twenty - six

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Minju rushes to the hospital right after the shoot as her manager reported this to her soon after she got into the car. She feels an uneasy nervousness inside her stomach as she is feeling worried. Looking around, she tries to find a nearby nurse as she enters the hospital. But someone pulls her aside hastily as she gets dragged to the staircases.

Looking up, she grunts to herself as she finds herself being locked within Jungwoo's grasp. She replies with an upset expression, "What are you doing here?"

"I brought him here."

He looks around quietly before sighing immediately as he soon let go of my arms. Jungwoo takes a quick step back from me as I look away from him as he adds quietly, "I'm sorry."

"I don't care. Just lead me to him."

"I was told about the stalker thing. Are you okay?"

"I really don't want you to care."

"Can you please give me an explanation? I am worried about you as a close friend-"

Minju turns around in anger as she rolls her eyes in annoyance. She faces the window that is located within the staircase in order to not explode. "I don't really like you as a friend anymore either. I'm so disgusted by the fact that you-"

"I left the company."

Jungwoo confesses quietly as he stares down at his fingers before sighing heavily afterward. Minju turns her attention slowly back towards the male who doesn't look up to meet her eyes back. "Why did you do that?"

"Because...I was forced to do so. I had to cover up something that Xiyeon did, or else my income would have been cut short. Someone from afar might think it's stupid that you would get mad at me for something like this. But, I know how difficult it was for you to overcome the fight after you stopped being friends with Xiyeon, and she's been a pain in the ass to me too. I can't stand her anymore and her little fox-like ways. So I quit the company, and I had to pay the compensation rate."

"What did she do?"

"That I can't say right now...but I'm sorry for trying to be someone that I'm not usually just because my company wanted me to do so. It's been difficult, but I really just need someone close."

Minju's heart tightens immediately in apologetic reactions as she places her hand quietly onto Jungwoo's shoulder. The warmness from her hand makes Jungwoo slowly raise his head as they both stare at each other without another word. Minju didn't know what else to say but responds back with a faint smile, "I'm sorry too. I didn't want you to be shaken up and changed just because of the company. You have to be yourself."

They stand there quietly without another word as Jungwoo turns around first before replying back to change the subject, "I'll lead you to him. Let's go."


"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Jeno angrily yells as he is about to jump off his bed in agitation. There she is. Standing right in front him, Yeji blinks quietly before replying back quietly, "Jeno.."

"Get the fuck out."



Jeno screams in agony as he throws the pillows on his bed at her, managing to hit her with it. She doesn't move one spot from him as she stares quietly at the other before replying back without hesitation, "Jisung told me. He's always been good."

"I don't fucking care."

"I'm here to fix things again between us."

"Ha, I don't care."

"You should listen to the patient."

Jeno and Yeji both turn to see Yeji standing at the doorway as her face obviously shows how upset she is. Yeji widens her eyes before asking in confusion, "Are you-"

"Yes, I'm Kim Minju. And I believe Jeno-sshi told you to get out."

Jeno doesn't know how to react to this as Minju walks over quickly towards the male, before sitting down on the chair in front of the bed. She smiles brightly at Jeno before turning towards Yeji as her expression changes once more as the two girls stare at each other, "He's been waiting for me."

Without another thought, Minju slips her hand and interlocks her fingers with Jeno's. The male is too astonished to stop the actress as Yeji clears her throat before replying back quietly, "I'll visit at another time-"

"No, I don't think that's going to happen."

Minju replies bluntly as Yeji is in disbelief as Minju tightens her grip on the male's hand. Jeno soon then tightens his grasp, as he turns his head to stare at the actress to look away from Minju. Yeji clenches her fists and turns around to storm out of the hospital room after staring at them for a few seconds. Minju sighs in relief when she does, before realizing that their hands are still interlocked.

She smiles apologetically before trying to slip her hand out through his grip, "Sorry...just wanted to show off my acting skills.. but how are you feeling?"

Jeno doesn't respond to any of this as he does not let go of her grasp. Minju is taken aback as she feels her cheeks warming up as their hands continue to stay interlocked. She then starts to speak up once more, "Jeno-shi? Are you o-"

She gets interrupted immediately as Jeno speaks up in a low tone, "So, it's're the one who continues to mess me up."


Without explaining himself, Jeno pulls the other close as she can feel the nervousness within Jeno's character. Minju gets pulled too close as their faces are literally a few inches away as Minju feels her heart running too fast. She wants to pull away as she doesn't know what to do as the other continues to stare her without another word. Minju stammers quietly as she tries to pull away slowly, "Wh-what ar-are y-you sayi-"

She gets interrupted soon after as it happens in a flash as Jeno moves his free hand to hold onto Minju's waist. This forces Minju to sit on the bed and she soon expects what's going to happen next as he pulls her close once more and closes the gap between them. He closes his eyes soon after, gently kissing the person that has been lingering in his head ever since he got hospitalized.

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