you, jagi." Jungkook said as you walked down the lit sidewalk. You fixed your hat used to disguise yourself and sighed. "Me too." He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer. I don't want to sneak around like this anymore." He said. "You know we have too. I'm not supposed to have a boyfriend. If they find out that we never broke up, they'll never let me out of their sight." You said. He squeezed your hand and sighed. "Right." The next day, you had a live interview on a talk show, Jungkook was in the audience of course. "Okay, now it's time to take questions and comments from fans in the audience." The host said. The first guy around your age stood up with the microphone. "I just wanted to say that (y/n), you are very beautiful and I wish I was your boyfriend." His face turned red and you smiled and laughed. "Thank you so much." You looked at Jungkook who was glaring at the guy making you giggle. A few more people talked and asked questions, some of them girls, most of them guys wanting your attention. You kept smiling and thanking them for the nice things they were saying until you saw someone get up and head towards the door. "Jungkook." You whispered. He looked mad and hurt. "What was that?" They host asked. You shook your head. "Nothing." You bit your lip and your eyes followed Jungkook as he left. You sighed and put on a fake smile. Ten minutes later, you went on break and went to find Jungkook. You were supposed to stay backstage so you tried calling him but he wasn't answering so you snuck out to the front of the building where the audience entered from. You looked all around the lobby and found him leaning against a pillar. You slowly walked over to him. "Hey." He didn't respond. "Jungkook." "What?" "Why did you leave?" "I don't know." He mumbled, trying to get passed you. You grabbed his arm. "You do, why?" He snatched his arm away from you. "Because of what they were saying." "Who?" "Those guys. They were all calling you beautiful and hitting on you." "They were not hitting on me." "Oh yes they were! I saw it in their eyes, jagiya." You sighed. "Why do you care what they say?" "Because you're my girlfriend! My girlfriend! Yeah you're beautiful and perfect, but I want to be the only one who tells you that. I don't like when other guys look at you like that. I mean, I know you're a model and everything, but I-I just can't stop thinking about what if." He grabbed your hand. "What if another guy trys to steal your heart. According to the media, you're single, so guys are waiting in line for you." You were touched by his words. "Jungkook." You said softly, putting a hand on his cheek. "Stop thinking like that. I would never even think of being with another guy. I want you and only you. You don't have to worry about anything." "But, what they're saying-" "Forget about what they're saying. They're just compliments anyway. But if it bothers you that much, we can go public. Let them know that I'm taken and maybe they'll back off." He grabbed your hand that was on his cheek. "But, last night you said so yourself that we can't." "I know, but I love you, and I don't want our relationship to be a secret anymore." "What if they keep you from me?" "We can try to work things out with them." You wrapped your arms around his waist and you heard your name being called. "(Y/n), there you are! It's time to go back on!" You released Jungkook and told him to go back into the audience and you went back on stage. "Welcome back, for those just tuning in, we're here with (y/n), uprising already well-known model. Now, we went on Twitter and told you guys to send us questions that you would like (y/n) to answer and there were a lot. The most frequently asked questions were about your relationship status and ideal type." The host turned to you. "So, what is your ideal type?" You smiled and looked at Jungkook. "Well, someone who's tall, cute, makes me laugh, is extremely adorable when he's jealous." That made Jungkook laugh. The host smirked and raised her eyebrow. "Do you have someone in mind by chance?" Your heart started pounding. "Actually, that's what I wanted to get off my chest today. As far as my relationship status, I am taken." The audience gasped. "Really? By who?" "He's here in the audience." "What?!" By now, the host was excited. "Go get him and bring him up here!" You smiled and walked off stage straight to Jungkook. People were watching with wide eyes and murmuring. You held out your hand to Jungkook and he grabbed in and followed you back to the stage, sitting next to you on the couch. "This is my boyfriend Jungkook." You said. "How long have you been dating?" "Almost 2 years." "Wow, how come we're just now hearing about your relationship?" You told her your situation and she and the audience thought it was sweet. "Well that's it for our show, thanks again (y/n) and Jungkook for being on the show. Join us next week with B.A.P!" After the show, you took your sweet time going to face your manager, but she found you. She did not look happy. "(Y/n), what were you thinking?" You stayed quiet. "I told you to break up with him the moment you debuted but you've been sneaking behind my back? Do you know how much trouble you're in?!" "How much?" "Mom!" You ran to her. "I thought you had to work." "I did, but I made time to come see you. Now what's going on?" "She's still dating Jungkook." Your manager said. Your mom turned to you. "You are?" You nodded. "I didn't want to break up with him. I love him too much." "I specifically told her that she can't date but-" "Why not?" "Because it's bad for publicity and-" "I don't see anything wrong with it." Your mom said. "But she can't-" "No, she can. I am her mother. Not you. If I say it's okay for her to date, she can. I you don't like it, let's say you'll be out of a job." Your managers attitude changed. "Jungkook!" She hugged him. "So glad to see you!" After things calmed down, you grabbed Jungkook's hand. "I told you things would work out." You said. Jungkook smiled sheepishly. "I'm glad they did. Now I can take you out during the day." You laughed. "I'm not doing anything else today. Take me somewhere?" "Where?" You stood on your tippy toes and kissed him. "It doesn't matter, as long as I'm with you."

You're famous and he's jealous of the guys who love you

Jealous @bts_army_love

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