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I looked at my face as I cried angrily to myself. My face just got done healing and now I have an another bruise forming on my cheek. I know he's waiting for me, I need to be heading out. I grabbed my house key and my phone before leaving. I was still crying as I got in on the passenger side of his expensive car.

"Babygirl, stop crying I could've did worse." He said as if he was trying to make me feel better. I wipe my tears angrily as I turn to face to window, I could hear him snickering. "Turn and face that window all you fucking want."

I ignore him now thinking about having to meet his parents. I hope they weren't like him, but then again, were do he get his toxic traits from? I wiped my face constantly trying to stop the crying.

"Get your shit together." He said pulling up to the gates of his house. I straightened myself telling myself to stop crying but I honestly couldn't. My feelings were hurt and he just didn't care.

"Angelena... Stop it. Your giving me a fucking headache and your pissing me the fuck off. "He said putting parking his car with all the other expensive cars. I wipe my face harshly with fresh tears still coming out I know he was losing his patience with me.

"Do you want a hand print on your ass tonight?" He asked but it sounded more demanding. I knew he wasn't playing. I stopped crying but know I have hiccups.

"Fuck!" He said hitting the stirring wheel. "Get out the fucking car, let's go." He got out the car.

I get out looking towards the ground. He grabs my arm leading me to the door and he unlocks it. He takes me up to his room.

"A stylist and hair dresser will be here to fix you up in a minute. Don't move until I send someone to come and gets you." He said leaving. I had a feeling that he was on his crazy mission.


I sit patiently in the tight dress. I try moving more to hopefully to get comfortable in it. I hear a ripping sound at my lower back.

"Shit, whyyyy?" I cried to myself. I panicked know the stylist had been long gone. There was a knock on the door.

"Mrs. Milza? Mr.Milza is ready for you." The women the other side said.

"It's Angelena, ma'am." I told her politely.

"I am told to call you that, Mrs. Milza. Sorry for the inconvenience." I know it was Aiden requested this and it wasn't her fault.

I get up slowly, not wanting to rip the dress anymore. I open the door to see a petite older woman, she was dressed in a maid outfit.

"I- I, I ripped my dress in the back." I said turning around to show her. I could see her eyes were alarmed.

"Mr.Milza won't be very happy about this." She said shaking her head. I felt my heart pumping hard.

"Well can you help me? Please?" I pleaded.

"There might be another dress in the closet, but pick on similar to that one. You don't want to risk anything. And hurry, Mr.Milza he's a very impatient man."

With that I speed over to the huge closet and choose the dress that was similar. It was really worn out looking but I didn't have a choice.

I walked down the long staircase, this was nerve wrecking! I walk into the kitchen looking at the floor.

"Look the fuck up." I hear Aiden said. I quickly looked up, looking at him.

"Aiden watch your mouth! And don't be rude to our guest." His mother said. She sent me an apologetic smile. I did a small smile. He father gets up, now that I was looking I see were Aiden got his looks from.

"Nice to finally meet you, Angelena." He said bringing me into a hug which caught me off guard. "Y-You too." I said.

He pulled away. "Now let's eat dinner shall we?" I nod, as I walk to the long table. I know better to sit beside Aiden, he doesn't greet me or even look my way. I know he was pissed.

"So, dear, how did y'all met?" His mother asked. I almost choked on my spit thinking about that day, I wish I didn't even say anything to him.

"We, uh, met in class. I looked at him and uh..."

I stopped to look at him for guidance, not wanting to tell his parents how it went down after that. He smiled at me but I could see in his eyes that it wasn't real.

"Finish the story." He demanded.

"-then we became friends." I said figuring he wanted me to lie.

"Well that's good, considering that Aiden is not a uh, well a welcoming person." His mother said. She wasn't lying. As his parents stir up a conversation between themselves I eat the delicious food hoping time would fly by so I could go back home.

"Don't ever fucking lie again." Aiden said not looking up from his food. I gulped. He just keeped cursing at me and it just... hurted.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, feeling the need to apologize.

"Keep your damn apologies, just don't do it no more."

"Well I wouldn't fucking apologize again then." I said getting fed up with him. He was being really difficult.

He didn't say anything and I was glad because I was tried of talking to him.

"Where's your phone?" He asked. I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"I got it."

"Give it here."

"No, Aiden. I'm not giving you my phone. It's the only thing I have to get in contact with my mom and my friends."

"I don't give a damn! Give it here before I choke you at this table to night."

I became petrified. I looked at his parents, hoping they'll calm him down. But they continue their conversation, laughing even, as if he wasn't threatening to choke me. I gave him my phone and puts it in his pocket.

"You'll get it back in a month or two."

"You don't pay my phone bill Aiden you don't have no fucking right!" I said irritated.

"Uh, Aiden take your conversation upstairs. Y'all getting a little to loud." His father said.

Did he just... did he say....

I know his parents were psychos now.

"Take your ass up there." He said grabbing my arm to stand me up.

"Aiden! Stop cursing at the table now." His mother said. She was really worried about him cursing but not by his actions and his threats. He pulls me up the stairs, going up to his room. He basically pushes me in, slamming the door.

"Let me fucking make something fucking clear to you, don't ever get smart with me! I'll beat your ass and I don't give a damn who knows or sees. You know why, because at the end of the motherfuckin' day your my wife, my partner in business and crime. And you'll suck my dick tonight because I'm going to show you who's in control." He said taking out his dick.

I had tears coming out my eyes from what he just told me. He was controlling, demanding, even abusive emotionally and physically. He always cursing at me. He was in a shitty mood. And it was unbearable

"Get on your knees."

"Ai-Aiden, I really do-don't-"

"I wasn't asking I was telling you. Now get on your knees before I hit your ass."

Having no other choice, I get on my knees.

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