"What was outside?" Dean pushed further.

"The stupid silhouette Eileen kept seeing, I saw it outside and went to tell Mike but he wasn't home yet. I went to get in my car but it was standing right by it. I took off running but when I looked back it didn't follow me and...and a person was standing next to it too," Diane told us as she carefully drank her water.

"The dog?" Ava asked.

"That thing was too big to be a dog I know that much," Diane cleared up as she sighed.

I sighed as I got up and grabbed the laptop and walked towards the others.

"Guys I think I know what we're dealing with, and Diane I'm sorry but Mike isn't what he seems to be," I stated.

"Wait what?" Diane stuttered.

"What do you think it is y/n," Dean asked.

"I don't think, I know what we're dealing with. It's a werewolf, two of them," I said plainly as I turned the laptop around and showed them a picture of Mike and Beth talking in the forest behind their house.

"Where did you get that photo?" Ava asked as she looked closer.

"As sad as it is, Eileen made a folder filled with all these kinds of photos. Photos like the silhouette along with small clips and vlogs she made." I said as I played a video.

In the video was Eileen walking in a forest keeping quiet. She looked at the screen and nodded her head before turning the camera at a water fall where two wolves showed up. After a few minutes they transformed into people. It zoomed in on them and you can clearly see it was Beth and Mike talking but no audio.

Diane covered her mouth as she shook her head, "how is that possible, monsters aren't real."

"Sorry to break it to you sweetheart but they are," I confirmed, "Diane I know this is a lot but we need to know where Mike is right now."

"I have no idea I'm sorry. Whenever he said he was leaving he never told me where, he'd just come back with flowers for me," Diane apologized.

"Diane we need you to take us to that waterfall," Sam urged.

She nodded her head as she took a deep breath and looked at us, "yes of course, I need to know what's going on too."

We all got our weapons and got ready to leave. We all ran to the forest behind the house and followed Diane to the waterfall she once loved. When we finally got there, I walked towards the small lake and looked inside. I saw a shimmer of something and I had a feeling I knew what it was.

"Diane did Eileen wear jewelry?" I questioned as I felt a pit in my stomach.

"Yeah we had matching cat necklaces cause when we were little, we were curious about everything....why?" Diane asked as she started to step forward.

"I don't think you wanna come over here...." I trailed off as I got on my knees, luckily the lake wasn't super deep.

Diane soon caught on before she fell to her knees and cried. Ava walked up to her and comforted her by rubbing her back and making shushing sounds. Dean and Sam walked up to me and kneeled down. I looked at them and pointed down giving them the hint. I groaned as I slipped on some gloves I brought and reach my hand in while the boys held onto me so I wouldn't fall in.

I pulled out the body and laid it down on the edge. I looked at the boys and nodded my head, confirming that this was Eileen. I sighed as I took off my gloves and stood up, walking up to Diane.

"I'm so sorry Diane, I wish you didn't have to see this," I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

She sniffed before wiping her eyes and nose, "no it's okay....I'm glad I know now instead of living with someone like Mike," she paused for a minute before looking at me, "do you think he?"

I love you more than pie (Dean Winchester x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora