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Everyone stares at the fuming, brown haired girl who is marching her way into her entertainment company. She is wearing a cream colored mini skirt, with a dark yellow blouse, with white high heels and a white purse to match her outfit. She storms her way towards the director room, throwing her glasses off and holds them delicately and angrily in her fingers as she screams with all her might, "WHEN DID JUNGWOO START DATING HER AND WHY IS SHE BLABBERING ALL THE FAKE RUMORS!?"

The director sticks his fingers into his ear to not listen her screaming. After she finishes, he looks up with an annoying sigh as he replies with a calm reaction, "You guys are best friends and you didn't know that? And we needed to save your hot-headed ass from causing more trouble so we decided to place those two together."

Minju throws her hands up in defeat as she crosses her arms unpleasingly. "Are you kidding me?! This better be a prank."

"It's not."

She turns her head toward the door, where Jungwoo is standing at the doorway with none other than....

"Omona, it's been awhile Minju sunbae~ This means you saw my interview last night."

Minju's face immediately turns sour as she sees Xiyeon's arm linked together with the older's, who isn't really responding to it. Jungwoo, who actually looks more uncomfortable, looks down at Xiyeon to tell her to cut it off but she didn't get the message.

"I know that you are upset, but for the sake of our relationship, can't you be nice now?"

Minju scoffs angrily as she tries to compose herself. She turns away from the two, before facing the director and ignores her answer as she speaks to the director, "Next time, let me know if you're going to ruin the company's image with her face. I'll be glad to make the news more scandalous."

She puts on her sunglasses and struts off; her shoulder hits the other's as she pretends that Xiyeon isn't even existing. As she walks off towards the hallways, Jungwoo excuses himself and runs towards the younger, grabbing her wrist to make her attention come back to him.

Minju tries to break free from his grip as she gets dragged to a different room. The room's lights were turned off and he keeps them off, as he pushes her gently to the side of the room. He traps her within his arms, and looks at down at the girl. Minju faces away from his apologetic gaze, as he takes off her sunglasses so that she can look at him.

"See. Why didn't you listen to me before?"

"Shut up."


Minju deadpans and darkens the whole atmosphere as she glares angrily up at Jungwoo with disappointment. "I don't care if you go mingle with people and create drama. But, if we were ever friends, you were supposed to tell me."

"It's for publicity, you should know this by now and trust me since I never have tried to hurt you."

Minju scoffs and laughs with some forms of tears starting develop within her eyes. She takes her sunglasses away from his hands, and shoves him out of the way as she wipes her tears. "If you have any sense and morality as a best friend, you shouldn't had agreed to do that with her. Especially her!"


"Don't call my name. Ever."

Minju continues to storm out, as she arrives to the elevator to close her eyes and calm herself from what happened. She didn't want to cry in front of Jungwoo, but seeing him with an apologetic expression...she couldn't handle it anymore. Her heart starts to ache gently, growing with heat as she tries to breathe heavily to calm herself. Before she could make her way to elevator, someone stops her with the most annoying comment, "You're so tiring you know. They all need someone better, fresher, and less dramatic."

She walks straight into the empty elevator, as she turns to look at the enemy standing right in front of her. She scoffs to herself as she smiles with a devilish grin, as Xiyeon waves her fingers without saying anything afterwards. As the elevator starts to close, Minju lowers her sunglasses and winks, sticking her middle finger up to flip Xiyeon off and smiles continuously with a devilish smile, "Fuck you."


The sound in his ears are ringing as he remembers himself falling onto the ground. He clutches onto his chest as he drags his body against the cold floor. The ringing in his ears doesn't stop, and his head is oozing with blood. He coughs against the ground, trying to escape from the smoke arising but all he could is crawl against the ground. Each crevice of his face is burning like ashes, and the sirens are being blacked out with his sounds. He blames himself over and over again, as he wishes he doesn't feel any pain from all this. He continues to crawl around towards the other two, who are knocked down on the ground but not as heavily injured as Jeno. But he knows, that the bomb couldn't have made him faint. But someone is in front of his tracks, as he blinks and finds a pair of legs wearing white slacks standing in front of him. He barely looks up, gripping onto the pair of pants as he weakly pleads, "help." But the other doesn't respond as he could see the smile forming within the face, that he is not able to recognize. "You deserve it. You all deserve it." The deep, dark laughter starts to echo continuously along with the ringing. Then he feels something hit his head, and he gets knocked out onto the floor. That was the last time he ever felt pain.


Jeno shoots his eyes open and grabs the person's collar and has his fist up without another thought. They all pry his hands away from Taeil as he is almost choking from the harsh grip. Jeno looks around and realizes that his team is around him, as he calms himself down slowly and lets go of Taeil's collar.

Jaemin pats the other's back as Jisung helps the captain sit back down onto his bed. He doesn't feel comfortable sleeping alone in his home ever since, so he prefers sleeping in Taeil's room in the police office. Taeil lets him since he is able to watch over the other's condition and update the hospital.

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