The inheritance

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After another long hard day of long hard work, Harry finally laid his head down on the best thing to a pillow. After some more freakish accidental magic, Harry's all so gracious relatives decided he wasn't normal enough for a bed or a room. So, they ripped out the old thin cot in the cupboard under the stairs, threw him in with a big old rag and left him to sleep like that. So, Harry took his bloody ragged shirt and used it as a pillow.

Harry cast a quick Tempus to check the time. 11:59, a full minute until his birthday.

43. . .

Harry hoped his birthday would come quicker, he'd turn seventeen, meaning that he'd legally be an adult in the eyes of the wizarding world. He'd be able to leave the Dursley's once and for all.

1. . .

Suddenly, a sharp pain hit Harry like a hollow point bullet.

Harry started to convulse and twist painfully, as though having a seizure. It went on like that until near the end, where the pain started to slowly subdue. Though before he could realize the pain was leaving, he passed out, only to be awoken early in the morning on the same day.

No one had woken him, it was only himself that had woken himself apparently. Seems like he didn't need much sleep tonight. He stood up quickly, not tired at all and ran outside of his cupboard to check the time. It was around four in the morning so he guessed he must have slept around three hours. Harry accioed all his belongings to him and then quickly apparated away, before the Dursley's awoke and caught him running away.

He had no clue where he apparated to. All he knew was that he was in an alleyway, somewhere. He quickly transfigured his clothes into a big black hoodie and black skinny ripped jeans. He quickly covered his body as much as possible before he slipped out of the alleyway, just to realize he was in Diagon Alley. Harry slipped into The Leaky Cauldron before walking up to the barkeeper. "I'd like a room please." Harry said, in what was surprisingly not his voice. The voice he spoke in was silky and low, he had no clue what was happening.

"Of course sir." The young man behind the counter replied. "For how long are you staying, sir?" He continued. "Just today and tonight. I'll be off tomorrow. Say, wasn't Tom the barkeeper here before?" Harry replied in the same silky and low voice. "Yes sir. Tom's sister got sick so he needed to leave to Germany to help her. He hired me to work in his place as a barkeeper. Here is your key and the room number is on the tag attached to the key. But sir, before you go, what is your name?" The young man ranted. Like it was his actual name, without a second thought, Harry replied, "Hadrian." The young man nodded suspiciously at the name before handing him the key and room number.

In the later morning, when Harry, or Hadrian, woke up, he quickly got up and went to the bathroom to change. Though he wondered if the sinks had always been so low and the showers so stubby. He hummed in a beautiful melodic voice someone would expect an angel to have, surprising Harry a little. Harry immeadietly ignored the mirror out of instincts as he got undressed and stepped into the shower. He hummed further while he showered. Once he got out of the shower, he wrapped the free towel that came with the room around his waist and went over to the mirror to brush his teeth. He took his toothbrush, wet it with the sink water and continued to apply paste on top of the bristles.

He put the toothbrush in his mouth and started to brush, before he finally took a look in the mirror. Speechless with shock at what he looked like, he dropped the toothbrush and before it hit the floor, it disappeared and reappeared back on the bathroom counter. Harry still couldn't believe his eyes.

Harry's raven hair was now full jet black and surprisingly, a neater kind of messy. His ears were slightly pointed at the tips, like an elf's, but smaller. His face too, was different. He was a more vampire pale colour than the sickly pale he was before. His eyes were no longer a dull green colour, but a dangerously shiny dark forest green. His eyebrows were arched to perfection in a slightly monotone way. Through one eyebrow were two lines, where the hair had obviously been shaved off. The most drastic difference would have to be the way his body evolved though.

From short, skinny, gangly and sickly pale, he went to tall, athletic, muscled, smooth and even- dare he look- He even had a six pack! Now his life was getting somewhere! Hadrian picked up his toothbrush and happily continued brushing, as his mind filled itself in with all the information about creature inheritances and stuff he needed to know and learn in the future.

Once he had finished brushing his teeth, he finally noticed that his canines were pointier and longer than they were before. They resembled a vampire's teeth, only slightly shorter. He shrugged, as that was not much compared to what happened to the rest of his body.

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