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" want me... to not go out into the field and train someone for their role in a movie?"

Jeno looks up to the director of the police department, who looks down at his reports. He looks up to meet Jeno's confused eyes and responds nonchalantly, "It is a way to help you work but also keep a check on what you do as work."

"What if I reject.."

"Well, you can't be going out on the field, so might as well take a leave for a few months. You choose Captain Lee."

Jeno closes the door to the office, as he stands outside with his back resting against the door. He feels suffocated for not knowing how to react to these situations as he can't really feel anything. He feels numb to all situations, except when he feels his chest tug slightly in disappointment.

He walks away to go out into the rooftop, where he sits down on the ground. He stares up at the dull sky, where the clouds have developed into big cotton candy. He knows that it will be raining tomorrow morning as the sun is barely showing through the clouds. He then remembers that day, where that crazy lunatic thought that he was trying to kill himself.

Jeno was sitting on the wheelchair as he wanted to look out towards the city where the hospital is in. He preferred looking out from the rooftop as it was much more appealing rather than being stuck inside his hospital room. Chenle and Jaemin left him alone so that they can get his sweater and something to drink; he, of course, didn't really answer. But sitting on a wheelchair was quite annoying, and he wanted to lean onto the railing and get a better view. He had upper strength so he knew that he wouldn't even fall from the railing.

But that crazy woman grabbed him and made them both fall onto the ground. It was really dangerous if he didn't stop it, and it would be so annoying that she tried to make herself feel like a hero. For the first time since months, Jeno clutches onto his chest as pain starts to develop, making it difficult for him to breathe. He grabs his cell phone and tries to call someone on his team, but it doesn't work. He hyperventilates slowly and feels the blood rushing to the top of his head like a sudden waterfall of emotions. He stumbles onto the floor and lies on the ground, staring up at the gray sky. Maybe he really needs to take a break...


"The team captain right now is feeling ill so he is resting in the infirmary."

"I thought I said I wanted to make it clear, that I, Kim Minju, wants talk to your captain. The most famous actress that rose to fame with this beauty and this body; you still don't know?"

Minju is standing in the middle of the office with Jisung is the closet near her so that Donghyuck doesn't have to deal with her. He is already triggered enough, so Jaemin tries to keep him calm. She flips her long hair as her gray blouse dazzles in the office as if it is to brighten the mood. Her blue, skinny flare jeans are quite a great match for her dark gray heels, and Jisung tries not to judge the sense of style of why someone would dress so formally at a police and swat station.

Minju looks around the office as Jisung finds the courage to perhaps get a cup of tea for her as he walks over to Jaemin and Donghyuck. Donghyuck whispers furiously, "Why the hell is this brat here?"

Jaemin glares at him and nudges his forehead as he responds quietly, "Keep your manners...she's still a guest."

"Guest my ass."

"I can still hear you, no matter how quietly you whisper," Minju says as she turns to look over the three men who are over dramatically whispering to one another.

Donghyuck shoots her a look of annoyance, as she turns back around to face away from the boys. Jisung laughs uncomfortably and walks back to her as Jaemin is barely holding down Donghyuck from basically attacking the actress. Minju rolls her eyes and places her handbag on the table, crossing her arms as she makes her way to sit down at Jeno's seat. Jisung places a paper cup on the table as he sits down in front of her, and asks quietly, "Why are you here to see our captain?"

The door to the office suddenly opens which makes everyone flinch. Donghyuck falls backward and hits his head against the door which Jaemin is trying to help up. Jisung jumps up surprisingly and stands as he sees Minhyung walking inside the office. He makes a troubled facial expression to make Minhyung take charge of what's happening. Minhyung, sipping on his hot americano, walks towards Minju before saying, "My name is Lee Minhyung, how can I help you?"

"Are you the captain of this team?"

"He's resting-"

"For the hundredth time, I want to see the captain!"

"What is goddamn loud screaming that's happening."

A different voice intercepts the whole conversation as everyone all faces the door with two other people standing. Minju stands up in annoyance as she turns around to face the other two members that are standing at the door. She holds her cup of tea and walks past Minhyung to walk in front of Jeno and Renjun. She grunts continuously before turning to Renjun, using her free hand to point at the male, "Are you the captain of this team?"

She then turns and points at Jeno, who is staring at her without any words. "Or are you the captain of this team?"

Jeno immediately remembers this annoying voice and the tantrums from the day of when they fell on the rooftop. She doesn't seem to remember, as she rolls her eyes in annoyance due to the lack of response. She waves her cup around in front of them and asks again in a louder tone, "I said who is-"

Jeno immediately grabs her hand and pulls the girl forward, making her drop the cup onto his shirt. She widens her eyes as the hot tea sizzles onto Jeno's shirt, and his neck turns immediately red from the heat. She widens her eyes in response to seeing the male not react to the tea, but he immediately says in an angered tone, "I am the captain of this team. And you better shut your mouth because this is a working environment."

She stares up at him, as he holds onto her wrist without control. She winces as it starts to hurt her, and Renjun tries to stop him from fully actually using his full strength. "Stop it cap, you're going to  hurt her for real."

Minju struggles out of his grip, which makes her fall onto the ground as he releases her. She rubs her thighs in pain as she landed straight on them and looks up angrily at the other. "You have no respect for me at all!"

Jeno smirks in a rude way, before fixing his wet shirt and replies, "You should learn your manners as well. Leave the office immediately."

"Why should I!? Haven't you heard that-"

"I am not helping you with your little project, especially with your dirty attitude of yours. Leave or else I will make my team pick you up and throw you onto the streets, and I will have you banned from coming into the station."

She glares up at him from her position, as the atmosphere is heavy and cold as an iceberg. Jeno looks down at her and doesn't move an inch with his cold, deadly expression. They both basically have a staring contest, not wanting to lose as the anger continues to seep in.

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