Chapter 16

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Kim ji won was looking  the scene on Bo Gum's back.

'Am I really heavy, Captain?'

 'Shut up! Concentrate to see the details...'

The old woman was composed. The only cut, was the X on her right hand... on the paper the same writing 'He can't permit it. I told you to change. No mistakes are allowed. You deserved it'.

'Other traces?' 'Nothing... as usual' 

'Who has found the corpse?' 'It's that man who is speaking with Seung gi...' 

'May I speak with him too?' 

'Have you finished to see what you want ?' 

'I'm done, thank you so much for your strong support...'

'You became funny... I take you to your personal car and after, you can go there'.

The profiler, went to speak with the witness...

'I'm Kim ji won... a policewoman of this team. Sorry to disturb you again Mr...?'

'Kim Won Hae. I'm a professor of English letterature at Sungkyunkwan university'.

'May I ask how did you find her?'

 'As I have told to your colleague before, I was doing my early walking of the day. I see her and I thought she was ill, but after I saw the paper I immediately called the police. That's all '.

 'Was that your first impression?' 'We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.'

'The tempest... William Shakespeare' Ji Won automatically said.

'Beauty, smart and with knowledge. It will be my pleasure to invite you to assist one of my lessons. Here my business card. If something came on my mind about this, may I call you back?'

'This is my business card too, professor... I surely will come if possible. Thank you to inviting me'.

Lee Seung Gi assisted at the scene. He let another colleague take all data of the witness.

'I must go to the office now, Mr Lee. I will take a taxi.' Ji Won said. 

'I must go there too. If you want, I will give you a ride'. She smiled her beautiful smile 

'If I don't disturb your plans, I take your offer.'

'It's lunch time... we can eat something before coming back. Do you agree?' 

'Absolutely... yes!'

'Let me inform our Captain, and I will be here in a moment.' He went.

'Mr Park, I have finished here. I and Ms Kim are coming back to the office after a meal. I'll see you there.'

 'You and Ms Kim?' 

'Yes. Is there some problem?' 

'No. You can go now...'. Bo gum was annoyed.

'How do you think about this case, Ms Kim?' Seung gi asked. 

'I really don't know. The victims are different from age and sex. There aren't signs of violence. No traces at all. The killer must be very intelligent. I don't know if before, there were other cases, but know he/she wants to be recognized for his/her work. The only thing that can help us, is that paper. We must understand the real sense of the writing. And what do you think with your experience, Mr Lee?'

'It's strange also for me. Usually the targets are similar in some ways... in this case, nothing in common. It will be really difficult to find the culprit... changing argument... what do you want to eat?' 

'I like all the food, so you can choice what you want'.

'I'm craving for pizza, today...' 

'Go for it, then...'  During the meal, their conversation was smooth, pleasant and interesting. They were two good speakers.

'I really have appreciated this pause, Ms Kim. Finally I have found someone with the same interests. Do you want to come with me at theatre when a good work will played?'

'Sure. Let me know when it will be the occasion'. In a moment, they were at the office.

When she entered the room, she found the doctor. He was waiting for her. 

'How are you, Ji won? Someone told me that you went out on the site of a murder... you know you can't distress your body in that way. Why don't you never listen to me?'

'This time I needed to see it with my own eyes, Woo bin. You know I don't do it if no necessary... but it was. How are you? Are you tired?'

'Yes... I'm tired to wait for you...'

'You know I can't give you what you want... I was clear since the beginning. I have never given you false hope. Really... I hate myself to not have chosen you.  I can't force myself to feel something I don't have,  but I need your friendship in my life, like water.'

'You know better than me, that a man and a woman can't be friends, if one of the two has feelings for the other. Is it for Mr Park?' 

'No. At the moment, he loves another woman, so it is not for him. Every woman around you wants to love you... don't waste your time with me. You deserve someone better...' 

'I thought you would be able to use less trivial and obvious phrases than this...' 

'Do you prefer the 'savage' me? Ok... I don't love you in that way. Is it interesting?' 

'Direct and without piety... it is more like you. Take care of your body, my dear. I would like if you will change Doctor, too. From now I will forget your name and... yes! Your phone number... deleted. Don't try to call me in the future. For you, I'm a dead man'.

When the doctor went out, he found Bo gum out of the door. The two men saw each other and Woo bin left without a word. The Captain had listened all their conversation.

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