Chapter 5

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Erza's POV

"Simple enough." I said looking at the symbols. It was obvious who went where. Natsu would be the dragon, Lucy is a princess, gray is somewhat price-like.

As For happy and I it would only make sense to split the two that are left at "random".

"Yeah, go on Elsa you need to go to the princesses tunnel" Natsu joked looking at Gray.

When will he stop with the whole Elsa thing? That movie has gotten old.

"Are you sure about that I think you should go there your highness" he sneered back.

"Guys you know where to go lets just get this over with" Lucy said walking into the princesses tunnel.

Smart girl.

I walked up to the two boys and slapped the backs of their heads "lets go we don't have time for this." I said walking past them.

"Wait so does that make me the horsy?" Happy asked flying around.

"Yes" we all answered in union annoyed for different reasons.

"Aye...." he responded flying toward the tunnel with his head down.

I watched him fly into the tunnel and noticed it looked as if he were entering a portal of some sorts.

I shook the thought out of my head and noticed the same for Natsu and Gray.

Out of curiosity I walked over to the tunnel Lucy had entered and reached out to see what would happen.

My hand stopped as if there was a wall in between us. A trap? Can't be.

I looked over to the Knights tunnel and stood in front of the entrance. I did the same with my hand but this time it went in with ease.It was as if nothing was there at all.

When I tried to pull my hand back out however seemed to be a problem. It was a one way field. A designated person can enter but cannot exit.

"Tch" I struggled trying to pull my hand back out when I heard a voice.

"Having some trouble are we?" The voice belonged to sir Faust but I couldn't see him in the room.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked trying my best to face the center of the room without injuring my arm.

"The meaning of what exactly?" The voice echoed in return.

"This wasn't a part of the deal, we were to take out the demons and return home. Why are there traps?" I asked in a serious tone.

"But this is a part of the deal. You're forgetting I informed you to go through the tunnels not to stick your hands in them." he said as I looked down at my arm.

"And where do these tunnels lead to?" I asked.

"Your opponent of corse, I can't just have them wondering around, the walls are rather necessary". he said now in a playful tone.

"Yes I suppose that would have been a problem" I said thinking out how much harder this would have been if we needed to track them down.

"And how are we to leave once we are done?" I asked

"Once your mission has been completed the barriers will fade away, does that sound fair?" He asked in return

I suppose that would be fair, it's not as if we would try to leave without completing our mission.

"Yes I find that rather reasonable" I said to him.

"And you speak for your friends as well?" He asked.

"Yes, we won't fail you sir Faust. As wizards it is our duty to complete our missions without fail." I responded.

"Splendid~♪" and with that I turned around and continued through the tunnel.


Natsu's POV

I've been walking for a while in this dark place. And Its really dark. If it weren't for my flames I don't think I'd be able to see anything.

As I was walking I heard Erza talking behind me but I was too far to hear what the heck she was saying.

Guess she's gone crazy.

Looking at it now this tunnels pretty seems big. About the height of the guild hall even.

I kept walking wondering how long this would take. I squinted my eyes to try and see the end of the tunnel but I couldn't.

Man this is boring, I wish at least happy we're here to keep me company or something.

Might as well make this fun.

I stopped and tried to remember which tunnel Gray went through.


It was quiet for a bit then I hear a faint voice "yeah what do you want?"

I smirked and turned towards the direction I heard his voice. "LAST ONE THERES A ROTTEN EGG!"

"Oh your on!" And faint foot steps could be heard from my left.

With that I started running to where I assumed was the right direction. Now that I think about it I wonder if we're even headed to the same place.

Oh well I'll keep running just in case. Don't want that Popsicle to beat me.

Turbo time. The fire around my fists grew enough to light the whole tunnel.

Man this place is a dump.

The walls were all moldy and made of stone with a few pipes here and there.

I ignored it and kept running when the tunnel started to get smaller the further I went.

Maybe it was just my imagination.

I've been running for a while now and the place still feels like it's getting smaller. Am I claustrophobic or something?

I tested it by sticking my hand up into the air while running and it eventually hit the roof.

Guess it is getting smaller. I slowed down a bit then started to walk.

"What the heck?" I kept going and it just kept getting smaller.

Am I going the right way or should I turn back and got through another tunnel?

Nah can't be maybe it's some sort of test or something.

It got to the point where I had to crawl on my hands and knees.

"If I keep this up there's no way I can beat gray"

I had my head down and the top of the tunnel was scratching my shoulders so I got down on my elbows.

I kept this up as fast as I could until I came to one point.

I was stuck.

I tried to back out but I couldn't. I struggled and moved around as much as possible but nothing changed.

I stopped and stayed in place to think a bit.

"Great now what?"

I sighed and rested my head down.

Well there you have it another chapter!

Thank you all for reading once again

I will be updating as soon as I can!

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