Chapter 3: Aunt Rosia

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^ These are our beloved crew members!

Michaela: top left

Madeline: top right

Charlotte: bottom left

Angela: bottom middle

Hoppy: bottom right

Enjoy the story!


Rylie's Pov

Aunt Rosia, Aunt Rosia, Aunt Rosia. Oh Aunt Rosia, how I miss you. 

Why did you have to go away?

Why couldn't you stay here and play?

How could you leave us like that?

I hold onto every memory I have of you!

By the way, now I take care of your cat.

I love poetry, but that's not the point. Aunt Rosia had red-dyed hair, beautiful skin, and the voice of an opera singer. Aunt Rosia was my mom's little sister. I say was because she went rogue, then died. 

After Aunt Rosia graduated from high school, she really didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. She needed money to pay for the bills of her new apartment that she shared with her friend. She was really excited about living the life of an adult, a free life. 

Though, she didn't quite know yet what to do with her life. If you've ever read the book The Love Game [this is a real book on Wattpad! Go and read it, it's amazing! It's one of my fav books], then you know what the game Match is. 

Match is a game, in which you get paired with a random person based on the form you fill out. Then, with your assigned partner, you complete the challenges requested by the viewers. When you accept a challenge and you complete it, as a reward you get real money!

Aunt Rosia got paired together with a criminal. Like he was wanted in three states kind of criminal. It makes you question what he was doing on the game match. Anyways, since my Aunt Rosia was totally bonkers, she agreed on playing the dangerous game with him. At this point, you could already call her a psychopath. No joke!

I don't know why she agreed, no one knows up to this day. Either she was desperate for money, or she just wanted to experience a crazy adventure. Both reasons could be very true. 

On the days that she would go away with her criminal-partner, Max, she would always document everything that happened on her journey. Most times I would watch her live streaming. Though a lot of the things I saw, I wish I could unsee. There was this one time that they both nearly got caught with breaking Max's brother out of jail. I know, crazy! Am I right? They're both lunatics. As you can see, my Aunt Rosia had obviously gone rogue. 

If you think that was a crazy story, wait until I tell you about the craziest and the worst "adventure" that they had encountered.

On that day, my dear Aunt Rosia was at it again. Shoplifting, driving over the speed limit, impersonating others (yes they also did that), and everything else you could possibly do to make yourself end up in jail. By now Aunt Rosia and Max had grown fairly close. On camera, it looked like they were in a romantic relationship, but we never found out the truth. 

They did all of those awful things in five hours! They started at 12 pm and ended it at 5 pm. They were going to take a break and eat something. They asked the viewers what they should eat, and they all said that they should break into a closed restaurant. 

They choose a place called Monsters for Life where they sold all kinds of weird foods. One of the viewer would pay them $600 if they ate a big insect! They didn't have the heart to turn that one down. Who would turn down $600 anyways?!

They broke into the restaurant at 5:30 pm. It was very dark inside, all the lights were out. They made their way to the kitchen and right to the giant fridge where they kept all their foods that needed to be kept cool. 

Then they went straight to the seafood aisle. There was a ton of seafood there! Like millions of fishes and thousands of other sea creatures that were apparently edible! Some of them looked disgusting, though. One of those disgusting sea creatures was the Collembola. Why would anyone eat that?

Max went straight to the sea insect while Aunt Rosia was filming him. Before Max could put the sea-insect in his mouth, they both heard the front doors of the restaurant burst open.

They both froze.

They both had never gotten arrested before from doing one of these wacky challenges before. But they also always think of an escape route, except this time they didn't think of one. They were too occupied with something, what you ask, no one knows. But it sure was something important, or else they would've never forgetten the most important part of their break in.

Anyways, they immediately panicked. They tried to look for an escape, and they found a window leading to the roof. Like the crazy lunatics they were, they went out the window and onto the roof. It was really high. The building had three floors. They were thinking about what they should do now? Well, the only option was... Jump! Of course, they would think of that! Might as well jump out of a cliff! Note the sarcasm. 

"I love you," Max said the Aunt Rosia at, what I must say, the worst possible moment ever.

"I love you too, Max!" Aunt Rosia said with tears in her eyes.

So as you can see the situation was very real. They both knew that whatever path they choose, they would be apart either for a very long time or might even be forever. They would end up in jail if they survived the jump. But... who knows where they would end up if they die!? Then all of a sudden they jumped, together of the three-story building!

My Aunt broke her neck, and Max only broke like, 12 ribs! Because my Aunt fell on top of him when they fell together. Before my Aunt's lights went out, she said one last thing. 

"I love you, Max. Get a life, and don't forget to take well care of Rylie." She said to him.

"She has her own parents! Don't leave me red Rose!" Max cried. 

"I meant, bring her home, Dummy." She said with a smile. Those were her last words, yup, her last words being about me.

By now you must be wondering how I know all of this, in detail. I told it as if I was there! Because I was there. They had to babysit me that day, and they brought the eleven year old me along on their great adventure. 

This is the reason why I'm scared of not knowing the future. Aunt Rosia didn't know what to do with her life, and look where she ended up in! In the grave. At least she found the love of her life. Thankfully, unlike my Aunt Rosia, I know my path into the future, I know what I want to do with my life. In art, and in music. 

I'll never forget you, Aunt Rosia!


Author's note:

Hey guys! 

I hope that this chapter was enjoyable! Thank you so much for reading! Love you all! I'm serious. 

My new publishing schedule is every Tuesday and friday. If possible both days, but if not just Friday. 

... I will publish again soon

Btw happy Valentine's day <3

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