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You had your feet propped up on the dashboard, your head resting on your palm, your elbow resting on the door. All of the windows were down and your hair blew all over the place, but you didn't mind. The radio was turned up loud as you and your boyfriend Jimin drove down the long highway. You tilted your head up and put your arm out the window, letting the wind whistle in between your fingers. You suggested that you get away for the weekend and go to a cabin. You took a deep breath and smiled. Jimin turned the radio down and put his hand on your thigh. "What are you smiling about?" You shook you head. "Nothing. I guess I'm just happy to be spending more time with you." You said, putting your hand on top of his. You looked forward and saw the sign for the direction you were supposed to go, but Jimin passed it. "Hey, you missed the exit." You said. "No I didn't, we're supposed to be on 75 south, right?" "Yeah, 75 south, then merge on to 75 east. We're supposed to go east, we're still going south." You said. "No, we're supposed to merge to 69 west." You sat up. "What? No!" You got on your phone to pull up the directions with no use. "Ugh, the reception sucks out here, I don't have a signal." You tried Jimin's phone but got the same results. "Great, we're lost." You said, crossing your arms. Jimin rolled all the windows up and turned the air on. "We're not lost, but we are almost out of gas. Dammit!" Jimin hit the steering wheel. "Nice going. There probably aren't any gas stations for miles. I told you to fill up before we left, but nooo, you insisted we had enough to get there!" "Hey, at least I'm not the one who forgot the damn GPS." "Why would we need a GPS when we gave our phones?" "Because of moments like these!" You sighed and looked out the window. Suddenly, the car started to slow down and Jimin pulled over. He angrily turned the car off. "Out of gas." He mumbled. You shook your head and rubbed your temples. You opened the door and got out. "Where are you going?" He asked, getting out of the car. "Hitching a ride." You said. Jimin grabbed your wrist and pulled you away from the side of the road. "Are you crazy? You never know who's picking you up! You could get raped or killed!" He yelled. "Well how else are we supposed to get our of here?! Our phones don't work and we're our of gas! God Jimin, why didn't you just fill the fucking tank?!" "Why are you so mad?!" "Because I just wanted to be there and relax but you missed the exit and we're in the middle of no where!" You walked back to the side of the road and stood there, waiting to see a car. "Fine, good luck trying to find someone." Jimin stomped back to the car and slammed the door closed. You stood there for a few minutes until you saw a car coming in the distance. You put your arm out to flag it down. When the driver saw you, he pulled over and you walked to the car. "Do you need help?" The attractive middle-aged looking man asked. "Yes actually. I ran out of gas and my phone doesn't have any service out here. Do you think you could drive me to a gas station or something to call someone?" "Oh, I have a few gas tanks in my trunk. I can take you there to get gas then bring you back here. Should be enough to get you to the station to fill up." He said. You turned your head and saw Jimin looking at you from the side mirror. "That would be great actually, thanks." "Hop in." You got in the car without hesitation and he started driving. You passed Jimin and saw him with his eyes wide and opening the door. "So where are you heading?" He asked. "I'm trying to get to Wilderness Mountain Cabins." You said. "Wilderness mountains? You're definitely not going the right direction." He said. "You have to get on 75 east." You gasped. "I told Jimin!" You yelled. "Who's Jimin?" "My boyfriend. He insisted that we had to get on 69 west." You said. "Well you're not heading that direction either." You sighed. "Nice going Jimin." You whispered. After you got the gas, the man drove you back to the car and when Jimin saw you get out of his car, he ran to you and hugged you tightly. "(Y/n)! I thought I was never going to see you again!" He yelled. "Why would you get in the car with a stranger? I told you what could've happened! I should've been out here with you!" You hugged back then pushed him off. "I'm okay. He just took me to get gas." Jimin looked at the man then at the gas tanks he was holding. "Oh. But still!" Jimin went over to the man. "Thanks for bringing her back. I thought for sure you were some shady pervert who was going to kidnap her. No offense." "It's alright. I understand." After the man put the gas in your car, you thanked him and he drove away. You and Jimin got back in the car and you told him the directions to the gas station to finish filling up the tank. "I'm sorry." You said. "You must've been scared huh?" He nodded. "Of course! I couldn't drive after you or call you, I was so scared." You stayed quiet for a while until after you got gas. "By the way, Jimin?" "Yeah?" "The guy said were supposed to go 75 east." You said. "Oh." "I told you!"

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