30. Jungkook

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"(Y/n), get up. It's time for school." Your mom said quietly as she stood next to your bed. You slowly opened your eyes. "I don't want to." You said. "I know it's early, but you have to get up." "It's not about the time, I just don't want to go to school." She sighed. "Look, I know it's hard being the new kid, but you just-" "Well then stop making us move so much!" You said, sitting up. "You know- I'm just trying to do what's best for us. After the divorce, your dad didn't leave us with a lot of money and-" "Whatever, just get out so I can get ready." You said, walking over to your closet. You waited for your mom to leave then took a deep breath. You opened your closet and pulled out the required uniform that was a yellow and black blazer and a black skirt. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why do we have to wear uniforms?" You said to yourself. You got dressed, and brushed your teeth and hair. Going over to your desk, you picked up the name tag that you got on the day you went to register for school and put it on. You grabbed your backpack and left your room, heading towards the door. "Are you going to eat breakfast?" Your mom asked. You didn't answer and walked out. You stood there for a second and looked down, thinking about every bad thing that's ever happened to you, then stomped your foot, letting out a sigh of frustration. You picked your head back up and shook it off. You checked the time on your watch and started walking to your new school. After a few minutes of walking, you realized that you didn't really remember the path to school. You stopped walking and internally panicked. You looked around to see if you could find anyone wearing the same uniform as you. With no luck, you continued walking again, hoping you could jog your memory. After about 30 seconds of walking, you stopped again and sighed. "I have no idea where I'm going." You whispered to yourself. "Hey, uh, are you lost?" Someone asked. You turned around and saw a boy about your age wearing the same uniform as you. "Me? No, I just got side tracked." You said defensively. "Oh. Well, when you're ready, the school is this way." He said, pointing behind him with his thumb. You scoffed and walked past him. As you walked further, your memory came back and you knew where to go from there. You realized the boy was following you the whole time. You turned around and stomped your foot. "Stop following me!" You yelled. He looked surprised. "I'm not! I'm just going to school like you!" He yelled back. You froze when you realized you made a fool of yourself. "Well, then stop being so close to me. Keep your distance." You said as you continued walking. "Why, do I make you nervous?" He said, smirking. You scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself." You walked faster and heard him chuckling behind you. Once you got to the familiar building, you pulled out you paper that had all of your school info on it to find your classroom number. When you did, you walked to the room, observing your surroundings. As you walked into the room, you slowly walked up to the teacher. "Hello, my name is (y/n). Today is my first day here." You said. He looked up. "Ah, so you're the new student. I'm Mr.Kim." He had you stand up there until he got the class settled. "Kids, this is your new classmate (y/n), treat her well." You looked out into the sea of unfamiliar faces staring at you. "You can have a seat next to Jungkook." You looked at the boy named Jungkook, the same boy from this morning, and your heart skipped a beat, but not in the good way.

You avoided eye contact with Jungkook as you sat next to him. "Jungkook, share your notes with (y/n) so she can catch up." Mr.Kim said. "Sure thing Kim Seokjin." Jungkook said. Mr.Kim turned around. "Jeon Jungkook, I told you before to stop calling my by my full name." He turned back to the board. Jungkook pulled out his notes and passed them to you. You squinted your eyes and looked at the paper. "I can't read this. This is chicken scratch!" You said. Jungkook made a face at you. "Well at least I took notes." You rolled your eyes. "Whatever, I can catch up on my own." "Suit yourself." He shrugged his shoulders and took his paper back. After a half hour into the lesson, you realized you were lost. You were to stubborn to ask for help so you continued to be confused as you tried to understand. Hours past you it was time for you to go to lunch. You went into the cafeteria alone and got your food. You looked for a place to sit down. You scanned until you found an empty table and went to sit down. Once you were seated comfortably, you heard someone scoff. You looked up and saw three girls giving you a dirty look. "Hey, you're at our table." One said. "Oh, well it's not like I took up that much space." You said as you continued to eat. Another girl took your plate and handed it to the girl next to her. "Throw this away." She said. The girl took it and began to walk to the trashcan. "I don't know why she's going over there, the trash is right here." You said, pointing to the girl who picked your plate up. She raised her eyebrows. "Excuse me?!" "You heard me." You crossed your arms. "You little-" "Hey, hey, let up on her, she's new." A boy stood in between you. "Jungkook, you better get you little girlfriend before I-" "Hey, I'm not his girlfriend!" You yelled. You both started yelling back and forth and Jungkook had to pick you up and take you away and back to his table. You hit him until he put you down. "Why did you do that?" You asked. "You don't want to get mixed up with those girls, they're no good." He said. Then, you realized that everyone was staring at you. You just left the cafeteria and went out into the hallway to avoid the stares. Jungkook followed behind you. "Okay, now you're following me. Why?" "I just wanted to check on you." "Well I'm fine, okay?" That's when the bell rang to dismiss you from lunch and back to class. For the rest of the day, you kept thinking about the look on Jungkook's face when he followed you out into the hall, and the way he took you away from those girls. On the way home, you held onto the straps of your backpack and trudged back home. You were absorbed in your thoughts until you heard heavy footsteps behind you. You didn't bother to turn around because the source was right next to you within two seconds. "Hey, you won't get lost on the way to school again right?" Jungkook asked. You rolled your eyes. "I wasn't lost." You mumbled. He laughed. "Sure." There was a pause. "And don't think that we're going to walk to and from school together everyday, okay?" You said. "Why not?" "Just- because." "Because why?" He smirked. "Do I make you nervous? I mean, I did hold you in my arms today." You shook your head and walked faster. Of course, Jungkook matched your speed. "Oh, look, here's my house, too bad I have to go in." You said sarcastically. You turned into your house and Jungkook stopped at the edge of your yard. "See you tomorrow (y/n)!" You went in and closed the door. You waited a few seconds before looking out the window at Jungkook who was walking away. You sighed and took your shoes off. Your mom was at work so you went up to your room and and got your homework out. You saw a piece of folded paper in the bottom of your bag. You took it out and unfolded it. "Here are the notes, hope you can read them this time. -Jungkook." The paper was filled with readable notes from your first class. 'When did he even have time to do this?' You just shook your head and set them on your desk. 'I don't need them.' After several attempts at the homework, you sighed in frustration and snatched the notes up. 'Fine, just this once.' After you finished, you realized that he actually helped you a lot. 'This doesn't mean that I like him!'

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