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"I want my fucking medicine!!!!" 

Xiyeon screams loudly as she starts to throw her pillows and bed sheets onto the floor as the nurses try and calm her down. Jeno enters into the ward as Xiyeon screams in anger even more when she finds Jeno's relaxed facial expression, "YOU! You turned me into this mad monster!!!" 

She lunges towards Jeno with a knife that she seems to have taken from the mental hospital's kitchen as Jeno stops her by picking her up and handcuffing her to her bed. They inject some medicine into her so that she would fall asleep immediately. A cruel yet effective way to calm a crazy patient like Xiyeon down. 

Jeno's job is complete as he then walks over to his office as he starts to just stare at the security footage. He then gets a tap on the glass as he looks up to his friends all waving at him excitingly. He invites them inside as they all talk together as Renjun and Jeno both quit the station as Donghyuck, Jaemin, and Jisung still work there. Chenle gets moved to a different station in a different city but he manages to come to visit the rest of them when he can. They all hope for the best in Jeno and wonders why he decides to even work in a mental hospital that holds Xiyeon captive. 

All that runs through his mind is Minju as he finds it extremely lonely to leave the hospital at night to go into Minhyung's old place. He finds it painful to even live there but he decides to keep the place since Minhyung really adored his apartment. 

A few days pass as Jeno decides to not go to Minju's hospital room since he decides to give the two some space since he needs to get his mind cleared him. Jungwoo keeps texting him but the other doesn't respond as he wishes to be left alone. He takes on longer shifts at the mental hospital so that he is fully distracted with work to not think about her. 

At around midnight, he gets a call from his boss to go check the rooftop since there are always patients running up there to hide or do dangerous acts. He follows the order as he makes his way towards the rooftop, in hopes where no one is actually there. He arrives quietly with his flashlight on to check the area but luckily no one is there. The night breeze is so peaceful as the cold air is sucked into his lungs and released, making him feel more relaxed despite the busy schedule. 

Jeno is fully aware that it is going to rain soon as he hears the thunder from the distance as the skies darken with heavy, puffy clouds covering the night sky. He stays outside for a few more minutes until he hears a familiar voice that he wishes he could hear his name called out, "Jeno." 

He turns around quickly to find Minju's figure standing near towards the edge of the rooftop. He wonders how she managed to get up there or why she's even there. She is calling his name so elegantly and softly as he tries to persuade her to come down. "Come down, it's dangerous there!" 

"Jeno, it's me....." 

The face suddenly changes from Minju to Minhyung with tears running down his face. He is hallucinating. He needs to snap out of it, but he wants to save his hyung. "MINHYUNG HYUNG!" 

Minhyung takes an inch closer to the edge where it's too close to almost falling off. He dashes towards the figure as Minhyung angrily yells at him, "You should have saved us! But you couldn't. You're too weak!" 

The medication that he was on creates hallucinations once in a while due to his injury after he cut himself due to when he found out about Minhyung's death. Once in a while, he would find himself trying to hurt himself and his friends would stop him from doing so. The center of it all would be Minhyung because of the guilt that builds up constantly whenever he is in deep thought. 

Jeno runs to the end like a madman before someone calls his name out for real as he feels a pair of arms wrapping around him. He turns around slowly as someone he longed for and not hallucinate has her arms tightly wrapped around him. He is taken aback as Minju starts to cry, "Don't do it. Please don't do it.....I know.. I know I should have recognized you. But I know something was stopping me from doing so." 

Minju looks up at him with tears covering her eyes as she continues to cry harder as there are bits of raindrops falling down the skies. Jeno hugs her close as the tears leave his eyes as well as he embraces her tightly. Minju is really in his arms, as Jeno wishes this wasn't a dream. Minju looks up at him once more before she speaks up through the rain, "Jeno..Lee Jeno. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I know you came every day for the past 7 months to see me, and I failed to know who you were." 

Jeno shakes his eyes as he starts to laugh softly as the rain falls down even harder and drenches the two. He quickly takes off his jacket and wraps it around her as he covers her head with his hat so that she can be warm. "I never really wanted you to find out. I didn't want to hurt you anymore." 

Minju shakes her head as she replies back weakly, "I waited to find out the faceless person in my dreams. All of the dreams were my memories of us together. When I saw you out in the parking lot, your mole was the only thing I could make out. The next two days, it was terrible. I couldn't figure out who you were....and then it suddenly hit me....your story of your was me, wasn't it?" 

Jeno doesn't respond as he places his lips gently against hers as the rain pours heavily onto their bodies as he didn't even care about it all. Minju holds onto him tightly as she remembers each moment when her heart fluttered painfully whenever she dreams about her kisses were just memories. Painful memories that she wanted to get back. She kisses back softly as she grips onto his shirt tightly as the two drown in their memories together as she gets to remember every single time that Jeno made her fall in love with him. She finally got her memory back to the person that made her feel whole again. 

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