2: two years only passed

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"Why are we supposed to sit here again?" Tanya asked as she stared out the open window.

Tania shrugged.

"You're...weird..." Tanya hummed as soon as she turned to look at Tania.

"I'm pretty sure nothing's been ever normal with us." Tania said.

They stared for a while before laughing together.

Their laughter catching the attention of some around them that were present.

"They're growing up faster than I thought." One of the young priests said as they leaned slightly on the door frame.

"I believe their reincarnates." The only elderly present spoke beside him.

"Reincarnates?" The young priest asked.

"Yes. Reincarnates, because they seem to know each other well, that's why they understand each other more closely than anyone here." The elderly responded.

"Tanya, do you think there is a god?" Tania asked.

Tanya hated such words and names. Especially since she's encountered the devil himself more up close.

"No." She declined fast.

"Me either. I thought you were going to say yes because I would've stayed away from you." Tania said while smiling over to her sister.

Tanya blinked for a quick second and giggled to show amusement and surprise.

"Ok, promise we stay together forever and ever!" Tania gleamed.

Tanya agreed as she gave a pinky promise over it.

'This is really not my style... I'm too old for this.' Tanya thought as she shook her hand slightly in the promise.

Then suddenly, there was a loud noise. Everyone screamed.

Crying blew up as the shouting of what seemed to be two men echoed in the halls.

"Protect him, Markin."

A voice echoed out of nowhere in Tania's head and somehow her impulses got the best of her of yanking Tanya to climb out the open window with her.

Tanya just followed suit as they both hid behind bushes from far away from the orphanage.

"What was that?" Tanya asked as she peeked over the bush.

Tania pulled her back down and hushed her down too while she was at it.

"I promised to protect you no matter what..." Tania said.

"What?" Tanya hummed.

Tania took out a knife and gave herself a cut on her left arm.

"You're right arm, Tanya." Tania said as the small line of blood dripped down as she held the slightly bloody knife in front of Tanya who recoiled away.

"This will be a token of our promise to  reunite after five years." Tania reassured Tanya who was flustered at her.

"Ow!" Tanya winced as she wiped the blood off when Tania gave the cut.

They weren't too deep but were enough to leave a scar.

"Where are you going?" Tanya asked as soon as Tania stood up.

"I know it will sound very unnatural but I Marlin promised that I'll protect, big brother." Tania flashed a quick smile which made Tanya feel the need to cry.

"M... Markin..?" Tanya muttered.

"Sorry... I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't like the shady voice who spoke to me about you and getting reincarnated with you together, I don't also know how, but we reincarnated together at the same time." Tania explained as she tugged slightly for Tanya's hold to release.

"I promise we meet again after five years." Tania said.

"Hide behind her until I persuade them, ok?" She asked before dashing off, not wanting or needing to get an answer.

It all felt way too surreal for the man who died, reincarnated to his opposed gender, and to be reincarnated with a family member of his with him.

He didn't understand why it all had to pinpoint him down on getting his faith for him. He just thought the self-proclaimed god was greedy for his attention for not being a believer.

Nevertheless, he was going to watch one of his reincarnated family members go away for five years prior.

But she just sat there, waiting.

Until the sound of a vehicle running loomed loud making her peek over to look.

She watched as her sister sat in the passenger seat waving her last goodbye to her.

She sniffled a bit as she stood up and began running back to the orphanage.

They had a promise, and she wasn't breaking it.

"Is that you Tani or Tanya??" A young boy who seemed to work for the priest called out to Tanya who answered back to correct him.

The young comforted Tanya who had tears in her eyes. She didn't even know she was crying.

Then the boy saw the blood dripping by his right arm. He quickly took her back inside and treated the visible cut.

"Oh no... that'll leave a scar..." The nun said as she tied the bandage a small ribbon to ease Tanya down, it worked.

"Uhh...hello??" A voice called out near the orphanage doors.

It was a doctor with a few soldiers with him.

Somehow, the enemy was able to bridge over to the orphanage and cause a short mayhem.

"Oh, dear! I forgot we had a doctor for a check-up on altitude today!" The nun quickly left Tanya who was left curious yet confused why a doctor was present in such late hours of the mayhem.

She stayed quiet there, looking out the defenseless window as she pondered to herself slightly to rid herself of the heavy grudge in her chest. She might be strong, but she's not that mentally strong at all.

"Tanya?" The nun soon came back and toddled Tanya to follow her.

Tanya stayed behind Tanya who looked over the instruments a doctor would be seen meddling with by the table.

She was checked and to the doctor's surprise, she had a strong altitude in such a young physical age.

'This should be a start...maybe if I join them I can find Tani faster than waiting five years?' Tanya thought as she began to look up and open their mouth to speak.

"I want to join the army!" She said.

The doctor was caught in an even more surprising state of mind.

"But..! You're so young.??" The doctor stammered.

Still, even the younglings with high altitude were allowed to join the army.

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