Chapter 11, Part 1: Penny's POV

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After thinking about it the rest of the yesterday and this morning, I came to the conclusion that sneaking out of BDC territory without being caught was possible, but the odds of my brothers not realizing I was gone was next to nothing, especially thanks to their stupid open-door policy.

So I was gonna need to get creative.

"Ben?" I called out while descending the stairs.

"Penny?" Ben responded from the living room.

I walked in to find Ben pausing the soccer game he and Cooper were watching.

"Torryn is having a game night in her dorm room," I said while standing in the doorway. "Can I go?"

"Game night?" Ben repeated.

"Yeah," I said. "We're gonna sit around and play some board games for a couple hours—I think Torryn said she had Clue, Sorry, Trouble ... so can I?"

"Who else is gonna be at this game night?" Cooper chimed in.

"Oh, it's girls only," I said.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Me, Torryn, Torryn's two roommates, Julia—"

"No Caroline?"

"Um, I think Caroline's supposed to be there, but I'm not sure," I said. I didn't want to confirm or deny that I'd see Caroline tonight, since I had a feeling she was still a touchy subject for Cooper.

"Hm," Was all Cooper responded.

"So, can I go?" I repeated, turning towards my eldest brother.

"I don't know, Penny," Ben responded.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because your appointment with Dr. Henderson is next week."

I couldn't keep from sighing. "I know that; but that has nothing to do with me hanging out with my friends for a couple hours."

Ben and Cooper looked at each other.

"Besides, I'm fiiiiine," I added.

"Well let's wait and see if the doctor says you're fiiiiine," Cooper mimicked. "Until then, we want to be able to keep an eye on you."

"Ben? Please?"

"I have an idea," Ben said. "Why don't you girls have game night here tonight? We promise to stay out of your way."

"I already told you why—because it's girls only," I said. "That means no guys allowed, which, no offense, includes brothers."

Hopefully being the only girl in the family was finally going to work in my favor.

Ben and Cooper looked at each other again. But this time, Cooper shrugged.

"I can't keep neglecting my friends—they're gonna hate me!"

"No one's gonna hate you, Penny," Ben said.

"Pa-leeeeeeez?" I said while dropping down to my knees. I wasn't above begging at this point; I couldn't lose Caroline's trust again. "Please, please, please, please, please?"

"Alright, alright," Ben said before clearing his throat. "You can go to this game night—"

"Yes!" I got up, ran into the living room, and gave my eldest brother the biggest hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"But I want you back here by nine thirty."

Caroline had only told me what time the date started—8:30—not what time it ended, but I figured the date couldn't last more than an hour anyway; we were only going to dinner, how long could that take?

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