Chapter 8

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The Beast was coming back at home, thinking of his impulse to kiss her. He had never losed  control of his mind and body. 

'What Have I done?... Me...??? I'm really a crazy bastard... but... wow! If she can kiss me in this way when she can't move, what will she be  when normal?' This thoughts leave him smiling.'What will you do now, Park bo gum... you know that she will be more in danger if one of your enemies will know about her... no! Wait... if one of my colleagues will know it, it will be worse... I'm stealing their gooddess and mascotte, always saying that I was not interested in her... aarrgghh!!! But it was only a kiss, nothing more. Right? I'll explain her that was only a moment of weakness given from tiredness to confort her. Yes... I'll do that. It will work.' He was speaking to himself.

He didn't think his new partner at work was so little and pretty. Her name was Park Bo young. She was married with another special agent Ji soo. For regulation, the two of them couldn't work together.

'Nice to meet you. I'm Park Bo young. I'll be the substitute of your partner until her return. How is she?' 'Nice to meet you too. I'm Park Bo gum. Thanks for your concern. She is recovering, but it will be a long road for her to come back as before. Now it's time to go to the meeting. They'll assign us a new mission' he said.

She was thinking to his kiss. It was better than that she had dreamed. 'Does he like me or it was only to a male comfort?' One time she did the same... She was confused. He didn't tell that he liked her. The only words he said after the kiss were ....'Are you better now? So don't worry...' and had leaved. 

To be in the same position all the day, was making her intolerant. Lee Joon didn't ever come  to see her after that day with the Beast... her sister was tied up with work and Joong Ki, so even if she came every day, their time was really short. Sometime her other colleagues came to see her and took her some present. Her mother and best friend lived in another distant country so she could see them only on the phone. At the end she was alone.

Another week passed and no news from Park Bo gum. One of policemen, took a photo of her substitute and sent it to her... what a beauty! 

From her surgery three weeks passed... she was still at the hospital.

Sometimes the Beast sent a message (always the same) ' how are you?' But nothing more...

'Olà, Miss Kim. Good news. Today will begin the riabilitation of your body. Are you ready?' Doctor Woo Bin was always positive. 'It will not be simple... but it's better than stay always in that bed'

She agreed. He personally took her in a bridal way from there and put her on a wheelchair.

'Let's go!' He said. They went in the gym and she started to do the first exercises. It was painful. More difficult of what she had thought. The doctor was helping her. It was strange because he was a surgeon, so he probably shouldn't stay there. 

'Hi doctor Woo bin... Are you here also in your free time?' A nurse asked to him 'Today is a special one... Miss Kim is starting to walk again. I can't lose this precious event' he replied.

Bo gum came in the room but it was empty.

 'Excuse me... where is the patient of room 612?' He asked. 

'She went to the gym for rehabilitation. I think she will be here not before than an hour'.

 'May I go there? I can't say when I'll be able to come again...'

 ' Yes, but you must stay out ... you can see her only from the window...'

'Ok'. He went there with directions received. He saw her immediately. She was trying to stood up attached to the parallels sweating a lot. The handsome, tall doctor was there too, helping her. 

A stirring in the stomach, made him understand that he would never tell her that it had been just a support kiss ...

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