Chapter 16, Part 1: Penny's POV

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Despite my reluctance to drink, hanging out with Caroline and Micah was the most fun I'd had in a long time. We didn't talk about grades, homework, or even my brothers—instead, we found the latest viral memes, watched crazy YouTube videos, and joked around like normal teenagers. I knew it wasn't ideal for me to have done all this in lieu of going to class, but I had to take what I could get. And considering the fact that my brothers didn't want me to have any fun at all, ever, this was my only option until they came to their senses.

While I didn't want my fun to end, I just couldn't bring myself to skip out on the rest of my classes, so I reluctantly dragged myself to art class the following period. Caroline and Micah had decided to skip second-to-last period at the very least, to let their buzz wear off a bit.

They wouldn't commit to going to or not going to last period; but for Caroline's sake, I kind of hoped she just skipped. For us, last period was math class. And if Dana even had an inkling that Caroline was tipsy, she'd be absolutely screwed.

I warned Caroline of this, but apparently that wasn't enough to scare her away, because she was the first person I noticed when I walked into Dana's classroom. It sucked not being able to say anything to her, or even acknowledge her presence; but ever since being late the first day of school, Caroline and I sat on opposite ends of the room, so it wouldn't be hard for me to ignore her.

Once the bell rang, Dana started his class the same way he always did the class after a quiz or test—stating the class average, passive aggressively saying that it's clear some students studied more than others, and handing back the quizzes to everyone. Although Dana claimed he passed the graded quizzes out himself for confidentiality reasons, it was pretty obvious who did well and who didn't based on his facial expressions alone.

Then again, I'd grown pretty accustomed to the disappointed, annoyed, and downright-pissed faces of Dana George Kherrington; so maybe they weren't as obvious to someone who'd only been on the receiving end for the last however many months.

"See me after class," Dana instructed while handing me my quiz, face down.

Welp, pissed face or not, there was nothing subtle about that.

I assumed that meant I'd failed—but I was confused as to why he didn't just write the message at the top my quiz, like he usually did.

But then I flipped over my quiz to find 95% written under my name. Surely he wasn't going to scold me for losing 5 points—even Dana wasn't that neurotic! Then again, my brothers had proven time and time again that the littlest thing could make them explode.

Naturally, I spent the rest of class trying to figure out why Dana had called me out—in front of everyone—and what he wanted to talk about. The only obvious thing I'd done wrong recently was skip gym class, but I doubted Dana knew about that already ... and I hadn't skipped his class, or any other class that was mildly important to my education, so he shouldn't have cared anyway.

For the first time all year, despite Dana droning on and on with his lecture, math class flew by way too fast for my liking.

"Remember that even though we don't meet tomorrow, everyone who scored below a seventy on the quiz needs to redo the questions they got wrong and turn them into me before the end of the day tomorrow," my brother announced after the last bell of the day chimed.

When a good portion of my class groaned at the reminder, I joined in, not because I was in the same boat, but because I was dreading my upcoming meeting.

I loved Dana, but I would much rather redo my entire quiz than have a one-on-one talk with my second eldest brother about pretty much anything.

As I finished packing my bag, I watched Caroline escape out the door unscathed, which was a big relief. But judging by the look on my brother's face, I probably wasn't going to be as lucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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