18. Jimin

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Who's throwing this Halloween party again?" Your boyfriend, Jimin asked. "Yoongi." You said. "Is Namjoon going to be there?" He asked. "Well they are best friends so I assume so." He scoffed. "You know I don't like him ever since he flirted with you that one day." Giggling, you walked over to him and grabbed his hands. "Come on, don't be a Halloweiner. I'll be with you the whole night. All of our friends will be there." You said, swinging your arms from side to side. "It will be fun." He looked at you and sighed. "Promise you won't talk to him?" He asked. "I have nothing to do with him anyway. We wont be talking. I promise." You leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Fine, we can go." He said, quietly.  2 weeks later was the night of the party. "Whoa, there's so many people here." You said as you and Jimin stepped inside the house where the Halloween party was being held. There was loud music playing and rowdy peiple all over the place. You and Jimin had matching costumes; you were Alice and he was The Mad Hatter. You both decided not to be something scary this year because you were going to a party and not scaring the neighbor kids. "I see you guys made it." Yoongi said. "Yeah, thanks for inviting us." You said. "No problem. Of course we're having a costume contest and a bobbing for apples station in the backyard along with other games. Feel free to join any of them. Food and drinks are in the kitchen. I'll be over there most of the night if you need me. Have fun." Once he left, you and Jimin slowly made you way into the party. "Dance with me." You said, grabbing Jimin's hand. A fast, up-beat song was playing and other people and couples were all around you dancing. You and Jimin moved to the beat of a couple songs. It was getting tiresome and crowded so you moved to an emptier spot. "I'll get us some drinks. Don't go anywhere." Jimin said.  You sat in a chair and waited for Jimin to get back. "Hello, Alice." A voice said from next to you. You whiped your head to the source and saw Namjoon smirking at you. "What do you want?" You snapped. "Hey, I'm just here to offer you this." He held out a candy apple. "How do I know you didn't poison it?" "With what, shrinking poison?" He laughed. You crossed your arms. "You're not denying it." His arm dropped a little. "Come on, (y/n), I didn't poison it." "Either way, I don’t want it." He dropped his arm all the way. "I was just trying to make a peace offering. I know you don't really like me because I keep flirting with you, but I can't help it. You're just too beautiful." He carresed your face with the back of his hand that was suddenly smacked away. "Don't touch her." Jimin spat. "Where are our drinks?" You asked. "It doesn't matter, we're leaving. Namjoon, stay away from her. And don't every touch her again." Jimin said as he dragged you out. "Hey, slow down." You said. Jimin stopped and let go of your wrist. "I'm sorry. Just seeing him with you made me so mad." He said. You wrapped your arms around his waist and put you chin on his chest, looking up at him. "Are you jealous?" You asked. His face turned red and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "A little." He said, avoiding eye contact. You smiled. "Well, how about we go back to my place and watch scary movies, how does that sound?" He nodded, his bottom lip sticking out. "You're too cute." You said before you kissed him.

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