Dude what's with the look?!? I raised my eyebrows up at him, he couldn't intimidate me and it's not like I'd done anything wrong...well apart from considering punching his new girlfriend in the face. He raised his eyebrow and then smirked.

"You just going stand there in the pouring rain all day? or are you going to come inside and steal all of Billy's dry towels?" the fuck? That's it? no what the hell is someone like you doing at the Black's?

"Are you happy with her?" it fell from lips before I knew what I was saying. His smirk turned into a smile that seemed to light up his face, one I don't think I'd ever seen him wear.

"I...she makes happier than I've ever been" and that actually made me smile

"Well I'm glad, really I am. If anyone deserves to be happy it's you" It wasn't a lie I meant it. I loved him still, but it was strictly platonic, and he seemed to get it. And next thing I know he was walking out in the pouring rain and hugging me. This was good, I need this, I needed the closure. He was still smiling a bloody goofy ass smile that could rival Seth's when he let me go.

"you're amazing, you know that right?" I nodded back at him. He then rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly "Did you want to meet her? she's great and super smart... and pretty" he added pretty in slight warning like I am not be able to handle the prettiness that is Rachel Black. Although if she was related to Jacob I doubt she would be anything less.

So that's how I spent the rest of the afternoon, at the Black's. After a while I felt as though I was third wheeling with Rachel and Paul. She was nicer now compared to when we were kids. Considering that she didn't appear to be calling me Anal April, one of Leah's more creative childhood nicknames. Which is why I called her Diarrhea... it still gets under her skin. Actually, I felt Rachel was trying a little too hard especially when she started calling me her sister while winking at Paul who'd just smirk back at her. The Bloody weridos deserve each other, I mean they're nice, but god I was getting a headache from their constant inside jokes.

It had stopped raining now so I attempted to plan my escape, each time I tried the both of them would come up with excuses as if they were waiting for something. Maybe I could say I was sick or remembered I had a party to get ready for? Both are pretty piss poor excuses, but I mean it's not like I needed to be besties with my ex boyfriend and his new girlfriend. And I swear to god if Rachel Black refers to me as family one more time, I might just actually punch her.

So out of the blue I just stood up and marched to the door. I didn't care if it was considered rude. I just couldn't handle their lovey doveyness. Hell I don't know how Leah endures this everyday if Paul and Rachel are anything like Sam and Emily, then I'm surprised my sister hasn't jumped off the cliffs yet. Just as I walked out the door Jacob was starting to walk up the porch steps.

We both halted in our steps. He regarded me with curiosity, he was dripping wet , the rain having started some point between me getting up from the couch and making my way to the porch. I was drawn to everything about him, physically anyway. I watched as a droplet of water fell from his messy hair and slide down his abs. He was shirtless...like that should just be expected by now.

We're staring at each other, him in the rain on the steps of his porch and me in the doorway. I wanted him, I wanted to yell at him till my lungs were sore, I wanted to hurt him with my words until he was as broken as me. But I didn't do any of that, instead I inched forward and leaped from the doorway and onto him. He caught me as if on instinct and nothing more, neither of us losing eye contact, I could feel the rain starting to sink through and damped my clothes, but his body heat made up for all of it. Looking into his eyes I came to sudden realisation that I was free, Free from Alec, Free from Paul. His confusion was replaced by a different expression I couldn't place, and God I hated that he was the one person I couldn't read. I sighed surprisingly contempt right here in the pouring rain in his arms.

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