Chapter 8, Part 2: Penny's POV

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I almost went to confront Cooper about why in the world he felt the need to essentially tell Ms. Wether I was depressed, but I didn't. For one, he was probably already at soccer practice, and there was no need to potentially create a bigger audience for my "problems" by inviting the entire boys' soccer team to listen in. And two, I knew that my current state of annoyance would only lead to me being in trouble as I cussed my brother into oblivion.

So, what did I do instead? I sat in my dorm room and did my homework. What else could I do while I waited for soccer practice to come and go? Although the thought of flipping a shit on Cooper stuck in my mind as I plowed through my math homework, I had my sights set on speaking with someone else who was currently preoccupied with kicking balls around the field.

Fortunately for me, I didn't even have to go find her; Caroline came to my room on her own. Did I unknowingly send her a telepathic message saying we needed to talk?

"Hey!" Caroline said as she suddenly appeared in the doorway. I liked to keep my door open sometimes so that the fresh air flowing through the open window had somewhere to flow out of.

"Hey," I said as I flipped to my last page of algebra equations. Most of Dana's students would be happy about being almost done with the packet ... I just wondered what I was gonna spend the rest of my weekend doing. Although now that I thought about it, I guess that was what friends like Caroline were for. Boy, my lack of a social life was worse than I thought. "Come on in."

"Thanks," Caroline said as she stepped inside.

"Can you shut the door? I gotta talk to you about something, and I don't want my neighbors hearing."

"Are you sure about that? I did just come from soccer practice you know." Caroline pointed at the various mud and grass stains on her practice jersey. Most of the girl soccer players didn't like changing out in the locker room, mainly because it'd take forever to get clean if you waited in line to use one of the three shower heads provided in there. Although a lot of the players were tomboys, they still liked taking hour-long showers like any other girl. "You know how much I sweat."

"Don't worry, my window's open," I said.

"Alright." Caroline clicked the door shut. "So do you want to go first?"

"Go first?" I didn't realize there was a need to take turns.

"Yeah, I got some news for you too!"

"Oh ... well then why don't you go first since you seem more eager to share."

"Micah asked me out!"

"He did?" When Caroline's expression froze, I realized that I hadn't said those two words with as much enthusiasm as she'd been looking for. "I mean, he did?! Oh my gosh!"

"I know! He asked me out this morning during breakfast! It was so cute—it was just the two of us sitting at one of those round tables in the cafeteria. After I was done eating, he took both my hands in his, told me he really really liked me, and asked me to be his girlfriend!"

"That's great, Caroline."

"...That's it? That's all you got?"

"What do you mean?" That was the most excited I could sound after staring at countless pages of algebra equations.

"To be honest, I was expecting you to be a little happier for me. You know, like how I was happy for you when you started dating Zach."

"Whoa, cool it, Caroline. First of all, I didn't ask you to be happy for me when I started dating Zach. And second, please don't compare Zach to Micah."

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