twenty - two

389 18 1

"That makes no sense!" 

Minju stands up angrily as she protests towards the allegations that Jeno and Minhyung are coming up with. She crosses her arms as the disappointment is being revealed about the cleaning lady is a prime suspect for adding the cameras. Minhyung sighs to her protests as he stares down at the cameras, as Jeno was trying to figure out other ways to how the stalker was able to implement the cameras into her house. 

"Who else is always at your house?"

"Jungwoo...used to. And my manager. But my manager was on a trip for a few days right now, and he does not go to the restroom whenever he's at my place." 

"Would Jungwoo-shi be on your suspect list?" 

"Never. We have known each other for so long. I don't believe that he is affiliated with the suspect." 

Minhyung places the cameras into his pockets as he stands up to walk around the living room. He replies with a hushed tone, "Anyone who enters into this house is a suspect. Even we can be the suspects."

Jeno looks over at Minhyung with an absurd expression, as he interrupts the older, "Okay, why would we even watch her actions?" 

Minhyung shrugs his shoulders as if it was to make them laugh, as he replies with a gummy-dummy smile, "Not sure." 

Minju rolls her eyes to his response, as Jeno grabs a nearby pillow and throws it at the other before replying annoyingly, "Not in the mood for jokes right now." 

Minhyung groans silently as he makes his way over to the bathroom, and stares at the plant as if it was to give him answers. As the silence starts to seep in, he claps his hands loudly which makes the other two jump in surprise. Jeno is very close to actually murdering Minhyung, as the older's face brightens up like a lightbulb. 

"How about we have someone stay here?" 

"Are you fucking crazy hyung?" 

Minhyung shakes his head and walks back to the pair, as he replies to the question with enthusiasm, "Okay listen. We disconnected the cameras as the red lights are off now. If we attach the cameras back onto the original positions, we can have one of the swat team members stay with Minju-shi to see if the suspect will actually attack once more." 

Minju scratches her arm to not disrupt the other from speaking, as Jeno rolls his eyes once more to Minhyung's absurd idea. "Hyung, that's not what we are trained for." 

"Yah Lee Jeno. Do you think you can sleep at night now? What about Minju-shi? If there are other cameras around here that we aren't sure of, it's best that we have someone here to watch over her so that she doesn't get into harm. If the suspect was able to add these cameras when Minju-shi wasn't here...I don't even want to mention what happens if she was actually here." 

Minju seems to now agree with Minhyung as she soon adds to the statement, "And if they see someone in my house that is a male, it will aggravate them to take action. And we can actually catch the suspect." 

Minhyung smiles with a laugh soon after, as he claps softly to her answer as he replies back, "See. I'm glad that you are able to catch on. It's just that dumbwit is too chicken to realize how amazing this idea is." 

They both face Jeno, who is looking at them as if the idea was still an absurd idea. He shakes his head to disagree with it, as he replies back with worry, "I don't think that's how it works..." 

"Stop thinking of this like you're an officer. Think of it as a fan. Any fans would hate it if their idols were to date someone or get caught on a date with someone else. Either they will leave hateful comments or actually attack the person." 

Minju nods in agreeance with Minhyung, who is very proud of his suggestions. Jeno still isn't on board with the whole idea, as Minju then replies with excitement rising in her tone, "I'll ask Jisung to stay with me then." 

Jeno's eyes widen towards the comment, and he stands up as he denies quickly, "Not Jisung!" 

Minhyung scoffs quietly as his response, as Minju tries to hide her laughs at the other by sucking her lips in. She then composes herself as she replies back, "Why not? I like Jisung, and he's the most trustworthy." 

"Jisung is too weak." 

"What about Jaemin-shi?" 

"No, he's weak as well. He panics over everything." 

"Donghyuck- wait he doesn't really like me nor do I find him comfortable....oh Renjun-shi?"

"Renjun is busy with other works within the office." 


"He's a baby as well, he cannot protect you."

"Then, how about you Minhyung-shi? You are the oldest and the most experienced?" 

Minju turns her head towards Minhyung, who is just amused with the whole scene that is being laid out for him. He shrugs his shoulders and nods to agree with her, "I am the oldest. And I don't mind just staying here for a few days-"

Jeno cuts off his statement as he replies back with confidence, "Hyung needs to go to his actual home, and he works in two offices which is already stressful enough." 

"It's not stressful for me." 

"Yeah, you were complaining to me the other day about the work." 

"Nope, I have no recollection." 

Jeno's face turns into an agitated expression as he tries to convince Minhyung to not accept it, but Minhyung is having too much fun at teasing the other. Minju laughs softly at their bickers and excuses herself to get herself some tea. As she leaves, Jeno grunts to himself with annoyance as Minhyung taunts him quietly, "Why can't you say confidently that you want to stay here and help her?"

"Are you out of your mind...I never said that." 

"Jeno, your actions and expressions speak differently." 

"That's because I'm telling the truth." 

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