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Everyone just watches quietly as Taeil continues to place an IV shot into Jeno, who is staring weakly outside the window to avoid everyone. He didn't want them to see his weak side, though it is prevalent. Jaemin sighs to himself painfully at the sight of him, and Minhyung continues to stare without a word. He feels the sign of regret rising within his stomach. Donghyuck tries to cheer them up, but it doesn't work at all. Renjun tells him to be quiet, and Jisung is just resting his chin against Chenle's shoulder without another word. Taeil makes his way outside towards the other team members, as he closes the door quietly.

Taeil doesn't say much before replying with a deep sigh, "He seems to have gotten worse in his condition.... to the point where he dreams of his previous ways of feeling things. Sooner or later, he will go out of control..he shouldn't be out in this area before he reaches to that state."

Jisung chimes without a thought, "But we all know he can't stay alone....but none of us lives alone."

Jaemin rolls his eyes and replies, "Yeah thanks for pointing that out smart head."

Jisung frowns a little at the snap, as Minhyung pats his shoulder with assurance. "I'll take him for tonight. We can all take turns taking him's better than him staying alone here when we all know his parents and family members live abroad."

Renjun widens his eyes at the comment before complaining a little, "Hyung we live together. How can you say that so easily without discussing with me?"

"Oh shush."

Everyone starts to chatter amongst themselves as a Taeil excuses himself to go back into this office. Meanwhile, Jeno is ignoring the commotion outside to just focus on the flowers that are blooming along the branches. Somewhat the soul of spring disappeared with the chilly winds as the rays of the hot sunshine glistened against his skin. He nothing. Nothing excites him to continue on, and he can't find anything to touch slightly. Maybe because the sunshine was on his prickly skin for a long time, which is when he can feel the heat slowly seeping in. But he doesn't feel the room burning without the ac on, which he prefers just to stay still.

There is a slight knock on the door, and he blankly just watches Jisung enter into the room with a small tray. Jisung places the tray down on the table beside the bed, and fans himself as he quietly says, "Isn't it hot?"

"I don't feel it."

"Ah..well. Taeil said that your body is going to get dehydrated and weak if you don't eat something. I am forced to watch you eat everything, so please eat so I can leave this hot room."

Jeno shakes his head slightly, watching the younger place the tray on the bed so that the captain could eat. Jeno couldn't say no since he knows that Jisung works extra hard to help him and also that actress. He takes the spoon silently and barely eats a spoonful, watching confusingly as Jisung widens his eyes suddenly.


"Hyung that just came out of the pot from the stove?"

There are slight tingles that are dancing against the tip of Jeno's tongue but he shrugs it off as Jisung just watches with amazement as the older continues to eat quietly without realizing how steamy and hot the soup actually. He manages to finish the whole bowl since he knows that Renjun would start yapping along with Jaemin if he doesn't finish. Jisung also then hands a piece of chocolate onto Jeno's hands and leaves the room briskly with the empty bowl and tray.

Jeno just stares at the piece of chocolate, wondering if he can differentiate the taste of it at least. If he can't get the hotness from the food, how about the chocolate? He opens the wrapper carefully before breaking off a piece of chocolate crisp, and slips it into his mouth. He chews loudly to listen to the little munches but he is left with disappointment. He then throws the rest of it away as he grumbles to himself, "I can't even taste chocolate."

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