I don't have my phone on me something I'm only just now realising. Since when do I not carry my phone? I depend on that thing more then water and the one time I don't have it of course the Disease dies on me...and Embry. Sweet Embry who had a crush on me up to the tender ago of twelve. Oh God and here come the water works again. I was heaving just trying to breath normally this is all too fucking much!

Okay stick with the plan, find a fucking phone and don't vomit along the way. I had two options. Option 1; go back in the forest, risk getting eaten by the two fuckers who killed La Push's first ever gay couple and then find my phone. Option 2; not risk my life and walk around the beach to the nearest house to use their phone.

The only thing was that house... was Emily's house. We weren't on good terms my cousin and I, perhaps after watching Quil get torn apart by wolves I should try and patch things up with what little cousins I have left...even if they did steal my sister's fiancé.

Okay turns out she may live closer to the forest then I remembered. I'm definitely standing on the path that leads to her house, but it goes into the forest. The forest that Quil and Embry just died in. No Fucking way was I using Emily's phone now. Okay moving on to whoever lived next to Emily's which is Billy Black. Oh God I'd have to tell him that his nephew just died traumatically just twenty minutes ago.

When the barn came into focus, I knew I was close. I couldn't get myself to stop crying. No more Quil. I don't think I've ever really had a decent conversation with him. Hell did he have any hobbies apart from fucking his bestie?. Questions now that will probably always remain unanswered. Okay here it goes just walk up to the house, okay now knock on the door. I banged on it so harshly I'm surprised I didn't split the red wooden door.

From the squeaks that approached I could tell I'd have to break the news to Billy first. I kinda wished no one was home so that way the world would still be under the impression that Quil and Embry were alive for just a little bit longer.

When Billy opened the door his smile instantly fell. I know I must've looked a fucking mess, but the look still hurt. My hair was a bird's nest from running out of the woods, I was covered in sand and my face...it's a red blotched snotty mess. Yep I'm definitely a prom queen. He hadn't said anything, I haven't said anything. God just say it. Why can't I just say 'Quil died chief, sorry but it happens oh yeah and he was gay'. Instead I did something I promised I wouldn't. I turned to the side vomited and then just stared right back at him. He wheeled slightly back, gave me another once over and concern was instantly replaced by his disgust.

He sighed in annoyance and then yelled "Jacob it's for you"

With that he wheeled down the hall and out of sight. Okay what the actual fuck? I'm not here for Jacob I'm here for a damned phone! I could here his footsteps coming closer and there he was in his shirtless glory eating a packet of doritos. And there I was stinking of vomit from the pool next to my feet while hyperventilating.

I was instantly wrapped in his arms within seconds and he carried me to his couch which smelt of him. His forest scent shouldn't be so comforting after seeing my cousin get murdered in there minutes ago but it was.

He was cupping his hands around my face so I had no option to stare at those endless pools of brown. Fuck stay focused! I owe Quil and Embry at least enough to not sidetrack their deaths by the god that is there friend. Oh, shit he was there friend not to mention he's Quil's cousin too. It'd break him... his best friend and cousin in one day. Poor Jake. Or in fact maybe I'd win this thing faster than I thought.

"April you need to breathe okay, because right now you're not doing a good job of it. And I can't exactly help you if your too panicked to get a sentence out" that's fair I guess.

I can do this. Why was I finding this hard? It shouldn't be hard. I was going to win, I can do this. By god I could do it if he'd bloody stop touching me!.

"So here's the thing...Quil and Embry...they're..." what do I say, no longer with us? Would that seal the deal? It was a painful thought. Breaking him was too fucking painful to follow through with. Like as if it would pain me as much as it would pain him?. What Bullshit!

"They're what?..." just as he was about to continue a ray of sunshine literally walked into the room. I started wrestling with Jacob's hands before I got up on shaking legs and crushed my baby brother in a hug. I was a mess and maybe I could do this if I had Seth's reassuring smile by my side. When he let go he seemed to take in my state, and then the tears, the shallow breaths and the fact I actually hugged him. He smiled down at me again before looking up at Jake.

"So, you told her already? That's awesome man! Congratulations she seems to be taking it well. Better then expected anyways. Leah and I had this bet April, she thought when you'd first see Jake that you'd run away. But I said you'd just cry a little and go back to him" He smiled at me and then laughed a little "Seems like you managed both"

Okay what was the idiot talking about?. I turned to Jacob who was shaking like a leaf and glaring the fuck out of my younger brother.

"Seth shut the hell up before I make you!". Woah! I flinched at the tone he used. It seemed to do something to Seth, he went white and literally didn't say anything. Dude nobody gets to bully my shithead brother but me and Leah!

"What the hell is wrong with you! You can't just go around yelling at people for no apparent reason! And don't you ever talk to another member of my family like that again!" I glared up at him. "Come on Seth! We'll find a phone somewhere else!".

With that I grabbed Seth's burning hand and I dragged him out of the house, past my dried-up spew and into the yard. I stayed standing there for about five minutes before I came to the sudden realisation that Seth couldn't hear my internal monologue about how I'd just plotted Jacob's death.

I looked up at my brother, he's changed so much in the past few years and it shocked me how much he reminded me of Jacob. Did I still hate him? potentially. But he wasn't really ignoring me and well I'm literally holding his hand...so I guess I'm not ignoring him back. God this weird, I need to remember that my siblings are literally in a cult...a super secret gay drug cult. He gave me an awkward smile and looked down at our entwined hands and then his smile got a little bit bigger.

"Well this fun, your nicer than Leah sometimes. I don't think she would've stood up to Jake like that. Not that she could anyways he's stronger...please don't tell her I said that". The thing is he wasn't being sarcastic at all. The booger actually found this fun? Standing hand in hand in the Black's yard? What a freak!

"yeah well anyone's nicer than her" I let go of his hand, it was actually starting to burn.

"So what do we need a phone for?" Oh Shit!... Quil and Embry!

"April?...Ace?...your looking a little bit spaced out there. Should I get Jacob? Would he be able to calm you down?." He sighed and then grabbed my shoulders "Ap-ril, Tell me if you need Jacob, Jac-ob. Blink once for yes" he proceeded to blink and nod. " or twice" he just had a eye spam "for no".

"Seth what the hell are you doing?!? She's just an idiot not brain damaged. You don't have to talk slow around her, it just it takes a while for her brain to catch up to the rest of us". It was glorious the voice of an angel. There with Embry by his side was Quil, my darling of a cousin emerging from the tree line. He was smirking right back at me when my world tipped on it's axis and all I saw was black. 


Hey guys,

I just wanted to say I really appreciate all the views, votes and comments. You may have noticed I took down parts 8 and 9. To be honest I thought it didn't display my best writing and I didn't like the idea of making the main character shift. Chapters 8 and 9 didn't fit in with the rest of the earlier chapters and at times I felt like I was writing an entirely different fanfic. I think what makes this story good is April being oblivious to the supernatural world around her. Chapters 8 and 9 took that away and I felt like I was writing about a different OC. Again I'm really sorry if anyone really liked chapters 8 and 9 but I don't want that to be the direction that this story goes in. Thank you so much for reading and I will post more chapters soon!

Not Your Rebound Wolf Girl (Jacob Black)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora