Chapter 3, Part 3: Penny's POV

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"Jane," Cooper said as he opened the door. No knocking, no excuse me, Ms. Corella—he definitely wasn't setting the best example, but at least he wasn't yelling. "I need to speak with you outside."

"Now try it on your own," Jane—I mean Ms. Corella said to the girl she was helping, handing her the paintbrush. "I'll be right back."

I stood awkwardly behind Cooper, not sure whether I should sidle by him through the doorway or wait to be given the okay.

"Go ahead, Penny," Cooper said once Ms. Corella was out in the hallway.

"Wait," Ms. Corella said, blocking my path and extending her hand towards me. "Where's your late slip?"

"I was talking to her after class, which is why she was late," Cooper said. "So it's my fault."

"That's all fine and dandy," Ms. Corella said. "But I still need a late slip. Last time I checked, you weren't a five-by-six inch pink piece of paper with the words 'LATE SLIP' going across the top of it."

"Just let her in, Jane," Cooper said.

"Rules are rules, Cooper," Ms. Corella said.

"Do you know how childish you're being right now?" he asked.

Judging by the sudden flare of her nostrils, I'd say that question set Ms. Corella off.

"I'm being childish?" she said. "You're complaining because you're not getting your way, and you're calling me childish?"

"No, you're complaining because you're not getting your way," he said. Ms. Corella's anger turned to shock, and it almost looked as if she was about to burst into laughter from how ridiculous Cooper sounded. "And you're taking it out on my baby sister."

Her face turned back to being serious. "I'm not taking anything out on your baby sister."

"I'm not a baby," I mumbled under my breath.

"Good, then let her go into the classroom."

"Not without a late slip."

This was really uncomfortable to watch, especially since I had a front row seat to my brother arguing with his girlfriend. Apparently it wasn't too hard for the rest of my art class to watch though—I noticed that most of the kids had stopped working and were now watching the showdown. To avoid further embarrassment, I quickly grabbed the doorknob and closed the door shut.

"You're really gonna make me walk all the way back to my office to get a late slip?" Cooper said. "Even though I'm telling you right now that she had my permission to be late to your class?"

"Like I said, Cooper, rules are rules," Ms. Corella said. "Penny was late, so she needs to produce a late slip before entering my classroom. I'm not gonna make an exception for her just because she's your sister."

"But you've never asked me or anyone else for a late slip before," I chimed in. Getting involved probably wasn't the wisest decision.

"Things change, Penny," Ms. Corella said to me before looking back at my brother. "Or should I say, people change?"

"The only person that's changed here is you," Cooper said.

"Oh really?" Ms. Corella said. "So then, are you saying that going into the relationship, it was your intention to use me all along?"

Use her? Cooper used Ms. Corella?

Cooper sighed, as if they'd already had this conversation before ... many times before. "I didn't use you, Jane. Never have, never will."

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