Phase Two: The Hunt

Start from the beginning

"It's intimidating." he finished, abruptly standing.

"Why are you running away?" Jason poked, knowing that it was something the beta male did all the time when the mystery mate was mentioned. He deflected or ran away. Literally.

"I'm not. I want another juice box." he retorted. At the mention of it, the little human dude piped up, nicely asking Zain to buy him one as well. Sylvester held out a few dollar bills that Zain took and made his escape. Practically speed walking to the vending machines just outside the cafeteria block.

"Speaking of making a move." Jason piped up, fiddling with his own empty juice box that he'd crumpled up. "When are we going to make a move against them?" He kept this question super vague to unsuspecting persons, but we werewolves knew what he really meant. Didn't stop the human from prodding though.

"Is something happening? You aren't doing anything bad, are you?" Sylvester interrogated the tall male next to him. Said male smiled down at the small human.

"Nothing to worry your pretty, little head about."

The human scoffed. "I'm not little. You're just an overgrown tree." Sylvester sassed, flicking a strand of platinum blonde hair out of his eyes.

I blame Asher and Jaxon for this. Since when did said little dude grow a back bone? Not that it's necessarily a bad thing given some of the characters in this town. With his mate a senior, and his other friends being junior students, it was only a matter of time before the bullies finally regained freedom to make his life miserable.

Tucker took his small mate's words into stride, returning to the focus of the conversation. "I was thinking tomorrow. Lance called this morning and said that my brother is sending out a few guys to get something. They'll be in Jasper Falls."

"Shoot us the details later. Let us know if you need extra hands." I said, ignoring the sparks that shot up my thigh from where Carter was make circular motions with his fingers.

"Are you guys in some kind of gang?" the human asked, flitting his big brown eyes between all six of us. He settled his gaze on Tucker, who only smiled down fondly at the little dude. "Because if you are, I can't be friends with you. My dad's a cop. I could get into big trouble."

"Being a little rebel, Syl? Guess you aren't so angelic after all." Jason mused, grinning his face off. The human scrunched his nose in an adorable fashion that I'm sure, made his mate melt.

"No, Syl." Tucker replied. "Just some unfinished business with my brother."

"Will I ever meet him?" the human perked up. The response was an immediate chorus of No's from every other guy seated at the table. Even Asher.

Sylvester jumped and frowned at the timely, loud reaction but didn't prod any further realizing that the 'Tobias' topic wasn't one we'd prefer to spend very long on.

It would simply spell disaster if Tobias ever found out about Sylvester. It was bad enough that the psycho had once used Julius- his own father- as bait to distract and overpower Tucker in that very first raid. A plan set in motion that left the former Blackwater alpha bound to a wheelchair giving it years again before he would make a full recovery to walk again.

Given Tobias' obsession with using a person's loved ones as leverage for his dirty bidding and games, it would mean all kinds of torture, pain, and bloodshed if ever it came to his knowledge that Tucker had found his luna in a human.

The lunch hour was soon over, and Tucker promised to forward any information regarding tomorrow's plan of attack. Our lunch table dispersed accordingly with the alpha male heading off to escort his small mate to his next class.

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